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Show NOTICE OF INTENTION Notice Is hereby given by the Board of ( ommissloners of Ogden City, Utah, of tho Intention of said Board to make the following described improvements, to-wit To create the south side of 18th street from Washington to Grant avenue; ave-nue; the south side of 20th street from Adams to Jefferson avenues; the west side of Hudson avenue, north from 29th street for a distance of 504 5 feet, and the east side of Hudson Hud-son avenue north from 29th street for a distance of 386 75 feet, as a sidewalk side-walk district and to construct there-!n there-!n a concrete sidewalk five feet wide and four inchr-s in thlcknpss with the necessary Intersections togther with he necessary grading therefor, and to defray the whole of the cost thereof, there-of, estimated at $1100, by a local assessment upon the lots or pieces of ground lying and being within the Following district being the district to be benefited or affected by said improvements im-provements viz: Ml the land lying between the outer out-er boundary lines of said streets and avenue, and a line drawn 50 feet outward out-ward from said parallel to the said outer boundary line. All protests and objections to the carrying out of said intention must be presented In writing to the city Recorder, Re-corder, on or before the 31st day of July, 1913, at 10 o'clock a m, that beinc the time set by said Board of Commissioners when thev will hear said objections as maybe made thereto, there-to, at the Mayor's Office, at the City Hall. Ogden City, Utah By order of the Board of Commis-I Commis-I sioners of Ogden City, Utah. Dated this 7th day of July, 1913. A. G FELL Mayor. H. J CRAVE N . City Engineer. First publication, July 8, 1913. Last publication luly 30, 1913. |