Show I A elite firm of UxtilernlKtu l nt tint at i il I ins rcselved torn > M i il i JJ II 1 ITIbly suuwA I Bin may aometlme hide Its IleI but II tan cuter ioier 1111 I n t Irk I Merit It what glees Hood SuiapirUU 111 crrtt rep uUrlljr locreulDf eater sad xoaJerlut cute The combination prc rtlon and preen In preparing HooJi xruiarllUarannkneiin taother Inedlemes and makes llr I tutlir to it = lueU It actt directly and poiltltTiy I upon the liooJ and a > lbl tiooJ reaebei ettrr nook and corner of the human iriiUin all the gene imitelei bates and tliiues tome under un-der tbe beneflctnt lufiuenc ct Hoods Sarsaparilla Tn Ti ioroo1 1urlnrr All < lrugIf U foods I pills cure uzecavtoepct Jrrr 1111 vt y to Expert Opinion The Canadian Government recently re-cently sent an appraiser to the principal bicycle factories in this country to determine the exact value ol various makes for import im-port into Canada After an ex haustive investigation his report re-port to his Government rated Columbia Bicycles 7W per cent high cr than any other Jir flJl + make and they j pay duty accord r is Jngly n ccordll I ee confirms the popular J pop-ular verdict Col umbias arc < S C STANDARD OF THE WORLD Unequalled Uiupproiched ntatitlful 1 Art Ciulcrut of Columbia snJ llstt IW frJ llieyeles frelf you tap upon any Colum bra lent i by mall from us for two icent clamps he POPE MANUFACTURING CO o1Ctoria W Central OIlcCl H IorJ Conn limed Store and Attnclts In almost very city > na town If Columbian are not property tetxesatld la your vtelnliy let UI LAo v i Thc OrentCiot flcillcnl Discovery of the ARC KENNEDYS 1 I MEDICAL DISCOVERY DONALD mmi cr itmuw MASS than discovered 11 1 une nf our common riiturc tveeJi > remedy slut eure eterv 1rIt kind of Humor I from the worst baofua down to a common Ilmplt He his tried It In over eleven bun red 4 rl I cutianj never filled expert In i two < 3les both tlnnJcr humut Hi Ius now In his possession over two hundred terlliUitcs of Its value ill wllhln tnentv miles cf Boston Send postal aril fur Awl A beneil nl Is always cxivrlfncftl from the first bettle and a perfect cure U I ware ranted when the right qumtlly Is taken 1 When the lung ire aI1 cord It causes shooting pairs like l needles Nvslnc through them the unit with I the Liter or Rowels Tub Is caused ly l the ducts being stopped and always disappears In awe a-we L alr JUne IL limit the label If Hit stomach Is huh f or Mlloui It will oyse uueimlsh feelings it lest ill il ilne lnt No change of diet l ever necessary tit the Ivst 1 yuu cat Ket uJ enough of IL Dose one liblepounful In water allied tint SoU by ill Urugslsts fit tat P TATO i i TH G S 1 t r 1 N OR1 w FOR ar r r 1 DO YOU KNOW Thlt Iht tacit vrjtlWtl In IU world uri Croon horn cater castes Win He emit they as Northern iiown bred lo rirllnriisnit sprout oalcklycrow iipldly and produce enormoutl I 351ackages Earliest VcgtUtilc Seed 31 I POTATOES IN 28 DAYS I Just lhln ofthitl You on bare item ty paot legealet eed Tryltthltesrt LOOK AT TIIGSD YIELDS IN IOWA Silver titleOsis 1sTbuperarre htteerkingliatuey Mbu perseie ITolinehpilntXiTe Ubuperscre Mlivl Sprint Uhcl mobu rstfe OUntSputty etoaaperaata Olantlnaaraat Closer loiibiy per sere lMiloe UOIolluObn merge NowihareylrldllowsfiiinefiliiTihad Afull lilt of farmers from your sod tJlolnlnz iixei doing equally well l < rjubllilicj In our catalogue orovxnxi ozoTea Enormous stocks of cloreMlrfltrthy and grans < seeds irown etfetUtly for seed Ahlli duel i lllcbntqmtltyloweitptlcetl i IF YOU WILL CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT j ttlihlae in aamp yeaemuleeleorti eatalo v and sample of PunpVIn Vrllow W > ternu M oniillon C lllt > ue stone tc Itlll tww It tit that pouto JOHN A SAL2ER SEED COLA CO-LA CHOS3C WI3 U N S WN V WS > S N S < V w tu b om Lftvful rbrli u roaebeuti no Kill Ill lleulU L lKlitlJi lUoc |