OCR Text |
Show I V B ' oMntoroit To Women. j H TV eh omen are not eerlorody not I H tf health. t " baV Mttl'K dutle. IH la perform Hl l " ' "','"- LbbH LoU can r lit "rll ,,"lH '"' ,""r' I iH IMw which Mrloiinly lot IWf Hreiiglli. H it well M U. niinlMr roolhert l)r l'lerce Hi rtenrtte l-n-Tlt'lUm hoe nvel mmt IH1 ttiil-lp np- IH' Miiilr and lml.ril- S M nrrtlix 1' "" l,IW'" ""' ""' H KCM.. . Mi"" " '"' "'V' H avoided Hie i.rH"K UM ami llie M ,..' knife I II l tolHrt iH N-tdcm ha" intl.lt.""!" Hit" "mat ilH lable woman'! nnieOy r iwwieu IH (liiwllle Th Tav.KltHiWrlp' IbH tloVhMMWnagrvalt.mtit:liil H mother by preparing tbw ' ' " IIH tuning of lathy, thereby rendering chlW- iM Uttk tafe. eaay awl alnwet palnl iH llMr In Blind. !" tWl Dr. I'h-rr IIM Parorlt ltiwriiitM.ii la imt a nmt or H latent tnulU Im. agaliwl w hkh the i"t IIH lMlliiut P"pl "itilln naturally 1H avi4,lwcUHi i.l it." nneillnl u IIH lbtrcompielllii liorHtleeoclioroeltr, IbH but l a ml mum or kmiwm m.hiiwi- bbMI nun, a lull Itot or nil IW liitfiedlent l lug -- I rlwd. In I'Utl" UiiKlltb. on ery leiilhe wrapper AnnamliialMimit lb J IM id ibbH iHtrr.Jb'lrtti will .li l." lb" lact that It ll ibbH i2!vl..noll in in n.miolllmi rhtnilr- H SlJpnV?. Wl.lt r..Hi.l Itlywrlijn Uklm! tli 3ie. ( the Mimnmidy need I'"'1; LbbbV 1 1. IU make u. In il'i' CMiiH-ctlii ." I-V rVvoHte Pre" ! ' ' J'r I "WW li i.i. y mi I n "I- '" to' "' ' wcwwi.S levnllar ml.lit-" '' l . ftH nS and KM (liroiiuli ilrmtK ..U, all H ibV l5lltmla i.l IiWi JV" V" ,',"' B at.tM.u w.(.f- nit nt ! all lliu h wl im sXT wrllrm ail lirln. u al th Srtiral xl.l i,l lira. tin-. llil " H M rMMtllt lor Hi" nl'ii't " 'r hl i H arltn ITwrrlllltiii- wiiiimm;iii H A lltlkt I"'' t.l Ihtiw nlori mt wl1 H l Ki,t I.i any M.l,lrn-. 1-1 l-ihl. 'l H atanlnlnlr ) " "" rni,"K.M.".,,H " H JJSu'Sm . MM r ..I in II 'V I'lnc IH llf H.T.V, IM. mant lvllrli nirn nm; H (Utiatliiii tll llm taiiM, ul H tut" U JIm. Uy Ut tola at eaudf. H tliirnr)-iil.l.rt H EVANS & EVANS j SHT m 1lfilioiini 1 ml. No-1. Hull MHIIC. H FRANK EVANS H COALVILLE, UTAH. H 'jnifv t Nvvt C.iin.ly Comt Uiiiimi H Ollk t, ' I'limix Nil lA 2 llnx. H ltMdileiio 'llwim N H EDWARD H. RHEAD AUluilir oITHIm fr Hnminll Otmnty H 4 , UliJir (IU.UOU CO ltonJ. H Real EsUte, lnsaranca Farm Loans. H l'hoiif. No. Jf.-I. H I'loilrlun Mirist on H 0. W. FRENCH, M. D t'bjilctan and Mirtrao, H OKFIUKATUKMIDENOK. H Btllce houii Irom 2 to 4 p. m H A'l tthocanihouMobwrtbriakajri H u nurat poit!bl. H "R,. J.. JOIrE3, H 0rt4uftt ol tht Inurntllotitl Corr H COUNTYSURVEYOR. H Xotar Public and Conrejancor. Hj HENKFKIt, UTAH H Frank Rippon, H C0NRACT1MG CARPENTER. H CAN Fim.NlPU l'LA.NR H NII Bl'KCiriOATlO.SK H For All Claiirt ol tlulKlioir. H .Noliir) H C. R. Jones, jH NOTARY PUBLIC H lU'MllUll B Fireman's Fund Insurance ompany, iiivrs in 1 1 UuiikIi ywiiirll Into lit ol ipmniaml IIihii niimlrr wby you ilon't rl well. II )tm a III only try a botlln ol llallanl' lliirnhiiiiiiil ivriir, vuur coniili villi l tiling nl tbo l"tt ltlm iotlilrt cure (iir C'oiiiihi, liilluiiKii, llioncbltli ami all I'liliniiiiarv Jlitanei One Initio will ciiiivliiin t mi at )ourilriiinilil,!B,Wc 41. Hil.l by John llnyilcn A fe.tii. OuUvlli the Siirmon A cninpllratlan ot female trouulti wllli ralarrh ol Iheitoiuarh anil bowcli bail reilureil Mrr. Tboi H. Ailitlu, of liM'iiworlh, 1ml., to audi a ileplorable loiidllinii. Ilia: her doctor ailled an oH-riUin but lit r butUiml fearlmt latal irtulli, ,ttpunrd Hill lo try I'.lec trie llltttri, ami lu I he aniaituenl ol all who knew bar, lliio uidllclno cow plottly ciirnl her, Ouaraiteeil cure for torpid liver, kldoe dittaie,bllUiuintM, Jaundice, chilli and fever, general debility, de-bility, nennutneii ml Wool polionlni. lietl tonic uido. i'rlro 60c at John Ibydro A Son drug ilore. Try It. Mrtllrlue MARY ANN B. CLARK, (ut tho bhociuukcr'a.) la tlii) Af cut far Hammlt Csunly for ..Oil Send uif mir urdero 1 tan fill them fur mui 'CoiMlIf - - Villi. .Pineulesiii Kor mIi br John Hoytlea A -on. PrU immmmimmMnmmmmmmmmmmammmmimammmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmm I Specialties in tho lino of Import"'! China Novelties ar'Ya pious Kinds of Toys Peoples' Mniile Co,, D&PRIiXS CRCAM . paKinPoer Has n dietetic value creat-y creat-y beyond the conception of any one who has not,, used It. It wilt iiibhii your food of a delklOUs taste, 0. MWst Anil keeping qual-Ity qual-Ity AMI a digestibility not to be obtained irom any other baking powder or lcavcnlnc agent. Hut more Important than nil else, Dr. Price1 linking I'ow dcr carries only health ful qualities to the food. Avoid the alum ponders Study the label tjulte a number of onr people oro on the tick Hit. Motlly bid toldi. Mn. Charlotte Until wti lu Coalville on butllieii tmlnr. (ienrgn Judil anil wife of lloytivlllc ipri.t Mi Inlay allernoou with bit litter, Mrt. Kph, lltlrt. Abiuadl Oli-iitla(irlt tmllnKa few wee ki, ullli III" parent, The oiing man laikeii bin hone In Silt Uke Mit. HiKby tnd ilangliler were lu Coalville lait wtek on butlntM. A 'Ikxu MiiniliT There'! n Hill nt lloate, Tex., thal'a twlit. ai big ai last year Ttilt wonder ll W I, Hill, who from a wehjht ofWl ili). hai.rowii to over IM). lie Myn "I tuirniil with n IcrrlWe cough, ami duMori gave mo iiCluilleof I'oniump-lloii, I'oniump-lloii, 1 i reiluced talt)uinli,when 1 began taking l)r.Klng'aewl'licocry fur Coniuuiptloli, Cougln ami Coldi. ho' alter taking 12 bolllei, I hate mora than doubled In might and am completely cuied." Onliure Cough and cold cure. Guaranteed ti) John Hoyden A i?on, druliltti.blNitnil 1 TrUI bnttlu free. " l(fla. Wnrrnntr Iietali .. ..nfc penloz Hatrny Notlcea .... 15c pi r iloz I. out' Ti'imi ,i' 1 1 slil lor twenty yean I Ittwlt.vf Ilelli, Tenn , fought naoat catarrh. He wrlteir "Tho iwelllDg and lortcrii loilde my note wt fearful, till I organ applying Iluikltn'i Arnica ralve to tht ure tut faco, thli canted tin lortDett and iwelllng to ditapptar, nmr to rttuin " lletUaalve in exlitence. 25c at John IlojdtuA Sonidnifflili MISSIONAHV APP0I1TMCNTS. t'olloalngaiv Ihetulttfeiiarr appoint-meiiti appoint-meiiti for bun J J), I'M. X HAM, t. Lovl I'earton (ito. t, IVIIklni riot. John K, lmon l.tmbtrt l'ack rAlik rur & rAtut'a mrk. J at. B. Ithead TbtiU Allan kAITCOilTlUC, Geo. Brallh fi.Vr.Yoang mi, Silai M. Pack H. W, Unwell reAivim. Itolrt Walker M ff. Taylor WUUUUID. Job n C. l'atkett Wo. Aaderton tco. Amit Sargent W. H. Wllion WAMuir. Win rihintll EImuJ Keel oKiucim. Win Carruih Tnonti Heard nbMrit. Marlon Iranrr K.Q, Jltrcliaul. mmot, ', i E 11 ntiead JoitAilln urn xtuii. William l.ui.fll LtHij,! Flther ii o Muu 1 w ' ''""l Chat 11. Weit I "AKllt. .JHtditl) VSoodtrd J.J. Htnion. , t Cure rorEpllrpir J II Watermta ol Kattrtow-n, Ohio, Uural l, 'lelittrj,tri"Mr daugh- ter aUlicitu lor Jtm ,,i, eoilepey, wai , curtd by lit. Klm'i (,, Life I'lllt I She hat out In J in ,u,ck for over two yrtit Heti body du0ri nH l"' gltmgi n.r pillt oaeuih. otJohn jHojdeD It hon droj uh. D SouNcnir post,) cards for sale at tins office. I l,"JlIKIplll I " it lln dm, .done nnrilng I PP! 'rntwtlait,g,,,e Wlpeltotr l'"'1 ,K' Moib belor tllowlng 1 Hie rnilj tj Mpfc UMf ,r,ned 1 ,'u"" " 1n ilb He bett reml'i itriie .A Wf Fori, by John PoyJtn A (?,, w I I lj H N I I Come and select your CHste Skirls tf Waists Ready-Made,... Also Dress Goods and Waistings. Goods all New and clean at 5 per cent discount for cash. Pictures to? give lor Christmas Presents. The most beautiful pictures ever brought to the city at the price. SANTA CLAUS IN ABUNDANCE Margaret Salmon. KSTIUY NOTICK. State of I'tnh, County of fcniniult, In tbo Wanihlp prrelnct of tahl lountr. I liao in my poa.etilon the follow lug detcribed titrny auiimtl nhlcb, If not claimed and laken away, will be aold at public auitlou, to the hlghtet ciith bid. tier at luy corral In Wamhippreclnct on the 17lli day of Dec. 1000, at the hour of 2pm l.lltle brown marvTor 8 Jeart old bramle.1 Willi a heail on left tide wita largo dot over brand. Kaldetlray wai taken up by me In iill precinct on the 30lb day of Nov. 1000. II F. I'eterton. l'oundkeeper lor Wanthlp preclncl. ulTli1 (.11 1 l.d K III. Mill Mt Sat. Dec. 15th ROWLAND & CLIPI'OKD Present their popular pop-ular and decidedly different version of the Standard Succesi Dora Thorne Dramatization of lleriha M. Clay' world-famous Novel. A play that has made millions LAUGH AND CRY All New This Season lliK Production Scenic Treat Indigestion Ptonurh trouble U but irmrtnm of wid nol InliMll true dlw-KM think ut l'jiiri llMrtburo. nj loJij rttloa m nl d I rt-t thty r riuptomi mlr ol ft cenln idflo ' Hf it k knttkoT nothlnr -i It wm ttii Urt that tint ronmlr ltl Pr Phoop In tti crvtlcMi o( that now very i-jpuUr Plomach Btmttlr Dr 8 hoop KstoratU Ualnc dlrrct I to 0 lUumrh nrrt , lo broui hi ihtt iuccw Jul (ftvor lo Ir Shoopfcndhii IWormUr WlUi-out WlUi-out tbftt oiiftnftl nd hlghlr viulrrtnrtplc.no iuf h Uitinf ftCfimtpiIihiTitiiU wr wtr to U hd Kor totnftrh llitrriJ, btcwtlnf tltlouuieu, tA! brcftlh ftod mIIow romp U Una ut Ut Bbuopi lUolormUf t TftblfCi or UqiUJ uid m lor tout, i kK wUtHrmnftoJwm do. t Ml vad diecx . I full; roooiaeiod D.Shocp',! Restorative JOHN B0YDEN& SON. THE TIMES only S1.50 a YEAR ' BMi-COUGH rlllrJbtilVBf;L: ; gwesawiitRaitaanrtatt'B.ttKjeBiiiMttKiii ' I A Nice Line of Christmas I ! Goods Just In. I m . S " h M. E. Rhoades Milliner, g holTda ymodsT ! lie Wc will have the finest line of Candies, Dolls, Picture and Ue Story books, Games ot all kinds, Table croquet set. child- rcn nnd Ladies hand purses, Doll carts, li.prcss carts, sc Slcdof all kiml!,, Cut Gl.i!,, Ladies and Mtns silk inuiT- 1 lcrs, Handkerchicfcs. Something new in waist pieces. And many other usefull presents, I Geo. W. Young, I Good Coal AT THE Dexter :-: Mine Well Screened Lump and Siove Mixed, ZPIRICIEjS: J At the Mine, - . $2.00 per ton Delivered in Coalville - 2.150 per ton I DEXTER BROTHERS. j jHELP For Your Throat WKIto Pine Bok.Isa.mi is always . i reliable help for jour I throat. If voufrequeiitl cros hoare, White Pine will present the 1 oc.tl chorJ-. from Mng so senltie. If you .ire troubled with tick- I line In the throat and have to "hem" frequently, White Pine will I relieve ou If ou hive a cough-.fresh or old-White Pine will I I wure it. It fries the throat of phlegm and SOOTHES THE THROAT 1 j White Pine is not disareeab!e to take. Children don't ' I hae to bo coaxed to take it. Two sizes 25c and 50c. fl John Boy den & Sons, Druggists. S ill 10,000 I ir' BELdIo Telephones in Salt Lake 1 I 18,000 Bell Telephones in Utah. i I 35,000 ' " iWoki' ,DAno OACi ClCr " " lllACllD BT IMStCoiH-AUT AM B CHjUVJU neCoMKC7ltMi ET asb Wri B I Quite a Cirrulatinn! I Took a good many j tars and cost a good dial tj tnimy to 3 to build this up ! 1905 added more telephones than nny previous year. j IT LOOKS F. VEN BETTER FOR 1006! J Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Company ' iltVkwllVlHHalM |