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Show j RANDOM f REFERENCES flf? Good -watches Price. 278 25th. f) l On a Vacation Mr. .and Mrs. Fred cj i, Newton, chief painter of tho Union IC' 1 Dopot and Terminal company, will de- i? t part tomorrow over tho Southern Pa- fj 5 clflc for San Francisco. Mr. Newton, y t who is ono ot tho oldest employes of if, I tho company, 1b taking a month's va- ij . cation. lY Kodak Films developed 10c each 111 roll. Velox paper used. Mclntyro Drug. j f Marriage License Marriage license ilS 'f has been issued to LeRoy Snook and ni j Florence A. Montgomery of North ) Ogden. n ) Balance of stock must be closed out t by Dec. 1. Bargains. Palsgrove Fur- i nlturc Store, 2G36 Washington Ave. - S Bond Interest At the regular meet- IJ Ing of the city board ot commissioners 1 ' yesterday, tho only business of lm- ill ; portance transacted was the authoriza- Hon of the payment of bond Interest ( I In the sum of $3308. The auditor was j j directed to draw a warrant for tho S amount. Royal, perrect coal sold and guaran- I teed by M. L. Jones Coal & Ico Co - 'I All kinds of Coal. Parker Coal Co., Mi cor 27th St. and Pac. Phone 193-W. - , Goas to tho Fair Orley Montgom- M ', ery, of North Ogden, departed today IV mcr the Western Pacific for Callforn- i ia. He expects to remain on tho coast f I for about three weeks and will visit both expositions. 1' i Spargo's for rubber stamps, seals, 1 4 etc. ': Wanted clean rags at'the Standard I office. V Overcoat Stolen I. Morris of 325 ?if Twenty-fourth street, reported the 1,-j theft of an overcoat to tho police do- I partment this morning. "I B &. G Butter Is made from pure, 1 1 a Sweet Cream, and the greatest care i Is taken In all details necessary to ' , Its manufacture. - (' I Arrested C. Jarboo was arrested last night at Lincoln avenuo and j I, Twenty-fifth street 'by Patrolman k fA Blackburn, on a charge of drunken- l i ness. R. N. McNeal was arrested on ! t ,a similar charge by Patrolman C f Shaughnessy, on Twenty-fourth street, J j between Hudson and Washington j 1 avenues. |