Show r f A TRIP TO THa TROPICS iti v ¼ ntaleto Jaulee I h ti I wnh toun I ink March Iris TOIUOII Tiuki A inn to tint troplo ai xr fieiiwl bj I me during toy late 1 trawl v nt pOi belles is I co hller N0den with ltiiilfnuil Inieieir that a uhf narrallmi ul the rh ni < iof cllmale ttttniit l eblt etc iHiitanceeand pro 1 pW hoi mar haute of lnteirt to fho lIA1 3er ul Tint TiMir and truntln ytn I wlJArraiil me > pscc 1 m jour litniltf suit tlt the Inllonlngdrcrlpllvc liarra tltol lnr tiptrienr ill that delightful cuulltrr 1 l aiinginrhotne in the tnldtt nf the great ba of lie 1 lUkle In tine weHcrn pirlvlthif ifrind old lepuldlf fleatinl f300 leer demop the are Irnl nIlOIlIlI1 bl IhernoKflad leak with eiirrln I dlcatiin dl I < coming ngmnui wlnlfr tlekbl te already Herring I kethretli i held oI every babiiniloii miking the radiant ra-diant flume nf the Iliende bo only retort cundmUeUicomfort and 1 11talll all rouiblnid nidi nnr hal lIlt time I 110 leaden Ii the Innl lal1 hove oleiin klneandflnntM I roan found iuf lf i aerilnp the crafty leaks graiHlcur arlll iiiUlmliy tthii h decoiale the lino of the Dtnur A ttio Oramln INIIrnad Pairing l 1ulII the HmllMf the thfii lilterapped 1 tnnanlalni we roll with great teloeliv ttn nhf pl > lm ol I Ne arkaand Kintti and 1 purtnlng our journey throtitk thettiauipif rkantai > rrle it the expiration el r seventy hour at the world renowned cite of rmrhlf Tenn Nallng the wooded illtnlKeiiliiikjr f h Ne axend 1 the Mlf gheny munuuiru and cointni > iK utirde cline through Virginia to Norfolk hums whence we embark on the Old IXimin Ion lumbll lee for ea Yotk In hll made all nrceitart ariantf nif nil e make our way to the pie 1 r uf the MIss tcamihlp CompiiK on the lludiim alter at We < t Twentythird street and mbifk onnne ol I her eiiellrnt ship > I soul are nn Ihreidingour way down lit harbor 11110 the hay with the broad Inn ef 1 the I Atlantic flaring ne fairly In the bro Mke y tlieiin teriiii the lit itenell ai we ere or lb ipirk IInr totes thus fading rare ol a January = tkle UbluU I I iheJtruLjifllieyel tL iftN Lcml i whored s Lures of the laTtioTeur blrll and the kent ol II brO I tie pin I a night nfuntettledreit only 1 10 rite In the morning and cast our eyes to the refretblngand health giving inn bruin oi the tropics In three days we are Iraterilag un the aiiiumer seas and I eglnlo look uponrllght fununcr cloth ng reilitlng that before lit lie the more I tflliqull weleriofthe I Huutli Mlinllr md arlli1 eanim flying tlih bigln I ion to nJoke at our approach and rim lo extend to ui a hearty welwme I prpoliti partake alto ol llhn joyoue ad vnt In nnmereut awarmi one rolllary wmte uiakei hit wppearan and rec onliei our approach signaling I with lilt kiwplpe the band ol welcome Tlim w pin tbtougli large mantel of gulf letetdand carigeiM and our mind tint back to the memorable day when In he year HIT Coliimhui and bit ooli ciew lint beheld Han Salvador thrtnd which ties every rye 111 hoard was gerly gailng upon to the right uf l uiAVnioon had I i Illrd Rock nhh III plcijiique llgbtbouie and inler what li i Vjned the Ilaliamaiea Later In the day we pull Into harbor at ortune I Itliij where the boat totes on ill car < > 1 negro laborers ae toon pin I Cal Island wllh lie lighthouie and exit ire OtOAlt plantation which Ie I ale 4I 1 trot the illp by all with admlra Hoi Our nixl light land the follow liiiyli Cape Marti the eastern end i el Ba with lie rugged cliT overhung llY nrxreutt this beauty III which un ly Ie I found In the tropical til lamer and muit be tieen to If apprecl atu II lilnd her rite tnauntalnito e ighlol nearly 0 000 ett bluntly after rd ruing I above tin heritor t9 the t twiren jt can een thebrautlfiil noun Uiii h llayll coxurtd with heavy timber tim-ber Ijl rocoanut groom and 1 jut at the event tu It I linking from view I over theMUrn horlion the sharp pakeol tbeltiialca mouutalni are mn only to wltfc In the darkness of night Ml en k d I haying fully regained tbeirap ptitc whkli had txtn greatly Impaired thrift thus rolling and letting 1 ol the ht I o ulnll th e Inner nut tore belt aeau time ollael even of flu lInnrr bell Mail to hlllull thus hopllalll 10111 hlef steward 10 III fullest u hilt and I all rpolrsd 10 the IIhlhII ea loon d IHIk of tit dellel I tin u1 ion olltolbOln andurprlae 01 1 II 1 oh who famed It almost Int p04 to anee this demand The follow fol-low lOornlnr at 7tU we launched furll oil th lalnndof JAIIJAIU jlllo the 01 Klo1I Iho capitol 01 flu Ma MaI I aho revlew of JIIUI II and Iuy relu toiler three W I HItill |