Show TO OIW iiTKOXS I Ta moutki 120 wa irrtltdlhtptoplt el Summit county with U > t Inlllil lllIlIIber otTo filII In that Iniitwf tntlUtd tbi polity wt should P unue and bait followed lleloiely and without artUlltT Wt but Ibor d bird III furnish obitacle lo It loll ot many Aur r driwllu aloeil how and county piprtVal wauld itttt their i IIulr Miuli and ajipro al and II Ibe 541115 tim kHp oar bJ llOn wler Jlo wslb w bans uec dd we tai with art Inloi jr IIU I not nfemry 10 rlural lb olttold isis < il fhie un pmtdeuled bird times of Hit jail year tint It li wore 01 much jrillflcillon toT TumloUabtilo ay Ihtnel ItbiUuillnr till ilrlDtuvy tli lie prulnaud ill Hail uiit will sow IUCTII Jarlnc IU In uonlhi 01 as lileact WhIt Till TIMII tttltitfaltfiil tolliow wkohv contributed th1r olron > Ito I-to III luppport It Mil that thai l el If in lull nato beau favors and bn lustily uirlUdlbtiupport that 1m attended tti tfftrtt A Lows > eIln lou Ifnll a child of cbtrltr ll sara twirl anr cory lIolllr that It eel l > et and I ictnd lu BO nltiptli In eoutrlbulliK tu I On up tl01i4w1tUd aasprity of a cuinejiiiilly IU patrols IMP fur l mort Unefile from Its clams bn ala its publlhn aad l Jn > alllm fur Ihi support ol II t los pop I at llit toaiuuulty In which It Ih i It ash no mali than In all Jostle Ulonu 10 II Ihoufb II I flttl far l less I TI TIHII niir ki our will It ttr under lUprMtil 1 magtmul jifcany dllMO loUk lljait to blip It iVijNi I 11 lint built that way Yt Ilk < luppurt el lh cllliai of Uuninll a l Morga coaatli ttllilng that lucli saloport h to our mutual Uuflt iud tbtlbiftrt no obligation oil tllhtr I 1001 1t4s1is toioathtlaataaspt aaiiMias1twUIjnh IL With Ibis obJact In tltw It I hit oat j cUleJ to Inu tolls IairooS sat talrgei pptr Till nil issue ol tb pptf I unJirltiniw and tnlargd form wh llkly apptr swsk from il Fit I dy On that dllI ll will llaar a l a flifoluiuu Uitto ctnUlnlnf liiM bully oolunni BbouM this rlfiAl hoot i wllli ths suns wt ullclplt soother ilillllan to Hi lift I will It ntJt with the Ulnnlu ol III Mcoml toluinf U will iii ha pilntfc at liomtililrlly a Lows tultrprlit iltttltJ la loom III ttfiili bout luJuitry mJ ilKir ID tab ITht Tht lockbolJen ol Tin Tmti met last I Friday and rsviswsol III ronjlllon alld wlilUtlncUmji alone 1 iiitiitluuiHl will null JJItlon1 aliiiew to the ctuipny they sanctioned III Juplluu lu conclusion ws hop l our rfcliri will pprKllt our tfforti nol l Ue HI Ibelr support if w ilinrttlt rJIfDorlnTrnln Ubrioli wloo has IUly Un gidutij from ILs lw I ds rtmtnloltbt UnUrilty olUouit li lbs flnl womu In nodirn Uly lor ctU the < lir ol Doctor ol Ijiw sod Uililtr follow In tb footstep of Utit famous lllln wouiiii proftiiori tar whouiltlnSUoltrilly ol lloloin witDowotJ In thi lulJJl 1111 Tht Itil I womn to hold a cloak In UI In illlullon wi Uignorla llrl dAgunl who wi prtUiwi tl 1 uilbtulUi that 1101 VunJr d ytri agIlarIous llnr |