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Show RANDOM REFERENCES . Good -watches ePrice. 278 25th. j Cold Last Night Last night was one of the coldest of the winter, the official thermometer showing a minimum mini-mum temperature of 6 degrees above zero and the maximum 31 above. Kodak Films developed 10c each roll. Velox caper used. Mclntyre Drug Muslin Underwear Sale still on; $2.50 Corsets in size IS, 25c to close at Palno & Hurst : Turner in Town Joe Turner of i Washington, D. C, dropped into town today, en route to Salt Lake City. He was returning from Malad, Ida., where I he defeated David Jones in a wres tling bout. Incidentally Turner left a challenge to the winner of the Har-bcrtson-Cotsonarus " bout Monday night All kinds of CoaL Parker Coal Co., cor 27th St. and Pac. Phone 198-W. -ri Seeks Divorce Claiming desertion, i Bula Rosena L. Ives, has commenced I ; suit in the district court against Jus-i" Jus-i" tin H. Ives. She alleges that Ives ! deserted her in March, 1915. There is one child, the care and custody of ; ' whom the plaintiff seeks. Doctor Fred G. Clark removed to i Suite 707-8-9-10. David Eccles Bldg. - I Children's Knit Skirts reduced to 29c at Paine & HursL Spargo'a for rubber stamps, seals, etc. Marriage Licenses Marriage licen- ; ' ses have been issued to Charles B. ! : Chapman and Grace Storey of Ogden, : f and to Frank Earl Burns of Chicago ( ' and Laura Shill Batchelor of Henefer. j . OSTEOPATHYDr. John Flnley Mor- : rlson moved to 511 Eccles Bldg. Ph.417 All Klnda of Good Coal Rawson I Bros., 2270 "Wall Ave. Phone 484. lm B G appeals to those who know I quality In Butter. - ' Divorce In the district court, Rhea I ; B. Cazler has commenced divorce ; proceedings against Montrose Cazier ' on the grounds of failure to provide. She asks for the care and custody of a minor child, costs of suit and reasonable rea-sonable alimony. It is alleged that ; . the parties were married June 22, I 1910, ; i Children's Outing Flannel night ' gowns, 19c; for ladles in small sizes - we have them reduced to 69c-79c and ) 35c. Paine & Hurst Royal, perfect coal, sold and guar-; guar-; anteed by M. L. Jones Coal & Ice Co. 1-15-tf ; ' The Standard has appointed A- H. Bally as subscription inspector for the paper; as such, it will bo his duty to calL on each subscriber and check up all collectors, to receive com- ; plaints of delivery and make all ad- j justmenta for the paper. |