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Show RANDOM REFERENCES Good watches ' Price. 27S 25th. -Thomas Slight. the loral artist. !s seriously ill at his home on Barlow avenue. Dr. Coulter and Dr. Bart'elt. First National Bank Building. Phone 96 .'iveruscmont. New Calendars The Union Pacific system has issued its 1915 calendars to the local business houses, through an agent of the uptown ticket office of the company. In addition to the regular twelve months of 1915. the month of December 1914 appears ou the calendar that it can be put to immediate use A one page calendar for the year 1915 and a map of the Union Pacific system alo form a part of the new edition of dates. COAL All kinds. M L. Jones Coal and Ice Co. office 413 24th St New Mr-chine Shops The rtah Construction compnnv is Finishing the building of its machine shops annex on Pacific avenue and Thirtieth street. The cost of the building will be about $15.0ti0 and the machinery to be installed will be the moit extensive exten-sive used in shops of the kind. Final grand prize waltzing contest at New Colonial Thanksgiving night. Admission 75c per couple. 25c extr:i , ladj. ll-24-3t General Superintendent C. F Bent of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad is expected to arrive in Ogden on Union Pacific train No. in. He is occupying occupy-ing B. & O private car "920" and is en route to New York City from San Francisco. For jour approval B & G Clover Leaf Butter. Thefts A. C Hunt reported the theft of a lady's coat to the police. The coat was of heavy material, rough finish, and had a large velvet oollar and large black button It vs vAlneri at 15. The theft of a gentleman's overcoat was reported by C. Tucker. It was light gray with dark stripes and was purchased from the Wetson-Tanner company The civ, ner stated that it was stolen from the Bamberger depot Giles Bnt tain reported that a five-horsepower electric motor has been stolen from a building on Twentieth street, near Lincoln avenue Railrcad Officials Assistant Super-, intendent G O Brophy of the Wyoming Wyo-ming division of the Union Pacific returned this morning from an inspection in-spection trip, to pass ThankBgiving da at home. Superintendent T. F. Rowlands of the Salt Lako division of the Southern Pacific, also passed the day at home, but was scheduled to depart on train No. 5, at 5 40 p. m. for an inspection nip over the divl-I divl-I Blon. Drunkenness William Stagge and A. J Brltt were arrested yesterday afternoon by Officer T. J Paine, on charges of drunkenness. Family Quarrel Geoge Eddy was arreted last night at Twenty-fifth street and Lincoln avenue by Patrolman Patrol-man Blackburn. He was alleged to have had an altercation with his wife, and to have abused the arresting officer of-ficer v. ith vile language On a Coast Trip Mr. and Mrs Clyde Thatcher departed last night for San Francisco, from winch city they will make a tour of California. Thev expect to be gone, a number of weeks. Mrs. Thatcher was formerly Miss Pearl Wright. On a Visit General Superintendent W A Whitney of the Oregon Short l ine arrived in Ogden at 11:40 this morning, to pass the remainder of the day visiting local acquaintances. Soldier Train A detachment of 14 United States soldiers and four officers of-ficers arrived in Ogden at 5 20 o'clock t hi 8 morning and departed at 6:05 for San Francisco. They are en route frcm the eastern states to the Philippine Philip-pine islands B.cycles Stolen C. H. Russell and Silas Sorensen reported the thefts of i their New Falcon bicyc'.es to the po lice this morning Russell resides near Thirty second street on Washington Wash-ington avenue and stated that his bicycle bi-cycle had a gray frame, With studded fire on the rear wheel. Sorensen lives at 419 Thirtieth street and satd' his bicycle had a Diamond tire on 'he front wheel and a Continental tire on the rear one. Choir Practice The regular week ly rehearsal of the Ogden Tabernacle cnoir has been adjourned this week, owing to the holiday and next week the organization will begin to prepare choruses for the Sibyl Sammls-James B. MacDermid concert, which is to take place early in January. |