Show It In I not tutor wondered at that slyer Illli nto In ouch unlvenaldenand For I the cure ol tnnillpatlon till omen lor any other complaint nrpllnga laxative lax-ative theiapllln arotniurp n1 They I are ingtr coateil I easy tv take and every doie li I elTecllvc nua 11111 trra at the Wllrhl rain I A > er NirMparllla enjoyt tbuvxtra unliiiary dintiactlon l having IHHII tho only hlio1 purlrier lulluweai Uii exhibit dV at alum Worldt Iulr I Chliiiuo Miuiu I I fartirera ui t older sunaNlrlll la ought In every iiiiani toobtain n ihoslnnof thuir gL hit IY t weiu ail urned swat under the iimliuition of the rule I Inrhlddue ti h entry ulpntvitt mixllvlne Und I iiini uu Th ilniKlon t1 the I World I ur auiuntu in favor ol Ayeus 0usaparilha o t utiliti ni lol Iowa t aa Oulaptrulln a ant R Wletit osa31411g II daas out Ul ng In the J Hit of prune lilt merlu I A Sufferer Cured I I tarry I fpnuon from HIP time I Mule IMII viur old I nufliriil ilrriut I fully faun rlpclK whi h krpt t wing MTV until mi baud went It I II rl w 11 11 NIH I H Xft < IIMl i i 10 u liiy would and anti M > cral i f uv iliiccr lire Him < root iil from thin rniiai 011 my k bond I urn > ltrgei I war tthirh hili i fur f AVERS i SnrMipnrliln wnmild > r A IN moire prnvi < lnl I rules alive and iililo a + tu carry uuthing 1llht 11110 IIf lvere ur apanlla run1 I Illf nu I t I have hud no rut eisa f h tin n r rnirr than tui itv rur I > Ilnl bottle wciniil In I nufh 1 the I d > nod a pi rsiMcnt IIM > uf it bat I l ifirtnl the cnrr0 C Ittvz4 I II iloma Wl AVERS TIlE ONLY woxn u FAIR Sarsaparilla I ATXRI PILLS fronett Good Eljtitlin i iI j Aw rrdcd Mlghcit tfonors Worlds Fclr 55 R tltls REAM < < BM Nfi P01flIR I MOST PERFECT MAIZE i A putt Crap Casino of TJUJI 10 m 1 ir re ilumAauniobAl + = ° rant 40 MARS Till a fQAID Just Received An uptodate line of Ladies readymade waists Ladies spring summer vets Velveteen dress trimmidgs Seasonable Dress Goods Bugle dress trimmings Embroidery 6c per yd and up Ladies hose lOc a pair and up Torchon lace 15 20c a bolt Many other articles in the Notion line at the Peoples Mer Co ALMA ELDREDGE Manager Still They Come Spring and Summer Clothing Samples In Endless Variety Kvcry design texture am shade of coloring The finest line of Clothing ami Iuniiihing Goods ever displayed in Cotlvillc Fashion plates showing all the new and correct styles Ilcfore purchasing you must sec my goods Mens Suits at 050 7 50 875 10 and up These suits arc in beautiful designs and colorings and strictly all wool goods Full line of Mens Womens and Childrens Hosiery Everything in Home Made Stockings Pull line of Gents Furnishing Goods Mens Ladies and Childrens Shoes Sec my dress goods samples and everything in dry goods the latest from New York My goods are the best the market affords my prices the lowest Give me a call w j WRIGHT ° Best Weber Coal OLD CHURCH OULLEN NINES G11 SS C1eel 2100 lb Cullen Mine lump 200 2100 tbs Old Church lump 175 2100 bs t Stove Coal 80 Good wheat or oats taken in exchange for coal Stabling and bunk house furnished free 4 W W CLUFF Prop BODEN9DRUSTOREI I 0 Prescriptions Filled I HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE STATIONERY COAL VILLE I C O A L I Always On Hand at the j I WASATCH MINE I Lump 200 Stove 125 I 4 Tiu S Lo l M e PrmI1lJtI a N 0 O I I PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY I Weber Coal Dept O S M Co |