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Show H I . . . BAD. BUT BEAUTIFUL. H clara WAno reaps reward H OP DEATH H la Hern In Her- To DlMlrolHl l H lUlly hh (lakl lain Iho Ursa Tin H tenal rnl of lit Thai la roan lad H en Kail ltl H -.--ij) IIU new of the H ll ending o( another aB "fexaH II remarkable career aal I i ot Tlce-tbs rbl mU r-L&W 'r ""' C,,r aH XXLZX1 W"i koo 1,Mt pa! j5mSAV5' as th I' r I n e a H VvjKf-v thlmay end who iwsyknt5 '" htT h,"unii aH "0v Uelglan prlnc and H iV J run away with H 1 I, jlncir unto Hun H garlan flddler It dead Hi Ilu lapeat H Though a Lalt-hearlcd denial (allowtd H lha drat cablegram It la hollered that Hj th woman la relly dead H With her going there cornea to an H and a career that add another chap- Hj ter to that moat Incomprehensible o( H mysteries- woman lor tba prlnc- H aa, In her own bad and beautiful aclf H aiblbtlad lhos ronlr llttory and at H lha iam lima alluring trslt which H ana shared In common with all ot tha H members ot bar aei Those who b- H Hat that fata worka on concentrated tinea will ater that something akin to H retribution attended lha laat daya of H this unfortunate woman Tor report H ara to the effect that aha dlexl ot milk H fever Very recently aha gars birth H to a son at tliidaprat lha child being H christened Francola Joseph Hlgo Tnia H to ber faculty for firing In tha faca ot H decency and society ha princess, H through tha medium ot her otfiprlng H aougbt to perpotuala the fact that aha H bad dlahonoreil her husband name H And benca aha coupled tha nania of H tba prince with that of tha greasy lid H dler for whom ah gara up ao much H Then came poetical retribution For H the event which enabled her to give an H added Inault to the wifehood that aba H had dlahonored waa prlmarllr the cause Hj of her death H Clara W ard waa the onljr daughter of H (apt KberWnrl a millionaire Mlchl H gan ahlphullter Bh waa born In t)e H ttolt during the panic of 1873 which H thongh It dlmlnlahed Capt Ward a H great wealth left him still a multl j mllllonatrr When he died hla widow H who waa hla second wife cloaed up H the house anil started on extemlve H I ravel Bhortlr after Mr Ward mar H rled Ateiander Cameron a banker an I H lawyer ot Wlndaor Canada While In H Wlndaor Clarn would not aaaorlalo H with the glrla of the town Hut they H all knew her na a high spirited girl H who would brook no restraint I.atcr H the Cameron moved to Toronto, where H Clara live! until she wat H yeara old H Bubtcquently alio waa acnt to achnnl H In tondon, and there It was that she , Drat ileralwxil Jh tail for aalrara H gant ptraaurr which marked her sub H a sequent career Here ton the Inaugu H rated that round of adventure and ro- H mnnco In which ahe hat been the cen H tral figure for ao many years. Tha girl H received from her father's estate f 10 H 000 a year llecaute of tbta Income ahe H would not aland mora than thrto yeara H ot school lit When the returned home H ber mother U-gan to look around for j suitable alllanre. The girl wm H worth I 000 000 In hr own right H Therefore when he and her mother H went abroad It waa not long before ahe H had a retinue ot admirers H At Nice the mother and daughter met H the prlnrr He was hanlaomo and H dlttlngulaheO 33 yeara of age, aud In H a abort time It waa known thai he wis H engaged to lha fair American H Thf ntipllala were held on Turnday j May 30, IBM at the Nunciature In the H flu de Varennea, 1'arla. llgr Itotelte H tha papal nuncio gar tho benediction H The bride wora a ten Ihouaand dollar H wedding dreea. Her trouaaeau waa one H of the flneat of the yeara rhlch was H celebrated for brilliant weddlnga The H famous dreaamakera of l'arla vied with H on another In the faihlon and beauty H of thalr fabric The gueata at tha H wedding Included many rcpreaentalUea H of the beat families In Kurnpe Tho H wedding pirtenl were gorgeou and H CtIlA WAItU H It Is even aald that a brougham to sH gather with a pair of horses a coach- JIB man, and a groom was given to the jHJ bride Dut It wa not long before JH there were rumors ot trouble between Wm the pair With, ber adventure and KB change were as the breath of life Bbe 9 wu so constitutionally organised that m excitement of soma kind or the other VmW wu absolutely necessary to her nature IH Bbe sought to relieve the tedium ot B toroestle life by ' affair ' tho detalla avml tf which were not long In reaching the trine a crs Divorce was threatened ut he did not put his threat Into force H for fear ot scandal The birth of two j children did not tame the etratlo wife. j Hhe gathered around her a circle of BV choice eplrlta and tbe atorlea ot their H i "featlvltlea ' would have kept Ilalaae H ! buay It waa at this Juncture that H Jtnciy Illgo me Into her life She neard him play one night In one of the I'axlalan cafe. He I tall and well proportion pro-portion It played with aklll and tbe romantic raelodle of hla nomadic race The thrilling flokoeay March charmed the prince and after a few nights Tlalta the daughter of the King of the Uike the prince of an lllua-trloua lllua-trloua Ilelglan house bad fallen a victim vic-tim to the muele and long of a stroll-Ini stroll-Ini minstrel Bo It did not surprise thorn who knew tho Princess of Chi-may Chi-may and Caramon to hear afterward Ibal she ha I deserted her husband and two children and had becomo Ihe com panlon of tbe Hungarian Ttlgano Ot the unhappy events which follow ed of her divorce from her husband ot her wandering career over nuropa with her gypsy of her attempta to per form In llerlln and I'arls both of which were frustrated by the police, and of the many acandalotia Incidents which hsva marked th latter part of her career, tber la no necessity to speak These are part and parrel of the brll llantly wretched tale of her llfo It was state 1 last year that she Intended to visit this country In order to go upon the vaudeville stage Tho rumor waa repeated recently, but ber afplratlona. If any. In this direction have received their final quietus |