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Show "RIVER FILLING SALTON SINK If Water Can Not be Turned Back Into Channel Millions of Dollars Will be Lost. A Thouwnd People In the Datln May Leie Their Hornet and a Quarter Quar-ter af Mllllont ot Acre of Farming Land Laid Watte, Vunia Aria Once more the en tire Colorado river I Mowing Into thl Halton Mink, and lmierlal and Cim rhellu valley are meunied by rising water The main line of the nw akHitheru Pacini' unlet again ho motcij to higher gneind mile the wm.r1 ran le bniuiht under control. A tlion' Mild people In Helton IibhIii mutt 1chm I Ihelr home Inrluilliig a iiuarler of r million in in of furmlng land, thn Hauthern I'aclMr milt build 100 mile of new main line, and Irrigation alemt Yuma mum le- ulwuduned, The giivernment l-Miigana dam Irrigation project may become an linpimellilllir. At n eonnertallve eetlmnte not leu than t!K (Mni.ihjo of pncnl tiilneajre at take iiiii the ucceiu( of crtorta li rInHi the break. What la known n Ihe Hind dam wn thrown ncro Ihe new channel, nnd an earth dike wiih built up parallel paral-lel lo Ihe rlter for leu mllini, tnnlnly In .Menlrn On the Arlronn aide of the river I the goternment dike. Three day ago water found It way through Ih.iIi dike. HiNidlng large area. Thl wa Ihnuglil to be nerloii. but wa mil ronldcrcd critical tint II Hunday night, when the wnter ileteloped a dUtlnrt ihnnnel nnd Mondny murnlng dlH!loed Ihe tact, that tho entire rlter had found It wuy around the I Unit dam Into Ihe ihanuel from whlrh It wa Just buried The dam Itavlf 1 unlujiiied. When the water wa turned Into tho new channel Hunday night, the t earner Heiirrhllght on thu Colorado below thn break tta atraudeil two mile from tho water.' |