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Show yesterday morning and a lUmn&in until Yesterday (Yilotirl Trumhq escorted fctmrueST to fhe principal Kjtntt Sis twslvv-incfturfWo sud half of interest in and arouti 1 the i itv and ton mortar paytod through Ogden Uid evcairig the e fjtor profoae ffi Tossdsy for harliar defeases at Kaa expressing ht a linirtta for Mhlahnt Francisco lieau'iful and i hr(nl'g t"ty "He flutes O Fortsr, a painter, (ell (rui a many sulmantitl 'imp'd, ur uts "an 1 acaffofu iu Salt Lake Wednesday amt wonderful progress since In' la-- t u.it killed. lhe partner, Ueurge M. hwe five rears ago -- rfferald J Coomb waa alao terribly injured, and The Salt Lnke 'Bnlumfi n.itiT that II may Ynrfn r, us J. JItuotu a wealthy w.u General Penrose (feme that ny Cap in thstrty oter Stmtbu- -, on tain of the Sixteenth lnfautrv at kl. hoiliafjom G-- Viigrtea. eho0 w ,a, Dauglaa It deranged. or it supposed to l large iiitciyl. Jit. Hat tfioU a deranged, a Indicated m the lVtncr over falt Lake, at d wi del tilt'd ulIi all he oiw Ihutlg in aid mi ninth dispatch pubhtlied Suturdav e rji'vjv lietncen General Lew Wallace famou- - about the piomi-- Home NEIGHBORHOOD Rvinge. h Citizens, and All Fe- - ,ia S' y male Best On Earth. ATTENTION it. e anttior or lll4iaMd Hur, The fcir ilaveauviwatlcj basiseivs since Ihe iikclKiUthe former patty aprej' to feelings of joyful serenity at the result, the latter buoyed up with quiet, trustful resignation. Not so with lrimTof 0?her. ih3 tv . ioMier and tate&iutiii, h how in Salt Ukt on hi ny hotne from hie first trip out wet. The Millard Progress an nou ice that It will shortly appear in an enlarged form, all home print. Mr I', tiaig lard ha purchased a half interest in th paper, and the firms name now read Jacobson A Usitford, both af whom are old acquaintances of the writer The Tima, as will ns een in anotlier column, will ale appear in an enlarged farm and improved appearance within a 3upl ah weeks On November 10th the Ontario mill hipped 60 bars of bullion, containing 28,918 38 tine ounces of silver. Follow lag are the or shipments from the Mackintosh sampler for the present waek, the Daly West appsanug in the list for the first time: Anchor concen-Irat486,7; Silver Kiag, 322, 8Wj Apes, 61, IDO; Daly West, 24,780, Salford concentrates, 14 600. Total pounds lie save th ifoevyii IjhIv down jnoiind in S lu'hvrit Caliioeniajlflltluhi about !t Luke, and b ttibikw I ltl a road to neof th many scheme is IhmiihI tilwp tuHlrrialivvl, and ha ta et t!i oeuitoivi that the citucns uf IwiHi Iluivn; .nil very soon see-jhneceawity . f ling oviul tngelher orgrtminga..einjauy So Mr ?!lnn ills son h is build thj rop'd been eleld crurdfr of deed In Ner York City, sod after vtfing him, he is hut us a result to return to I Augt of hn k.?, he' r nsav retui n and luvevt licrv e k, v Mtiums lomrurt Note. l,om Th conking appaiatus, fnruisheil liy K li.tfitou vVttiira the AVrought lion Range company of In theears, imietiniti a rouylng, btirz-ln- g thw-ritincludes many of the latest sound, are cjii-- t ft tiv cHtanii, in culinarv articles. .Hitprovrtnenta u l Uis.vcrtcalilu K.pcialy uoticipi is one of the luiyeat vwiy dii yf suuvll uliil licjru'g tmd bea$! Homo t'siu.f irt alao multtrqui catarrh, ified'a Hkrsa iaih!esffsng 24 feet "lung), cvrjtuanu-fmurn. 't btsr-bavmg- s vnm-nio- stoel-piat- o V a i v itfouliaHvii siiuooesfui rvmedy tni ApiVcciafed Iho oven disease, whicli it cur hv nufifvinjihe - - idood. P10-00- pifiw, for ' this i Hood's filia sri Hie sflel (jiuucr . pills, assist dlgosliull, piiivtul, iouUpw-tion' Ih-- AT THE Cash Bargain nl oomptjy,'nd tube slrAuW b seen. and jog.ilgUdL ere tfi a manuer which prevent all warptog and eltrinkitig, thus reducMaa. Ana Hxikiiist, Mk. J A. Warmrb, ing the cost of repairs to a minimum. Emma Warnxb, Rs 'works, jacket kettles VAilypper afl?tVpeng, etc , etc., ary made by hand to order, ceciHliy for tin slat ioii, end Up. AlieiTlJkes IL is of the tviy best material. Tfeovo. Utah, mt. 5, 1864. Three Tliik CSnipaiiv baa also placed range oionthe we purchased Home Comsimiliar in design to this in tue New fort steelego range, and it hat given us en4'faii tirs liolei, 37 feet loug. tire satisfaction One iu the Southern Hotel, 32 feet Lht. 8. H. Aura awn Wtrx. r HEADQUARTERS Leekj The Name. Pitovo, Utah r'spt. 28, 18m.-T- his is to certify that I c Homs Comfort Range, No. 64, pun ha d from W. B. Smiths, salesman for t) Wrought Iron Range toe salesmen claimed for it. it tak less fuel, cooks quicker and is far r to sny stove I heve ever used ommsnd it to ell uiy neighbors, lake $100 end do with out min. Mas. Li klla Haws. 4 e cheerfnliv endorse the above, , Mas. Evklink UonkctI, , r, Mood The Childrens Genii. His READ THESE TESTIMONIALS inic-tigi'Tui- parilla, the gtest ' SANTA CLAIM , sti ! The Republican and Democratic Headquarters the Ben Will Be: Voters-Th- at d' J i COALVILLE, -- Reerd. . . , ' The Tribune of vaeleidav save the many friends of George Warbnrton of Dr. Prices Cream taking Pbwdeg Tooele county will ba pained to learn Awarded GpU Mrdal MiJ winter Fair .San f rfuaa,' Is establishment will be kept busy blast, and his assistants in that b is lying at the point of death at Nh.riiT llurji' V unltsrir hi horn near Stockton. He lie been Kolford ami Mnkl, the murderers of stock of delivering to Chimney Flues and Housetops hls onfined to hi bed for several weeks bhonli " 1 long. ivei) l!iruyuliave tienrty past with typhoid fever. It is hoped he every wliorr m Hip tl rrinu v t pecial ' One in the Mercantile Club, 28 feet 8h Oeght to if new. long. will ba able to pull through. The gentle t from Maow 4P,.ltie (lisjianli One in the St.Nul.olae Hotel, 24 feet 1 CASTiLtnsoa tk.6.1894.-T- hie .V'any man above referred nr i the father of says-thto certif)"TOfwjwve been Fete, at ij long epuntv ronrlf-wusing the lioai Comfort range insnufactured 24 the by One Ltndcll feet Joseph Wtrbmton of Coalville. Latek in liah long.' Hold, special seiKion, aipriipn.ited f2.rl f , Iron the Wrought Range company of St ( 411 of this citv .) Mr. Warburtsn died yeelerdav. lie to dufiay exj enscs of nr Ah nr lot last Louis, Missouri, the three Hcrnards-vill1 Also ono now on in Hotel From years, of Year. oineraet, the take will Post- waa an old and highly respected uti-se- seaicli for Koflord and Mn week for nd I take pleasure in slating that it ha kic, lavera of r N. J ,24 feet long. Sttrerili Jawies litirue' One ill the City Hotel, I rtderuk, Md., proven entirely satisfactory in every llierc it! a standmaster, Mr. Bower, to stockings large enough for prrticular and! consider it the best 24 feet long. , V4 Th Salt Lake Herald say the official ing oiler of $750 rewind for tiiC 1 have that .iijire ever used. ttne In the HotedEii4eavor7TTncago7 rauge , of th land office department have re Iiension oT Oie hut extra Mas M. II. liRABOeLiv. ill , 30 feet long. i esivsd instruction from Washington to du&iw?nte weie thought to le advisibie' RioCklUdfWtstern Dining Station. The Wrought Iron Range company at one remove their office to the In- lietue this further action have established an enviable reputation The Ladies Like It Te. dustrial Horn building and the change Several repoils lisve come to this in the manufacture of hotel kitchen outProvo Cm, Oct. 6, 1894. Thia ia to will b made immediately. The ur city during b past few .Java, all segr-' fits, and their great success and the confidence placed in them by the hotel com- certify that we have been using a Home vsyor-gentrand registrar and receiver posed to ba reliably, giv mg the lot alum munity in general, have been gained by Comfort steel range. No. 64, Manufacwill occupy the north an ou lit wing of the fugitives. Accor J lug to one their strict compliance in carrying out tured by theYrougbt Iron Rauge of St. lnis, Missouri, for tue ob the first floor and th Industrial authority, they are in hiding near Fer their conlra8.w beiever made. pest six months, and we find it to be iuet as Horn will hereafter he known as the ron, Emery county, and consnlenng the in every particular represented the oy " the Bfd(i. iqid ylyef medals salesman. A first class AifMJietl. Capitol building. Those . who have question C uf.' smrchifcWtig cooker, uniform Home Comfort 'woiTlly goods. in bsker, verv earn to manage and vary quarters there will be the governor, aouree of ijifonpation UmsIps highest aWsids, Worlds 'Colum- economical ia fuel. We would not part secretary, Utah commission, registrar, Iron Count), gong south. The tMid bian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. with it for any oilier range we know of Six. gold medals, Midwinter Fair, San and wo consider receiver, surveyor-generainspector of rejiort has them iu the 111 ie nuuntlguis it one of tbo best Incoal miaea and adjutant-genera- l. of Ban Juan comity, while another, re- Francisco, California, 1894 vestment that we heve made foe an and one silver medal, the article for domestic Three gold use. Th Utah commission did this after- port comes from Wvommg Btjllng that Wur W 1 4antl Cotton CentenMu. Arprxw HoLoawar, noon precisely what it was expected to the men are nial F,sitDH,Nerlrlpans, 1884. eojipjry! Me. Axnaaw Holpawav. Annual The county .inornev is ispirfcl to do last night wppoirit tbs canvassing Highest awards. Twenty-fift. Irit u Lur, Aitn about the have perfected hoard for the recent, election retains. That duty ha been imposed upon the men through bu infibdiu'e If ighcfct UwurilV, AVeatern Fair Associ- -- w follow lag gentlemen: W, U. Dale, elisir-ma- Mickle lias agreed to sonendcr and , tion, Iondan. Canada, ,183, Board ourymstitution hsi provsfi enUrely satis-- a plea of tdmitmg in- - pelf defense AfTgfiertRWfiVijA.'ebfafiMStkW William Harcombe, A. E, Hyde, faetory, has cooked for two hundred and V. M.C. Silva aad John J. Thomas. Kolford has refused fo gVvw'up fifty people for some time put. I rrc-- 1 emmend it as first class iu every par I Th work will begin oa Tuesday next ferth from his hiding place because he i. : . . imakiax-s- ; xnsf Lnw James Duxit, at 11 oclock. The duties of the board fears the influence being brought tobqar , Wdiamdditiofi . to last, week publish ticular, Steward Insane Asylum, "O are conjlusd to counting and certifying on the court bv members of tlie some fluttering testimonials from the to the returns of the general election U. tV. and Odd Fellows, of which Rtirtis best people in Utah Territory: k Wsr af F raise. , Nefui, Utah, Aug. 25, 1894. Marti, Utah, March 14, 1894. I only. Under the enabling set the Utah was a mender. . In thes overture for snrrendmg the To w horn jt Musy coucsro,;. cheerfully say a word of praise ia addicommission is compelled to canvass the ilftrl!wvifig thwdftgihly tesled one tion to th many who have already exconstitutional convention ballot. Both friends of the fugitives refuse tvrj4f'v!?iiy Home Comfort range, No. 64, purchased pressed their satisfaction for ths merits bodies are expected to complete their fuformation that will hav a tendemy 4frpm W. l)..,Val lurid inghain, salesman of tlie Home Comfort range. Hays found labors by Saturday night next. Dessiet of lead to ifijLdiscoverv of the where- for tli Wrought iron Range company npsn a practical tost that the rang is we will The St. we that of Louis, Mo., murderer. in pi the general abouts say every aspect fully as good as you OU WILL RECEIVE TICKETS ON EITHER SILVERWARE OR OUR WARRANTED News. V e. would not part with itatany price i( we represented it before purchasing it, and Gold ing rotild not obtain Filled Elfin or Waltham Watches, which you get FREE after purchases have been made to Tba Salt Lake Cbember of Commerce another. consider of ths best investments IVomd in And in addition, EACH DOLLAR SPENT ENTITLES I have ever made for an article of do- a given amount. TO ONE Charles IIall, have registered t kick against the coal .2 '. ednntv.. Sarau Hall. mestic use. PaetHRAKn Aloes. CHANCE GUESSrand if you guessright, you may tateliome an own Forever our CLEOPATRA combine, which' keeps (he cost of fuel Emery ' at that point at such a high figure. 'tr'vx. Thi DOLL, life sixe, an exact duplicate of the one by that name exhibited at the World Fair. 25, 1894. N'erhi, UlaJvfcug. finest ever aeen in this county, and is worth 35. It was numbered at the factory,, the s Commenting on this, the Tribune says A labour a, Colo., Feb. 157894. The Home Comfort' Range, Na. 64, Tli i I that the Union Pacific has recently re.purchased of V. D, Vallandinglisiu, cerufito that I purchased from thsl number being concealed by parchment, and no one knows or will know its number until the 4 - -j salesman for the duced the price of coal at Neplii from Wrought Iron Range p mittce appointed remove the parchment and award it to the guesser whose number corresponds or company id St. Louis, Me., is th best Comfort steel rang. No. 64, sight year . $5.80 to $4.0U per ton. This reduction in.ilie wav of a cooking range we ago, and I find it to b th best cooking is nearest to the number on the doll. The doll is numbered between 1 and 3,ooq. fa case of tics, thing waa forced, indirectly, by the Bio Grande ever tried. Saves fuel and is a perfect stove I hsvrever used in my house, it the ties will concealed number, at guess Western anti San Pete Valley roads, baker. Wouldnt b without it. has neither warped, cracked nor bomsd F. W. Chappeil, which are selling coal at Mt. Pleasant a good as ths day I ont, and is y THE ELEPHANT, JUMBO, WILL BE AWARDED ON THE SAME PRINCIPLE. a- - ' U. A. Chappell; and Moroni, respectively, for $3. The tllc as Doll, taking your choice to guess for either. The sagacious Jumbo will shake his head,',-even$and qfokly Union Pacific discovered tint the Nsplii w J move his trunk nevds' no 'much Too 1894. repairs. (without checking his baggage), and by signs answer questions without openingitis' tfEnif. tjtah, Aug. 25, Bsn tb people were hauling coal from 1 mouth, for three hours at a stretch. For the benefit of ytli .tutendmg f.Du. moved it over several states aad! Pete points by team and saving tneney of cooking ranges, we would adIhe guess boxes will be ready to receive guesses on aud after November up to Decem- vise llionPLi pnrrtiase a Home Comfort w ill never part with it.' I recommend it by the operation, and in order to stop to no kind of matter what a Etsve Doll all, WS window see in and can this ber our Children 31st. every Saturday evening from 6 Yanlre, No.w Elephant purchased one from t this traffic th reductien wss made to ey may be using. c.H. McN eelae. ior the kalesman B and months of of Coalville and visitors from LlUie December. n W.3h''li4iktngtmin, ladies November The the Xav entity coal tJ st Pacific mine $4.00. Th Union Wrought 'Iron ltange company i)f bt. ' see them Th at time. Satisfactory la Every Partiealar. . I settlements hoofield are 108 miles from ---- running full that - -- large Toys and Holiday Goods e untilthe First r a.f,i'-l'lH- e, -- It knit a our our - tao-men- al com-pAh- And Mechanical y tht-ii- Elephant, l, iW GIVEN in-t$- f h cn-te- p , - The Doll to the Girls, the Elephant to the Boys. For Every Dollar you expend for our imd-cina- i MATCHLESS BARGAINS, vJ 1 e JUU J -- -- com-,5ol"P,i- nv ' 1 I to-da- SnSent!'bfki the is nth ' Born a Genius u. Nephi. Coalville mins are but 93 mile from Salt Lake, by way of the Union Pacific. While the Union Pacific can haul coal 108 miles to fisphi and sell it for $4.60 per ton, the Coalville coal cannot be btuled 93 miles and sold for ices than $ 50 per ton, or, to be more correct, th railroad will not make such a rate en the latter to enable it to be marketed tor less than $4 W "A large consignment of tents, etcrvei, camping atsntll and supplies was yesterday shipped to Meroni, to be used by the lai ge corps of engi neers now engaged in surveying the line of the San Pete Valley Railway from that point to Salt Lake. The party ie now on the hill near Fountain Green, and quirk progress is being mad. At the new coal towns at Morrison, (controlled by this company improvements go steadily along,' and tf plant will be a flue on when completed laeddition t other appliance,, there pM just been erected a large Fairbanks track tea 14 lor broad and narrow gauge gara, and a locomotive turntable was , - purchased last, week, to be also put up at torniiausj The mine it in thape now., for a steady Output, and a regular coal traffic hat been inaugurated throughout th local points of the 'Valley, Thesnr - veyioR party is at preeant Outfitting and living at Moroni, but when the camp is - established, will move at progress it made. Tribune. On invitation of Colonel Isaac Tram (re, Hon. john E.Molholland, managing f pditorpf the New York Tribune, is epeodinf I eoople of days io thedtyen route to the coast. The distinguished Journalist armed et the Knqtsford ljiiri.iikis Ixui,NJo.,jnd Iu eavTiiof fuel I Cut perfection. and baking it can not Maa. AValtbi fiaduiti, bPallinv, M.WAi.TKg BaocuH.v Short a Nobfe Career ( i torUfy S?uIHfm?cS3K ' range, purchased from M. u. Cottrell, half-doze- . JR!(tsviI.l$, Wilr, Oct. 28, 1894. But Hoods Sarsaparilla In order to correct a report that ha Good Health. on sirctilaked 1 wish to star to LUli May Bentley U M accomplished sfoeit. pit!,vl rjhI acquaintances that I am (rjends jnv neturwl and tlonlst (pira Apankerot.ojitX Cjcws a pdrciftAesvffoifbtiP the famous Home loot She I Hi RoattA-s-- may by request any OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE, OUR STORE WELL LIGHTED, NIGHT AND DAY, ani you wui find jt WARM and .COMFORTABLE THIS WINTER, morn, noon and night. We salesman for the Wrought Iron Rang n leaders or baits, but by charging a fair live and let company, Mt. Louis, Missouri, ha proven do not catch yonr trade by naming a satisfactory in every respect and ws live in item on our and list more goods, giving lowest figures in black and stock, every percentage ohii cheerfully recommed to sny inland ing pun hater. white of any store in this county. WATCH FOR OUR ADVERTISEMENT IN DECEMBER BisHorTHos. C. Calusteb ard Wir. IF YOU WANT TO SEE A FEARLESS PRICE LIST. CALL AND POST YOURSELF ' 1894. 25, Aug. Utah, Nephi, .1 .This is to certify that r bays pur- BEFORE YOU SPEND A DOLLAR. Wc will show you goods and give you prices with pleasure. adjo.ining , only child temperano find it. --4c be everyCom fork Ranpa urer befor th public. Her genlua however, class in baking econ-utiliziclaimed; first thing , a did not exempt of attack dbeas trap pn in tool-- and everything tfi con-- " chased one ifome Comfurt range, No. of the blood. HerewBwoAfsfeestAelHhesUuyv venient e tliat a housekeeper coulJ ask 64, from W. P. Yallanderiugbamr ales -"C. L Hood ACe-- , Lowell, for for what ir"l4 intended.' From ex- m n n for the Wrought Iron Rang comj SI heartily join with th many thousands that I safjly smaert that those yrhe pany of Mt. I.oni Mo., and think His are rsoommeadtiig Hood's fiartaparllla. I had perience laiv them Will never have cause to regret lecliort. - if is a great economizer of been troubled from Infancy with' gatherings In it. fuel snd hakes erfectly. Would not A. M. WEBMxa, Mrs. the bead. 1 wrae rempcljcd tolcxcDoA)mpi)A tuke $UO for it If we could not get an- U. Masbeil, th doctor's adVil'c. Tie Cibught ft was the otily j ' . James Castes, other. . I JoeiB Kikketh, thing to save mjr Ufe, but A I Auck Carter. K. Barrrk. to Crow Continued . tyoree. ' 'rf- of ag. I hr M.r Mr. ,Ua. - I vm prsuded fioIf if fttrtena I6try Hoo!fl Th tu of oo bottl SMaapuillft. PEOAj. HOUSE. HoodsCurcs t - Hood's Fills act sully. y promptly an3 f&dantly, on Um liver and bcwela. see. I U I A r IEST CUSS TOURISTS OR iCCOIMODATlOI UD TRAVELER lift the Ps. Cavwata.esd at biMiotw ceadBCM fac woaraart 1 W . Oud O , e teexu pL8t $ Am ttn UmIAni 6sott s$aq uaott Times. pit. pTtrr ! AMrtm, mo( O.A.GUO7&CO. tfa. WarSMV Owwve. ' ' Full Stock J Summer Drinks, 1ToTntcfo and Freshest Sdrk and Cigars. Iowest Prices in Coalville. AJTTOttirrK, Park 4 City. VSmwiW ' w. rrrfkoixRit. Y. . O. C. t'li , OUbXS . CJ Slid 44. City Company ButldtoE, ttAH DXPPTT INSPECTORS. Htber C. Stophcaa, Enifn, Summit Co., Ctak. Davtd Bowss, Hoy tovllls, Summit Ce, 0 tab. I Shop on Lower Main Street. Hot and Cold Baths. i uf large, . Everything First Class. m4 qsxrsstlss Fkytlotas. " rtK teen a Goat Summit County, Utah. JAMES E. HOSMER, M. D., tLAWYoa.; Room ' TINNER. j. west MAGINNIS& WEBER. Postoffiee address, Hoytsville, Shop, one block east of Stake House. Coalville, Utah. Fkysfclaa U ! J osephgjones, i WAA of od fntxM, r Mt txm ftsanti, tf pffifctffiW uU pftuot t Gmf. Ouf tm--oai to Obula Hm P.ewwtrr, i i th 0. S. Md kMa in mi of Jraa. tka. m V Bath Tubs, Garden Sprinklers, Galvanized Iron, Zinc, Copper and Sheet- Iron Work, etc., made and Repaired by FomilalivSaloai. 11 Tinware, Stove e - Pipe, S HENRY SHIELDS, HEBEK GUNN, TIN-SHO- P. Home-mad- cd t.i L fectlrely open th fclooS and ISegaa to improre. Aiter'th ass df tin1 ' bottfe tb gatGtrfng ad I am eri1n( nuLforrper trouble. I Ilfs sad will always remain a tru frtenq Cash Bargain Store, Coalville. Coslvill. Shaving Tickets f mo for $1.00. - ia office st sit hours except whea away om buafasM . Offids oa Maim street. J03H SHERMJPrcprielor. Jl,l . We have in Stock T. GOOD OLD LhELLWQOO WHISKT, Good Old, Brandy for Family Good Good Old Port. Use. Good bid Old Holland Gin. - Pabst Angelica. Export Beer. Good Old BlackTemple Club berry Br&ady. Sherry and Cigars. CAPTAJJUOEJQHJISOtf Behind tke Bar. ILUA.M BtZWta. I star GoLUctlom Faklie, Htasfer, M4, Prtc l$y6Mhk sS |