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Show NEWS SUMMARY. Oeneral Weyler lins) arrlvenl In Mad rid The . A R. Is In seMlon at Clncln natl this week Ka-Seerelary Tlvotuaa 1'. llaynnt It ln-rermiaiy 111 at Ills home III Doilliani, Mas, Frontier Day festivities at Clicyenne, Monday, wtro altenilel uy 10,00? (icople In n tire In n tenement nt Ncwrtric, N .1. fourteen fertoua were eovcrcljf Injurei I. tlUdstonc'ii will tiaa Iwen proUntcJ. Ills personal eatAta imoiiiilcl to about SttVOOO America's wheat crop la mltmalcil at 700,000.000 bushels for IM5. wlilcli li the largest on troml. Tho Thlnl NcbnuAa Volunteers, Xt. J. llrynn, colonel, la not to be mustered out of scrvlco at present. Over too delegates were In attendance attend-ance at tho National Utter Carriers' Association contention nt Toledo, O. Ocnernl Shatter wnsillaclinriroil from the detention hospital nt Camp Wlkofl Tuesday anil assiiuieil rominauil of the camp. Hcncral I.swton's liealtli report sliowi that conditions aro liniirovliintbantl-ago liniirovliintbantl-ago a ennltnry meaun-a aro Introduced. Intro-duced. The Spanish government lias decided to pny tho next coupon on tho Cuban debt, pending tho settlement wHh the United State. The Illness ot tho Queen of Denmark lint taken a serious turn, oho has suffered suf-fered a lieuiorrhago and It Is feared sho cannot recover. Justice UMto has decided not to nervo as ono of tho peaco commissioners commission-ers and another nppotntinent will be made In his place. The Hawaiian commission Is making n tour of the Islands. There nra some 200 ot them, about 1,X) mlle-i Intervening Inter-vening betnven thfi remotest points. The United HtntM consul at Hobo, .-apin, haa caused thearreat of Seamen Urady aud lllno on suspicion that they act tire to tlio Auiorloan ship llarlng llros. Col loper of tho I'lfty-Ilrst Iowa do-clares do-clares tlint his men nra enntenteil In the service and that they nra willing U remain In l'rlseo until fien. MerrlaiE gets back. The treasure department holds that an artlclo of agreement or contract foi 1 tho salo ot real estate Is not subject te rt stsmp tax, unless It couveys some right of title. I SlU.1ll.tli)niewI'ortr,of.lJ,lorldf I' lias Issneil n proctainatlonatlngThat ho believes no yellow fever exlsta In Key West, nor 1ms lliore been nny there this summer. On the recommendation of the fiwed- Ilsh-N'orncglan council, King Oscar bat notllled tin- car of Ms acceptance ol tho Invitation to send delegate to a peace conference. Aslilicl flrccn, gcurral counsel nt the New York Central and of nllroadaeon trolled by tho Vnnderbllt system ol Iluffalo, Is dead at his liomolnTcnnfly, N. J., aged 74 years. Ocnernl llrooke, vthn was left In commend of tho forces In l'ortu Illcu when Oeneral Mllos left, has arrlrnl at Saa Juan from tho southern part ol tho Island. Cordial relations In l'orto Itlco aro faat U'lng restored. Hon, AtidrewJ. l'olkl dcadat Yankton, Yank-ton, H I). Mr. Talk was tho third ovrruor of Dakota territory, anil It was mainly through Ida persistent endeavor en-deavor that the opening of the lllack Hills to settlement was secured. Indians reaching iHuphln, Manitoba, from tho far north it-port meeting a-j lsklmo who told of tho appearance among them ot a atrango man who do-scended do-scended from the clouds on tho shores of Hudson bay. The opinion among tho whites Is that the man la Andree, the Arctic explorer Oeneral (luadens, who was relieved of the government of Manila by (lencrnl Mcrrltt, In reply to an Iiii-ulry from Spain, assorts that It would require an army of 00,000 men for permanent oo-pupation, oo-pupation, it strong fleet and endless quantities of war materials to restore Spanish sovereignty In the 1'hlllpplncs, were tho United States to withdraw. Tho navy department liaa closed a contraet with Tiffany for Admiral Dewey's sword, tho consideration bo-lug bo-lug (3,000 Tho remaining 87,000 ot the congressional appropriation will be devoted to defray tho oxpciiM of atrilc-lug atrilc-lug medals for tliu oOlcera and men who participated In the battle of Manila Ma-nila bay May I. It Is proposed to havo the work dono us soon as posslblo at the l'hlladclphla mint. There Is n prospect that Dreyfus, tho Trench nrmy ofllecr who lias'been Imprisoned on forged testimony for -botrsylng army aecrete, will bo released re-leased without a new trial, as evidence damaging to the power might bo produced. The Hong Kong correspondent of tlio Dally Mall saye tho rebellion In Haitian continues and that the American Ameri-can consul at Canton has repeatedly, without nvnll, urged tho authorities to aend troops there to protect American mlssorarles. |