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Show HOPEFUL VIEW OF BERLIN PRESS Victorious Outcome for Germans Ger-mans in Poland Fighting May Decide Russian Campaign. Berlin, Nov 23, via The Hague and London, 11 10 a. m. All ihe Berlin newspapers comment hopefully this morning on the possible outcome of the fighting in Poland. They express the opinion that these engagements may decide the entire Russian campaign. cam-paign. If not the outcome of the war. the Lokal Azneiger has published an Interview with an officer, who speaks for the military authorities. He Bays that in consequences n the rolling up of the Russian right wing b General Von Hlndcnbiir and the simultaneous aitack of the Austrians on the Russian Rus-sian left, a general Russian retreat with the evacuation of Lembcrg is only a question of time In their previous attack, this officer says, the enemy operated In accordance accord-ance with their program, but today Mi' y have been forced to give up their war plans and face an entirely different differ-ent situation. Fxistlng conditions were forseen by the German and Austrian Aus-trian commanders According to the same authority tbe Russians lack artillery and rifles. |