Show DA1JIY AND POUMUIY hid CRiISTINO CHAPTERS FOR OUR RURAL READERS II Steelet remern Orotl Thin 1 Itrlrrtment 01 5 b lIonoloehlIiais e to the ct 01 LIse tla < k end loutlry Oftftt In Cow Dr John H Meyer a Missouri veterinarian veter-inarian of prominence spoke aa follow fol-low nt a MltMurl Institute Mammltlt or Inflammation of tho milk gland Li commonly called garget It U nn affection to whlcli cow and heifers aro prone at any limo of Ibo year Mamtnltl II I of rare occurrence In the mare or fllllc CAISCR Irrrgularltlc of dlelj the direct application of cold or heat exposure ex-posure to cold and damp retention of mtlk Intufllclcnt ami carclcw milking milk-ing over tlocklngi over driving with distended < Jerl contuilon and enter sal injurlen as blow brulte or wounds or a too plethoric condition of the system SruiTuu Enlargement of the udder < with heat redness oxcewlvely tender and a hart consolidated feel of thus part moro particularly affected attcmlid not unfrcqucntly when the hind quarter nro affected with a straddling < gait the nub ctitnncoui vein are dUtcndid and coiled On drawing tie teat Instead of normal milk lasting a thin yellowish hold U I pawed which nl the dUcaa proceed become denser and Judd nnd mingled will Itcurdled lumps due to an ncldu iatctl change In 118 composition Tho constitutional disturbance U often considerable Indlcited by a quick I pulse IncixukoJ breathing riling of I temperature uipendcd rumination and appetite u decrease In Ito quantity quan-tity of milk from the unaffected quarter quar-ter and Irregular evacuation at the bowel An tho illicaso proceed pro-ceed all these nymptoms become I augmented aug-mented tlio udder Increase In size the hardness glees away to a soft pit ting doughy feel resulting from tho formation of pus which If allowed to find an outlet Itself leaven behind a ragged sloughing wound To this tuccccd mortification Induration or atrophy Ito finale of which II I n partial par-tial If not total lot of Ibo quarter or mortification may extend to the whole gland and cause the death of the animal ani-mal Acuto inaramltl seldom attack the whole gland but le I confined to ono or moro quarter and II I expressed by iwclllng heat pain and redneu of the part Inflamed with au alteration I In the physical propcrtlr of tie rallk whIch la curdled whey like and mixed with blood The exudation formed In Ibo substance sub-stance of the gland very frequently ilestroyi Itatecretlng properties blockIng block-Ing up tlio acini lactlferoua duct and amuse and leading Ibo convention of glandular ttructnro Into a mat of llbrout tlttuo This alteration of structure U followed by A waiting of tho previously awollcn part which become come a hard almott cartilaginous iiiou smaller than the healthy portion of the gland and constitutes an un soundness A cow with only three quartern of the udder secreting milk II I of leIS value than when the wholo U Intact In tome Instance the renting proper tie may return after the next calving but In other this drslrnblo result I snot s-not obtained It U uevcrthcle surprising sur-prising the amount uf pain and turret Ing cattle go throughwithout speuly and fatal termination In comparison with other animal particularly the hone TIIEATUKNT Removal of Ibo exltt log cause If taken In hand early hot fomentation such as clothe or rugs wrung out of hot water or bathing the udder well for ten or fifteen minute min-ute with warm camphorated water every one or two hour Ifthrrals extreme ex-treme pain tho ° should bo 1 adder tincture opium or thoroughly cooked poppy seeds and the gland often and gently inllkttl Should abtcucs form they Should bo lanced and tho sack syringed out two time a day with car > olin warm water ono part of carbolic car-bolic acid to forty of water Should there bo gaugrena tha gangrenous portion por-tion usually Is t removed by excision If Ito fever II I high give potassium nitrate in tha drinking water three or four time a day In tablespoonful or tincture of auoulto root In I drop dotes for con every four hours for two days Tho diet should bo light and < easily digestible as gruel bran mashes llntccd meal pulped root and such like |