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Show DESPERATE PLAN OF PRISONERS Hoped to Escape From English Eng-lish Detention Camp, Seize Vessel and Leave. London, Xo . 2?, 9:50 a m The -Manchester Guardian referring to the rioting last Thursday in the alien detention de-tention camp on the Isle of Mann, In which five prisoners were killed and twelve wounded, says this outbreak was due, not merely to discontent with I the food and treatment given them but was part of a desperate plan of ' - ' Prisoners to escape from the camp with the ultimate hope of seizing a 'easel in the harbor and making their way to some neutral country The dinint; ro0m of the Camp where the trouble occurred, gives access through the adjoining kitchens to the only part of the camp not protected by a double circuit of barberl wire. The prisoners employed in the kitchens kitch-ens were aware of this condition. The prisoners on WV.lnPPday went on ,x hunger strike. This rapidly developed into an angry demonstration against England. The prison commandant Succeeded j,, quietng tno ntnnce, hut not before the Union Jack had been torn down Beginning of Mutiny. The mutiny began Thursday, the signal for 'he outbreak being the throwing of a chair through a window. win-dow. The prisoners instead of mak-"ig mak-"ig for the main door, leading from the dining hall, all rushed toward the kitchen doors. Only six soldiers guarded these doors and thev were attacked by 2600 men The prisoners prison-ers desisted however, the moment a volley was fired Into their midst The corrrnpondent of the Manchester Manches-ter Guardian expresses the belief that the prisoners hoped to seize enough arms to hold the guards at hay until the sailors in the camp had time to get possession of a boat In the har-hnr har-hnr The medical officer at the camp assured the correspondent that the food was sufficient, but it was admitted admit-ted that a certain consignment of potatoes po-tatoes was bad and that some of th-? t.' nts leaked. Men of Wealth Favored. Many prisoners in this camp are men of title and wealth. They were allowed to purchase their own food and they enjoyed course dinners. This was another source of discontent The captains in charge of the divisions of prisoners were ehosen from amonc the educated aliens and it is not believed Hint they had any knowledge of the uprising. Extra guards have been placed on dutj at the Isle of Man camp and the number of prisoners permitted in the dining room at one time has been reduced. |