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Show I AWFUL COST OF WARFARE. I Human Lives and Tresture Espended on the Oattlefltld In the Kicnlloil glorious victories of Caesar n mllltuii mm imtIiIkmI nn tlio Held nf battle NamlHn. In the aliort space of tit in- jenr. m nutlior-licil nutlior-licil to iletote tn Hie f tiir nf I'rancv' 2,103,000 nf Iiit sima In tin- ten )enrs following the nttiuk nn I'nrl Bomter tho world ilostrnxil In war 1. 100,001 llvc nnil al trillion dollars' worth ol pronerly TttothlnlJ nf the combined tiutlKct of tho tnrlous slates of Ku ropo aro dctnted to the maintenance of armed force nnd to the scrtlco nt n debt practically tho ttlmlo nf which was Incurred by ttnrs War ox,tenses In Kuropo absorb one half of all the eiltli created by prudiictlte Inbor I In tho comparatively Insignificant at of KiiKlnnd with the lloera Kngland lott I2,tr.O men nml apent J 1,10(1.000, 000 Threo hundred and fifty thousand men wcro withdrawn by her from pro ductlto Indualry to eiiKnce In tho do atructlou of war Military cxpendl lures In the United Mules durlnic the l.iit eight j para hnn absorbed one and a halt billion dollars -Interna , tlonal Journal nf llthles |