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Show vamincto Coal.vi ll, 12 Times 1mm TIMES Pimm W. M. - WutniaoToa, November SO, 1104. ofTho mw bond iaaoe, which twenty-fou- r within (mourned ficially hour of ' Sac ratary Carlialo'f poattiv COM PAST. Smmi ab Mumii Utomcnt that : Tin 8boripUoo. utw ..I lallt M tt te CaaMMI. rw. OALVniE, FRIDAY, NOV. Ta Month el Stun ml t (o r. M WteA, 23, 1W4 the people wo grootod lb that la eooaty with Initial lain w -v- tolltrohafooaocoodod,-woloavo with 'oar roodon to raitorata to lay. d tbo It olt-u4- i aot aocaaaary taio id tbo an tbo pact year, pfocodontod bard time 'hot HI a aoarco of winch gratiUcalioo Yo Taa Tim to ho ablo to aay that act of --- lean of o'Se-bS- hand. ; B TIMBERS Lowest Prices. tx. cue-tuoi- g i imu.i.i... Summit $3 SHOE. 5. cordovan, AFINECA&ICAMWW $5.t? POLICE, 2. Bifuorin Terrain Labriola, who baa "lately beta graduated from tbo law do pertinent of tit Uaivaralty of Boot. in tba drat woman la modern Italy to tbodogroo of Doctor of Law, and bida fair to follow la tba loot top of than famout Itoliaa wamaa profaoaort for wboutboCalvoroity of Bologith - wa renowned In ' tbo middle age. Tbo loot woman to bold a chair ia that in titotion waa Sigaorina Mari dAgnaai, Who wa profeeeot f mathematic tharo oa hundred yoara ago.- - Harper Baxer SataaiP hundred acroo of unimproved "load Inftbo tahurb of Detroit wore pianU d ia potatooo tor th benefit ofthocityo aaom ployed. Tho profit, it 1 reported, vUl exceed ffi.OOO. So ouccoeaful boo beea tbo plea that tbara ia no Mriou talk of making it parmanaot aad patting th work ia cbargiTof a regular city : Sopartoaant to bo yrootod oipocially for that purpoee. Gaastsuia for woman ia engaging Gonnany, and a borlicul-tan- d achaol for girls and woman ia abawt ba aptnad at Batlio. Tba principal la Franlein El via Caataar, who fim rnaoted tba idea in paper road bafuro tb Berlin society, Frauaa-woh- L t It of propoaad to taaeh all braacbM gardaaing, aad to devote apacial to th production of ft ait. 1 A a aider from any of onr mn.-han- t will ba token on ubacription at Tut as oJ.ee. Taa Dr. Pricaa Crexm Unking Powder World's Fair hlgbeit Award. tht ul, ncry ent. aa Gilberts Falland Winter Satines. None better. CATALOGUE IfYcu Want HEART DISEASE! Ftnttoriag, No Appetite, Could Not Sleep, Wind oa Stomach. "For a long time I had a terrible pain at my heart, which fluttered at Inonwantlv. I had no appetite and could not leep. I would be corupelted to ait up in bed and belch gas rom my stomach until I thought that every minute would be my lash There waa a feelllng of oppression about my mart, and I was afraid to draw a full breath. I could not sweep a room without resting; My band Induced me to try School Books Note Ikioki, and an) happy to say It ha tured me. ' I now nave a splendid appetite and sleep well, Ita affect waa truly Starve loua lUto. BAKST B. RABB. Pottering. P. XnASHIa'wlIk 'BeDeiiT lUt tka gaaraaiM U It at 1, Alt draarlai botttaa for 1. or ' i i Paper, Enveloi I, . i Tabli. Biags, ' f Lent OSCAR P. LYONS, Ink, Kn Fishing Tackjjor that line, give purchasing. It t N, j i omre In the ITAII I BE A (J T I F U L D "rTweevlur rvgkrt, pATRO'MiUriNDUSTRT. 1 i SWtMLlthBR,NGR RENDERED - xjT"COffle T0 yoU aade BUY YOU HEATS rn the nearest, rnuiss CHRISTMAS J $15 PICTURE GIVEN AWAY! cVHhuASTCa?;M,A BUY THEM FOR CASH very best. . T'&mpetitors buy for merchandise, and are com pelled to ta Jllre they cau Ret for store Pay. MY PRICES ARE THE IfKT, because I SELL FOR CASH, (or Cash in thirty days) do not have to charge au extreme price to make up for the dodoes not .pay his bill. My space is too small to quote ov eex, but to convince yourselve.-vgivme a trial! for one 111011 A full stock of all kinds of fresh meats always on 'hand 11 " 0LL THE N,GHT n,,t cotton seed imported from the 6ast, but and rece from hogs raised in Summit County. JI ClaUS lABfl The Onlyn re Lard in the Market , DTTDT-fT- Santa To bring you something nice this Christmas? If so, call at Stoie and tell MISS SALMON what you would like. You the will tliefe see not the largest, but the most tiling in before rurTori Hc uiiLuirc. Co-O- p. SALMON. do you wan f Notary Public and Con?eyancer. PostofficSuildingr, - - I PEOA, TVf AGGIE - SI Ue Si LX. (muo, name will hurtle a peer Agent wanted. Applj'iit ,n- 1. 1. notice. WBIRIAtt, FAXKIIC. 0. A. Short oo the Jath its, ol aiwulMl and delivered to ttie Nettonel hulldtnf and Loan Auorlettou ot hell Lake Clly. lh.tr promtaeorjr note for the tutu of tour hundred (Mu) do Here, end on the earae da for the purpoee of the mvdu-d- i of Mill nolo and tho lute reel thereon, the wld Venule U. Short aud I. A. Bhort e tec u ted and drill .red to iloUver Kolierta, truatee, their O fTtiu truet deed upon the following dearrUied property elp hated In Uie eouuty of Summit aud Terrltori Utah, Lot fourteeu II) In block twenty-erve- n n7) lu the town ol Perk City, keehowa hy the recorded plat thereof, which laid truet deed wee duly recorded In the office of the county recorder of Summit eounty, UtahTTerrUery, oa th 13th day of November, IrtttO. ana (eld truet deed thetlu cue of default la lb payment olprurMeg wld promlaaory not or the lolereet, premium or Ineiallmeuu or any pert thereof, then th wld ludebtedneae ehould at once become due. aud wld premlwa hould be eotd by the wld trtutee, or hli eueeaaaor la truer, at public auction, at the front door of th courthouee In Ioeiellle, Summit eounty, Utah Territory, or on wld preiuliwe or any pert thereof a ehould be eperlHed le th notice of tuch wle. thirty day prerl ru, notice of euch wl hatluf been (Iren ouoe In each week fur four eacaaeelee week In any newe-pepe- r at that time pabllihed lu th county of Summit, end WsaaieiLSaid truet doed provided that In IW of th death of the wld Koltver Ruberu, tr net, then tha eacretary of the wld National BiiUdlng end Loan Amocietlon of Nett Lake Ctty. ehould he aad waa thereby appointed end mad anoceaeuc In trurt thereunder wilh like power end authority ae eueh truiree: and WsaauiLTha eald Bollver Roberta, truatee, be departed thta life; end WNktlae. Hudeoa Smith ia the duly elected, qualified end acting aeoremry of the wld Nation I Bulldlnf aoa Loen Aworlatiou of Sell Lake City, and a euch la tha aueeveaur In truat under wld treat deed, aud W MBaa.R, Uefeult haa been mad lor more lhaa ala mouth, lu the payment of tha luterwt pen wld note aad W M aaaia, Th legal holder of wld not haa elected to declera aud ha declared tha entire awount thereof due; and W sakaaB, The legal bidder of wld not hat req seated the aald Hodaon Smith, eurceeeorln truet uuder wld truet deed, a aforeeaid, to pro eeed to tell wld property uuder the authority given by wld treat deed. Notie le hereby given that I, Hudeoa Smith, enoceeautla treat, he afureeeldL will on the I Till gey of December, 1AM, el two o'clock p m of eald dey, offer for eah, at th front door ol th la Coalville, Summit eoauty eonnhonee, county, Ctab Territory, tt public anctiou, end will eel) to th hlgheet and Wat bidder therefor flit raab, all of tho abovo d worthed) premier for th purptweof wtlafylug the emnunt doc upon wld proaitMunr note, together with th Imereti thereon, and the Coat of executing wld truet 40-HCDeoa SaiTB, Traetee. . XkllSTtK'S Coalville lealcr, aboaa ihs, Tcirtils, i Dr. Miles Heart Cure Pias . - ROCKTOM, MASS Vm cm a si$ve mmacy bv Mrebtslst W. 1. Nhwea, BacaMM. ware the largest maaufactorera o4 advertmed bo in the world, aad tusrsotea the valuFbjr stompinf tha aarnc and price oa the which protects yoa agaihst high pncea and the tmddlemao'a prohU. Ourahoea cuMtom work in style, easy fitting aad ?q$al rarltifir ounht!a. We have them sold every, where at lower prices for the value given than TiUteokO aubautute. If other vttltr csoiKJt supply you, we can. gold byyunc number between : aad 54 Ako Comphte bne of Masks for the Masquerade Bali MAGGIE SALMON. Prop WILSON BROS. DAVID MOORE DSaUSRS I.N- - fiC DENSjDRUQSTORE. acriptions Filled. HEADQUA ER m FINE STA TIONEHY. C0ALV!LLe c Dl. X M's On Hand Lump, per ton Stove; at the $2.00 perton 1,60 Nut, person .60 9AUX Can. l a irrt L7J Bor&HOOtSHOi LADIES- - SEWBTFO PVRSCANTTO MARSHAL'S ho wa directed by th AX . DmIMh CmiO Wa liiitrict Dlau riot of the Judicial cbitrtoith Third by Wal aprllanlaaa a tker eanavt rvaehtb 1 efaaU at wle, at piddle ImmkI portion ot the ear. Tha is only an eourthouw In tha aad that la by cooKlIo way to care Deafueaa, or ' Summit Terri of and Coalville, County l tty Uoual remvdiea Drafitcaa la cauwd by an In ol Clah, on tho path day of November, Dad, gamed coadittwn af th wueeu lining of th lory tbo anil all H oclock claim m., at a right, VI till, bea this tub gelslatamed Suewehiaa TubeMermntllt lnatiiu-Uorou have e rumbltn eouad or Imper lect hvar laWrtMtot Roue a eorpurm(17w, of, lu aad to lb following u g, aadwbea It la entirely atoeed Deafwewt he remit, and nnleea the tnfiaawmtloa eea he deecrttied real retate rttnate, lying and being In taken out aud tkia who matured to tie oormel Paoa, eummll eounty, aad deeenbed a folio a euddltleu, bearing will he deetroyed foiwvef. Commencing at the south east corner of lot niu cere, out vi tea are enured by catarrh,of -- D", block iwo(l, Pvoa towneli aurvey, ud which ta aothlug hat aa tnfiamed soudtttoa andatg hundred and fifty one thou, ale(V wocoua turfaeva. tha abaiH. aouth. twenlywten (.-and lb W aay gtra Ala Hundred Dollaia tofwill Doarnew (cauard hy eamrrh) that cannot deerereaaal ot a point that tanltwiaon and terra oo IhouWHdth (TlNIUub) fifteen Bnndred end ha cured hy Rail a latarth tare, . send fins cira ahelae west from th north eeet corner of ca lain, fam end running north Iwehtr threw twenty (Jl,west A CO., Txdedo, f J. D1XNXT ooo and eeveniy on deer reren nT) 74a. by Dniaglrw, t hundredth south eighty ehetua, then on fel) degree, west two aud one hundred end oaa thouwadth twenty-fiv- e (UNtcuoy chain, I' tab WIU Be TWara. theae toath Iweaty-w- r en IT) dear eM oa When Ik Mventk oougrM of Ui and re vent; on buedredi b (7 lull obelut, tbeoo o (tl)drgrew east two and on etoto end torritoriM north eigbiy-euone tranamiaaiwippi (Ua-teuchaiaa to pUuw of beginning, and aouvauM el 8U Louie oa tb 2t)th ia ail thirty lour ona hundredth IM Itt) or teas, situated ta section Utok will be Ibaro, end no other of ah acre,-morthree (JBK township on (11 eouth of war tarn coieeuMtweelth will be ropre-aaato- d twenty ren fire (I east, Nell Lake meridlai eouuty, Ltah Territory. by ee abler or more progroeeiTt Summit Ta he euld as th property of Peoe Coop rat, of Mercantile re il lh prom-inaeleast et iastiluUoo, a corporation, s! a thirty delegatiee iuit of lloaa foeptmlx HereanUlo luxitiu- citUaua el tkie BOB, a sorpurauoa. Term of wle. Lash. ropre aotatlr Nat M Daiitii.u Marshal, territory, eliv to the IntoreeU of the BV t B ftytLof T. Deptuy HarehaL sa-- rt nit Haled October I, UNJ- fnlly tuiupejutpraioontoiu gPoM 3 Sous. WUDOUOLAS, ati tha governor will glv Washington hi aid to tuch a tricky Thro-- i a largo olouentoa bothth Rpubliu and Damacratio alda of tbo anato who kata tbo Popuitoto, note but a a party, to much that Individ they would b willing to do aliaoat anything rather than aar tha Papulist (ana-to- r diatato th orcanlaatioa of tbo sonata by making a combination with should tbo Reeither of lb old parti publican all, m, now Mem likely, to eeaator forty-fl- v oecuro th to organlM th Mnato. There aro at prMnt too tew oenatora in Waabington to uy what till element will do, bat it i thown that a propoiitioo ha been favorably eonciderod by certain Republican and "Deaioeratlc Mnatoro'wbicU provide fora combi nation of Republi-ca- n and Damocrotic Mnator which hll entirely ignore th Populiet Mnator in Several thorganlition of lb of tba Popullat aenttor aro' now ia Waabington and they My they Lava t faar of any combination again! thm Golden Fleece Yarns, all colors. Best in the land. 1 FRtNCHAEtttMELUEOCAtr Wells Celebrated Shoes. Best in the courv try for wear. W. L. Douclas m f M. D. Utah. d iu will apptoclato onr effort and give u tbatr aopport if w doaarv it. GO-O- P. one-fourt- h at art & j ul road iO -- d anti-bon- la ooocluaioa, wwAroour ! BUILDING MILL! ERY, i r XJ New( oods oalvllle " fur-- 1 Tha dalagatkm, which will ba headed L by Hon. Uaorga Q. Cannon, will leave jyj-ATERIAx:k of Finest next Friday, Nor. 23, tba fall reetor, m far a reported, being a follow Salt Lake City Hon. George Q, Cannon, Hon tiMrge M. ikott, Richard ' Mackintoah, Judge C. C. Goodwin, John HATS' LADIES TRIMMINGS, Hnry Srnitk, Will U. Sharp, W. H. Culmar, W. 8. McCorniak, Hadley 1). Johnson, A. M. Muaeer, W. if, Rowe, litc., Etc., Evlt-- r Hrotight Calenel Mteeeaaroi T (i Wrb- da CoaLvilje. ber, C. F. Kama, D. K, Burley, J. 11. puaxling tLing'abatit that theory tit that; Ran ett ; Ai nw lf . Nvoe C: - - A dam, Secretary Carlisle should b willing to Frod glinon. Ofd.a-H- m. rr.nk C remain ia tba cabinet altar aucb a bu abnrtliff, . Da aad A. J.Waraar. J And Other utiiialion. It la poaitively aaaartad by Provo Judge J. D. Mavor Hoi aom that Secretory Carlial wlllraaign break, Raed hmoot, H.June, b. Barnay, M. and examine my stuck aa eooti aa b com plat hi annual re- M. Kailogg. I now land prices. I will tAe oud Habar Abraia Jlatcb. rw port tocongraaa, upon which b l ('oalrllla W. W. duff. Rustic and T. and G. Flooring, oats at market price- - in working. beaver J L. Murdock. b abould hond that Red or White Pine, one or Just why change lor goods. Nepbl Wllliaaa PaXman. at tbia time it not apparent. Tba one and Payean J. I). Irvine. MRS. M. E. RHOUJES, inch. Fpanirh Fork Jaha I). Joae. gold ratare la $12,000,000 uior than It Fork Mavor American Ckipman. waa aevarai motitli ago, and although LUMBER AND LATH. It i expected that tbi dlgiion will th raaafpto of th government from ( b iucred, a tb court county duties ara lea than they war ex- Ik variou countie bv leu timed I 'till stock make suitable to and tba wean delegate to kept at yt.rds in appwinl among pected be, many, . ol tha CiTSIvillf, delegate Many of appropriation. bond advocate, tagard tba iaau will ba accompanied bv tbair wive, and bond aa prematura. It wa quit fully tba parly will probably number fifty .cave orders Coalville ot 1tOJ. proean by th laatbond ieeu that it wa paopla. Tri buna. merely a pleating fiction t tuppeee JAS. WELSH, Prop. tiiat Iba moner- - vacatv ad from tba aal to much the added bond gold that of Co., rwaarva fund. Theoretically it doe, but withetaadiag tho trisancy, the ba goeammant and all, it ha mat with aoia practically it didnlT-Tabould b paid for tba daring it ton mouth of ox required that gold waa paid, but th bond, and th gold in bond of tha many purchaser Whito Taa Time tool grataful to tho liamadlatoly presented treaanry who bavo oeu tribe tad . thoir uotrooag and got their gold back for them, not to ita rappport, it foot that it ba given and there it no raon for uppoing el fall value lor all favor and ha jottlly tiiat purchaser of tba present iteoa bond will not de likewiae. All thane 'aMritod tit rapport that baa attandad tiling and more will b beard from aa lu afferta, meet, a there baa toon aa ' A boia paper ia la no aanaa a child of bean no fongreti indication of any change in the feeling which wa abarity ; it earn, twice ovar. ovary marked ' dollar that It rocaivao, and i aacand to shown at tba last session. Tba report of tba 'strike cotnmiaiion wo antarprla la eontribating to tbo which Investigated tba Chicago railway proaparlty of a eotaaiunity. strike la being vary baralily criticised far mor baiirflt Iroiu by extremists on Hi bi of both labor It reap patroo f ' it aalnao than do Ita publisher, aad and capitol, but it aaaia to Hrtk tba maaaa a a vary fair and conservative, laWlIng forth rapport of tha people rorognlaing th righto of document, of tbo hommaulty la which It Uvea, it labor to organ! fur sail protection end no more than in all Juatioe belong ala ito rigbtjto demand and gat from to it, though it roooiveo iar lee. tha corporation recognition ol commitTaa Tmaa aavar has, nor will it aver, tee from ito organizational all nagotia emaodtr ita proaant management, jek any lion affecting th Welfare of th Thar aid in, of corporation. ploy cl tla a to "taka It Jura to help It tWo of court, a wld difference of opinion at It ln t built that way. Wa ak to tha wisdom of accepting th comaiia-aion'- a for a rocommandstkma, aapport f tba citiian ofWrrtaoii atrik camwiaaion aad lor atata Morgma coo a tie. balJovieg that aw board of arbitration. aapport ia to oar aaaiual benefit, ai According to current talk Senator ara ao tbara oa either that obligation Gorman ha advised Senator Ranaoru to bVda. It fiaaira to tuetU that tapper partaad tba Pamocratle leader at OadhaUovaaU wUigat 1W 4 Month Caroline to yaaort to- - trickeryvot-to T With tbi object ia flaw, it ha u dafaat th will of a luajorlt' of titoalao-tio-a tha (tied to to ita patron a enlarged er a recently oxproaaod by of a loglalatnra, and Senator Ran-aopaper, Tbt first iau of the paper haa accepted th advice. Tba trick a adar it naw aad enlarged fora wf ia that th governor ahalt call aa extra Frl cation of th leglalaturt which axpiro likely appear one week frota day. Oa that date It will appear aa a by limitation Daoambar 31, Utat tbia Icgialainra shall elect a auacat-aort- o a quarto, containing ia ill, tba lata Senator Vance, whom lorty aolomn. Should tbi offoktmaot term expire March 3, 18V? , and alio a with tha aaoeaaa wa aaticipata, another uccaiaor to Senator Rnnaoui, whaa additioa to fto aiaa wifi be toad with term axpiro March' 3, 18U5, h raalga-inso aa to make a vacancy, . Such a aocond Volume. It . tbt beginning of ito hould meat.tha coadamn' proceeding JwlU all ha printed at horn itrirtly a tion of 'Conaarvativ man everywhere. honaa aatarpriaa, devoted to boat in Dnrihg th recant campaign arary yotor toraata, homo tadaatry aad aiivor Id lb North Carolina knew that b wa to veto for number of a Ugiilaturo which ' The atock bolder of Tea Tied mot would bar th lactia of two Uaitod who would loot Friday and rariawod It condition, Siata Mnator. and thorn to gain a tamparary benefit by attempt and while tha change above mentioned aay tuch trickary a that mantianad will eatail additional atpoaa to tha would in th and b aura to find it aotnpany, thay aaaetionad ito adoption, dearly bought. It i not beliovod In itoir am prepared to jyCxll to turaltb Uto taco el many obatacle and local bom county with a t4a r roodon roqulro-aoonl- a moat their would Htpor that and approval and at tbo .aamo How immadtato Rhoades. HRS.-M.- X C..,. jMunbor ol T Tiai. oUinod tha policy wo aliwuld pnrouo, aad ha to lollowod it eloaely and without "portiality. Wolhaao laborod hard ia tlana hoop oar hood abovo water. no Uat to champion and defend them Utah will aetart hcroali at thiaeoogroM With mor amphaei than at any that ha yat bald, axoepting tba aaMioa at Ogdaa, And it in moat gratifying to tha paopla of tba territory to knew that tba wlvyr, irrigation and other important interest will be in goad ba bond waa contemplated, baa auccaodad tba election oa a eonvaroational topic in Secretory Carlial haa a Woahingtou. truthfulneea that ia not for reputation . For excelled by nny man in public-ttfthat reaaon it ia Inferred by many that there la truth i a tba talk about Froei-dan- t Ctavalaod having mad th arrangement far lb bond imu wilh Wall atreat banker wilbaut coniulung Secretory Carliaia, alibougb th proei dantbtmaalf b denied tiiat b did. Tile ! . fuXewtha.... .HMl ihhm umMavoaeun.i fsua u Imi rmu.it Ml Hi BUSHI MS tiriiit At the Mina 2tOO POtUIPTOOT, mroct l.oO From The Tea Cardens. Fragrant I Rich I Dellclousl AWARDED HIOHMT HONORS ir tmi WLtr FAIB ' Genuine only when tunoli a i ; Canister bearing growp. CHICAGO. Ptnt Air. URTOfl, . TEA PLANTER, CSYLOrj s .i js PATROlE HOME INDDSTRY ived to it Tbe WoHi runaiolir de. , Vitch Dept. O, S. M. W CO. Wholesale Aad Retail IUEEUHJTTLE COJIDFMT J |