Show Menu a at the Vaum In navoicit Honolulu Advertiser In looking over the polished floor of the Kamelia meha school tor girl one almost withes that IU founders had directed that dancing should be taught add practiced upon them by the student girlop I It certainly iu yt lrto i i tainly was ii narrow and superficial view of the Dative life which held that these childlike people who did not I hare story books unit couldnt go wild over tho old Catechism should have been deprived of one of their chief sources sour-ces of amusement Though the native I dances were objectionable In many ways they could have been greatly modified and made reiprctnblo The early teacher not only deprived them r eelve I re amusement from the dictate I of conscience but they failed to provide II pro-vide shop native with any It wn the result of the Puritan Inheritance which quIckly give way when the Puritan tock gels out Into the orld I |