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Show -- ' WORKS OF ART 23 wF' Horn Hu Mud. II roulblo tor Srarf Oa tw finlU General Weyler has arrived In MadTkoa. rid. Probably at no time in the world's The G. A. R. is in session al Cincinhistory baa ao much attention been raid to tbe Interior decoration of nati this week. Lome, as at present. No borne, no Thomas F, Bayard il matter bow bumble, la without Its to tba handiwork that beipa beautify dangerously ill at his home in Dedham, apartment and make tbe surroundMaas. ings mors cheerful. Tbe taste of the at festivities with Frontier American people baa kept pace Day tbe age, end almost every day brlega were attended by 10,000 of a new In tba way forth something picture, a draping, n piece of furniture people. or some form of mural decoration. In a fire jo a tenement at Newark, One of the latest of these baa been N. J. fourteen persona were severely given to tbe world by tbe celebrated injured, a rust, Mutule. In n series of four handsome porcelain game plaques. Gladstones will ha been probated, Not tor years baa anything as hand- ills personal estate amounted to about some In this Hoe been seen. The sub$175,000. jects represented by these plaques are American Americas wheat crop la estimated at Wll. Ducks, American Peasant. American Quail gad English 700,000,000 bushel for 1898, which ia Snip. Ibay are bandaome paintings the largest on record. and are especially designed tor hangroom on walla,, Tbe Third Nebraska Volunteer, W. tbouga ing dining their richness and beauty entitles them J. Bryan, colonel, la not to be mustered to a placa in the parlor of any borne r These original plaquea bava been pur- out of service at present. chased at a cost of ISU.iKH) by J. C. Over 40Q delegates were in attendJiublnger Bros. Co., manufacturers of ance at tbe National Letter Carrier? the celebrated Elaatle march, and In order to ana big their numerous cus- Association convention at Toledo, Q. tomer. to become possessore of these General Shatter was discharged from handsome works of art they have bad detention hospital al Camp Wtkoff the reproduced by a special process tbti In nil tba rich colors and beauty of Tuesday and assumed command of the tba orlgmaL They ara finished sn camp. heavy cardboard, pressed and emGeneral Lawton's health report show bossed In tbe shape of a plaque and trimmed with a heavy band of gold. that condition are improving at SantiThey measure forty lucbee In circumaa aaoltary measure are Introference and contain no rending matter ago i 1 H H If you are young you nit-uni- ty appear ao. If you are old, vby appear ao? Keep young Inwardly; we will look after the outwardly. You need not worry longer about those little streaks of gray; advance agents of age. . SuliH D.w H fiefs Hair 3u or advertisement whatever. Until October 1 Messrs. J. C. Hnbln-g- er Bros. Co. propose to distribute plaquee free to their customers. Ever- y- purchaser of- three ' ten-cepackage of Elastic 8tarch, flat-iro- n brand, manufactured by J. C. Hubln-ge- r Bros. Co., la entitled to receive one of these handsome plaquea free from their grocer. Old end new customers alike are entitled to the benefits of this offer. These plaques will not be sent through the mall, the only way to obtain them being from your grocer. Every grocery store In the counlryTiaa ElagtlcStafch Tor tale. If ia the oldest and beat laundry starch on the market, and la tbe moat perfect cold process starch ever Invented. It la the only starch made by men who thoroughly understand the laundry businesa, and the only starch that will Dot injure the finest fabric. It has been ths standard for a quarter of a century, and as an evidence of how good it Is twenty-tw- o million packages were sold last year. Ask your dealer to abow you the plaquee and tell you about Elastic Starch. Accept no substitute. Bear In mind that thia offer holds good a abort tima only, and ahould be taken advantage of without delay. tea win surely restore color to gray hair: and.lt will also give your hair all the wealth and gloss of early life. Do not allow the falling of your bair to threaten you longer with baldness. Do not be annoyed with dandruff. We will send you our book on the Hair ana Scalp, free upon request. Wrttm fa thm Doctor, If foa do not obtain ail tha yoa xpootod Horn tho of it tho Vlvor, nrito the doctor aboot it. Tvobftbljr (bore it torn difficulty to, wnh yoor enerl wide tystam moved buy bo Kily rDH. J. C. ATER, Addrooa, LowoU, Strong Driskis Death -- -- nt ry of weighs about 1,300 tons. K Ml r 3s'h re Uw m, pn.ltl.slr Nor twin Habit, I trong drink to ear an, omw with a poIHe wr-ltt.- o or rHuml Ike money, and u Uuvy lb appailt tor tntoklcMlos liquora. wi oiAKamc rom aexaa K.Nowuoae op the patient. STROKS af tl.00 w. wtU mall you four ft boro and peal, tin wrlitta K.araataa to sura or rotund yoarmimar. Sinai buuo SHOO A WILL KEEP YOU DRY. Mb Dont bs tooted with s macklnlosh or rubber cost. If you want a coat that will keep you dry In the hardest storm Niy the Fisk Brand Slicker. If not for sale la your own. write for cataioput to A J TOWER, Boston, Mass. w C. SCHRAMM, Druggist, ratk Mi.. BALT LAKE CITY. LTAli. BUSINESS EDUCATION. JOS. NELSON, s J - DRIKS5TSrW r. -- "Mr TEMPLETON, 8ALf LAKE CITY. VK UN v ' Ktatliri SALT LAKE CITY DIRECTORY. Bargcoa Caaaat radanlaaS by M Many Aankaa Boldlara IMPLEMENT UTAH Dio. Kew York, Sept 7. Sir William MaeCormick, president of the Loyal College of Surgeons of England, surgeon to the Prince of Wales, and one the most dibtinguiuhed members of CO, Mitchell Farm as 8,rie V RuiMerS Fans Sager-- . H.bbw Buggivt an, Carnage. Rrtta Celebrated Bern. bis proh-aaioIn Europe, who acted aa Balt Lake City, Utah. Ambu-lune- e n surgeon in the , Salt Laki Electric Supply Co. Cheyenne,-Mondaya.sfcooiatioa - in the Franco-Germaw ar, was asked his e U X. W X H Stria. tw opinion conW aot ala ana ketetl R.emrte Sap. XlenrieiaM. fer u mg the causes of the high mortalU W. Iinu u tB S. Sait Leak. 'riMM ity of the Uuited States troops. anil Ciismlst That the mortality is high la unforHE EXCELLENCE OF STRIP OF FIGS tunately patent, said he, especially FINE PHQNOERAPH RECORDS. tshen tom pared to the Ulnesa among is due not only to the originality and Me Interior looda. We carry Phoone raphe, simplicity of the combination, but also our expeditions to countries. aud aumiliea. Partore aad tropical to the car and skill with which it is Oraphophoeea Main St., Kali LakeCity. Utah Phooo- - . But our experience in that respect manufactured by scientiflo processes traph Co. . C haa W blayaer, Prra and Mgr. f compares very favorably with that of known to the Cautomia Fi 8txup 11 other countries. Frsnee suffered Co. only, and we wish to lmpresa upon Sctioar Fiiniitura ar,3 Su;;l!2s, . terrible mortality from illness in Mad- all the importance of purchasing the Offlee, Churrh end Library Purnltare. O. P. Weber A Co.. TV W. Plrat 8on(b St., Salt Lake agascar nothing I fancy in battle. true and original remedy. Aa the Oty.Pteh. B. A McMiUee, Maaagoe. la of manufactured penulne Figs Syrup Italy, too, had serious losses from the Fw the Ca California y Strop Tha llldillssEi Banking Go. same cause in Abyss inis. knowledge of that fact will In our expedition to the west coast only, to loss oa Improved term la Utah sad Honey assist one In avoiding the worthless Idaho. of Africa, our looses from illness have Imitations manufactured ' ' SOt IfeCorulek Building other parby been trifling ties. The high standing of the l.llLllliS Co Fltf StkuP Ca with the medi- HITER-MOUHTiIs the west coast of Africa mors cal and tbe satisfaction profession, Salt Bute Streex ttt Lake City. Utah. unhealthy than Cubs? Sir William Caak Priao Paid tog XkM a. - which the genuine. Byrup ot Fig has BlgbaetCarload asked lou apeolalty. to millions of families, makes Of course it la much more un- givenname of the Company A guaranty NATIONAL CASH REGISTER. the a . healthy, w aa the reply. There is no ot the excellence of it remedy. It U Prteet first M to IXOi Pull ttneof earn plea oe reason that I can see why with proper tar in advance of all other laxatives, gll Main. AWforUuk it acta on the Kidneys, liver and head etOaoerOroaheira precautions mortality from illneas til Ordert and Cal Prloe if bowels without irritating or weakenamong the United Statea troops In Freai Iff. S. HENDERSON, ing them, and it does not gripe nor Cub should Jiave exceeded our morWholesale and retail dealer la Imported aad nausea tea In order to get Its beneficial duced, otneallo. Ureon and kHtncy Uroeerl,. Flah and from west a such on cause the tality , 1 e Poulu-yof name remember the effects, please Clgara end Tobaeoo. The Spanish government has decided coast of Africa. the Company to psy ths next coupon on the Cuban MKINLEY , AT- - OMAHA. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. debt, pending the set tie men t with the CXrCRT SPECIALIST en rnaioiaoe, cn United State. IN ALL DISEASES OF MEN. rstldrat B 111 Attn 4 tba Eapualtlao x. t. xsw reRK, Mtmvtuut, IVrM Jab lea. The illness of the Queen of Denmark ITRICTLT STLItpyt, has taken n serious turn. She has sufWashington, Sept. 7. President Mcfered a hemorrhage and It ia feared Kinley and as many members of his Cabinet as can do ao will attend some PAY L!E she cannot recover. Justice White haa decided not to portion of the peace jubilee, which beWHEN YOU Been troubled e great deal eerve as one of the peace commission-er- gins at the Omaha exposition on Octo- with Lave wht h produce eoestlpe-lion- , a liver, torpid I found CASCiK i Ts to be ell roe eiaxe and another appointment will b ber 10 The president so informed A for them end aeourrd aucb relief tbe Bret delegation of Nebraskans who called that I purchaaed another aupir and waa trial, commade In his place. Not On Dollar 1 ehall onty be lou cured the pletely (lad to st White House to and presented CaacereW whenever the opportuuilf The Hawaiian commission is making Required In him a handsomely engrossed invitation It preaented. J. A Fans, Advance, a tour of the island a. There are soma tVDO Muaquehann Ava, f hUadelphls, Pa to attend. 200 of them, about 1,200 miles inter. IF YOU BUFFER FROM Only pressing public business will Invening between the remotest points. terfere with this programme, but at The United States consul st Kobe, this time the president sees no reason Japan, has caused the arrest of Seamen why be should not go. The delegation Brady and Dine on suspicion that they consisted of Senators Allen and ThursSeminal TVraknnna. Hydrocele, set fire to the American ship Baring ton, General John C, Fyphllia, Gonorrtiuo, htrlotnre, amall or Cowin, J. L. and aU hrunkea old w oreana, prematura Bros. ebster and W. J. Broach. Invitations ether private dlaeaaea. whether cauaed by Urnv deIowa CoL Loper of ths Fifty-firranee exceaorrnnu,(;l'a ao matUr how arvere, also will be extended to the members Pleaaant, Palatable,V I otent, VaaU Good Ii you earn eonault tr O W. Faoaea.the phyalclaa clares that his men are contented in of the United States supreme court ant, Boud, Merer biukea, eetea. w Gripe, Wa.taa.lM. who haa 4ven Ua life tocurlnrlnnle dtawae, . CURE CONSTIPATION. the service and that they are wllling t the leading officials of ths army and and ba examined, advlaed, treated and cured asm, a Oral. See let. without peyinc him one dollar aniU tha cure Is remain in Frisco until Gen. Merriam navy and the diplomatic corps. The effected. Tha doctor moves tha rttrht, howfuarameed all aid drag-by P'd Bfl.Tft back. to refuaa any Ipcurmhle oaae U he can i gets JiUBAw glair to 1 V i- - Tubaeeo Haluv ever, presidential party probably will leave cure you he don t want your money. Such aa The treasure department holds that here October 14. Oder waa never before made by a yerpouRlbla an article of agreement or contract feu It Is tbe present intention of tbe phyalclaa, sad Dr 8 W bhorea la only able to make It bacauat be povltlwly rure thaaa dla, the Bale of real estate is not subject t president to make his visit to the aaaea. Don't waale another cent on queatloa-abl- a a stamp tax, unless it conveys some lnci an exposition doctor, but eonvult the "Old I doctor" and I ONE FOR A DOTE. S H Q be cured. UUbINKSS bU'nhDLY CONti-I- r dent of a general tour of ths west, ItMftftVi ptvrri f Prwnl right of title. PiJiwRMMNPNt Pnrtff tb I w CallNTIAte D A wbVrtrvrm extend, probabl- -, as Tar a Ouf if at Si Harnaoe Block (Or. Shore A gtat Heath Officer Purser of Fhn-tiW-f cll dy it tW'Mliif A vevrmrat f ihi Shore Onica) or Thf 4UUff grit mimImfwn iwE tot has issued a proclamation stating thai the Yellowstone park. The detailed forbMUha tine port, w wil nil fm, he believe no yellow fever exist In arrangements for the trip have not yet IfettoldLMrurfftM. (9 I61AI1BC9 , fHlUL fk DR. 0. W. SHORES, Look Box 1588, Key West, nor haa there been any been made. CO. PAPER HUBERT ALT LAKE CITY, CT4R there this summer. TERRIBLE BRIDGE DISASTER. Everything ia the line of Printer flappll Taper Bafts Twtnea, Bits On ths recommendation of ths strapping CURE YCUSSriF! twa Span Give Avar and Klshty Has ara Careful aad Taper, prompt atteotloa to order by mall council. King Oscar baa hi Cl fnr NRNstttnJ . I Burled Into tha Seething River Below. hBrifc, lbflmtnatkftaa notified the czar of his acceptance of r bicKrxiinki liruLiti AHS'SVUIH PENSION N. Y Sept 7. Two ttPrBVMkM the invitation to send delegates to a Hogansburg, HBkM'ma idiFlJoB, tid But MlrUH Spans of ths International bridge of will melva quick rapllea HMkNHVnl, naEttuCMUttmC& , peace conference. Bmi4 fcf PiUffWti the New York A Ottawa railroad, now Staff SOtk Oorpa. P rnvfoitin, ClalWilBCIS7 w vt plitl vrappRr, Ashbel Green, general counsel of the under construction across the SL DISCOVERT: repkM, M tr to KprwRA, SA 1 qulc knurl as car- 2 b. nr tof New York Central and of all roads con- Lawrence river, fell without warning, eaaca. Sand Inf Sunk O ot tmUntanlalt and I (la.Ta inulmr ml m Ua. k rco. B.AKkM Sr, taut, men at work on the tmtoiaal trolled by the Vanderbilt system of with eighty-tw- o Buffalo, is dead at his home la Tensfly, bridge, all being thrown into the river N. J.,aged 78 year. " some sixty feet below. Over thirty-eigwere picked np and taken to General Brooke, who was left in Cornwall hospital and thirty ara now Rico command of the forces in Porto missing. arrived Miles has General when left, tea-drinki- ng, at Eaa Jnau from the southern part of of The bridge consists pf three SDsna, wh ich were and two the complete, In Porto the Island. Cordial relations third was nearly completed when the 4 Rico ar fast being restored. south pier gave way at Its foundation, Hon. Andrew J, Falk is dead st Yank- causing both spans to fall Into sixty ton, & D. Mr. Falk was the third feet of water, taking its load of human governor of Dakota territory, and it freight with it. waa mainly through his persistent enThe construction of the bridge was deavors that tbe opening of the Black in the hands of competent and reliabls Hills to settlement was secured. contractors, and was considered perIndians reaching Dauphin, Manitoba, fectly safe, bnt it seems that the swifttl from tbe far north report meeting au ness of the current was underestiEskimo who told of the appearance mated. . ' eawMaapiaMswwaBra among them of a strange man who de- WILHELMINA ON THE THRONE. scended from the clouds on the shore of Hudson bay. The opinion among Tba BcaeUfol Young Qaaaa Mow Balsa t ba the whites is that ths man Is Andree, Amsterdam, Sept. 7. Amidst the the Arctle explorer. deafening shouts of her people, Queen General Guadens, who was relieved Wllhelmlna was enthroned queen of of the government of Manila by General the Netherlands. The day was a most Merritt, ia reply to an Inquiry from beautiful one, ths sun bursting fdrtli IF YOU WANT AMYTHIMB 11 TUX Spain, asserts that It would require so in all its glory from behind a cloud Shooting, Fishing, Camping, Baseball, Alhlatle or I parting Geofs army of 60,000 men for permanent oc- just a the young queen left ths palace, cupation, a strong fleet and endless which is considered as being a happy Line, or Band Camara aad Photographls Supplies, Bead far ear new estalofua, arklak wll Bakin quantities of war materials to restore angary for the'young sovereign. The lv yoa tha beat wholesale prlcaa, wbioh cannot be equaled eoal or weak It la free for tbe te a maplet line of H AXDWAXX at our Offdes itore, od tha moat ksve aim in tbe Philippines, sovereignty ceremonies Spanish in ths cathedral, when tba SHOPS the la REPAIR country. to withdraw. United States were the queen mounted ths throne and delivThe navy department has closed a ered her address, and recited the oath contract with Tiffany for Admiral to uphold the constitution, was a most 2481 Weehlnxton Avn Ogden, Utah. IBS Main Lake City Deweys sword, the consideration be- impressive one, while the royal procesto ing $3,000. The remaining $7,000 of sion the cathedral was magnificent. MIF YOU the congressional appropriation will he During the procession the mother of devoted to defray tbe expense of atrik the queen received an ovation and was log medals for the officer and men greeted with endless cheers and cries who participated in the battle of Ma- of long live the queen mother," Tbe nila bay May 1. It is proposed to have ceremonies ended with s banquet In which Queen Wllhelmlna tbe work done as soon as possible st the palace,a at toast ter tbe welfare of tb proposed tbe Philadelphia mlnL NetherlandsPPXixYEkr , -- Thera Is AUTGU1TIC CHI? KECK YCXE. Liberal Terms l A,?ta. prospect that Dreyfus, Bpalaa Boats Mast Stay at Haas the Fren ch army officer who haabeen ' 'Washington, Sept. 7. The SpaoUh S imprisoned on forged testimony for . tn rror Trik Ynt4 eoiWtof X of this gov- $tfw n government has requested Canton Fkkol Tip betraying army secrets, will be 4frWI!tfIVwa4Iob to l A ContofM. w ttbOQt Tlk$ pfatMataakWat ernment a U the of Will trM tot 4nf sending privilege leased without a new trial, aa evidence Yxrm VM Kluf OHy TNttUL N Trleetl 9 mg small 1.00 Mr. It talM. few of tbe rol. to tumialhra certain riw,Tfat gunboats to bs the powers might Svo (ur damaging IAS Haada. vayt lllutrate alraalar. Philippine islands where the insurgents Ickal Loop an Aeera NECK fOKE C0.. 8I Hardlns St4 Indianapolis, Ind. produced. CRIP AUTOMATIC are particularly active, with a view to The Hong Kong correspondent of sovereignty there. maintaininSpanish Jon B. Olckef's the Daily Mail says the rebellion in The was discussed at a cabHalhan continues and tbst the Ameri- inet proposition No announcement fl!jWrt!l has meeting. can consul at Canton 'has repeatedly, eji witer been made of the to the M result yet to without avail, urged consideration, of the matter, but it It send troop there to protect American YFFf W understood that the request will not be tall tiM Iwuio OHBXilWtnlStlO. u Anglo-America- n LB.aas Payer Cali-POSX1- A lH aad-Onti- w-a- ssr-su- DR. C.Y. SHORES e. Lazy Uuor ARE-CURE- -- LSTK. Vark-oral- st DR.GOmSJ?--: Hll !! i. riJ Trans-Mlaslssip- pl I A IF p,!, 4 nDnDCVfW Wlkwi WASTED Caae of bad health that R-- I M-- I will aot benefit. Bend a eenta to Rlpaaa Chemical Ca. hew I orX. for w aampM aad UMI leallmoalaia. rv You might as well be safe ht cccccccccococccccccoc UTk? lf Prieea Brewing Co.s Waper Henry IUT LAkf SMS SLICKER THE TIBLETS CAN BE 01VEN WITOOCT - - IJK DR. CHARCOTS TONIC TABLE.'TS NEEDLESS LOSS OF LIFE. NEWS SUMMARY. "V JL and enjoy in your -- Ira. it more besides. 4- Try Schillings Best your money back if you dont like it. P WHOLESALE PRICES. c c o() () o () o() ) V I) oC) trw BROWnme BROS. ' CO. t.elt Hor A& I battle Ax AT FIRST Lu corner DON'T SUCCEED,1 TRY Everybody who rail tbe newspaper know what privation and tuffering1 were exosei In Cuba by tbe failure of tbe supply of tobacco provided by tbe Government to reach tbe camps of tbe U. S. Soldiers. AP.OLIO j .. () o) o () () o o o()o tom-pla- - PLUG When Curching; fighting tramping; .ll. wheeling; instantly relieves that dry taste in the mouth. v Pememberlfie - name . Are Vniir Eyes Sorer -- vhenyou buy again. L wwVwwwwWwwWWww w ka WWW WWW j ErjKs&z missorariea. tt granted v Striatal, tmass Ve. 37. 1880 a a, x |