Show Iuoo to Itmliiie runmlentr I Whoa you pro dieting to reduce nh son mutt rot atala bread and gle up VotatMt rice bcct corn pea boone milk cream nil anccta cocoa Indeed an > thing which oven auggcita itignr or taNa Dry toait without butter ten without illhcr milk or augur torn meat with ao fnt md aa far 00 poHlblo no xeiikloa at all Bhauld form jour diet I Tuke all ho exercise you con In Ibo I Wa > of walking go twice n week to a llunian bain whero IOIIlblo antI In I nlablr go lo bed hungry An body 1 bravo eooush 10 live III to lhe ° law HI oerialBly lose lle hIadlea Home |