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Show 1 at J i Ba T1 ffW' V" -I The liurrl d haeli. Inr "fio 1 tehangea n little plcie nf Manila paH r rim-red with raballallc and lerrirylng biota and airokea, for hla ahlrta and eollara In a chlneae laundry, hna an Inherent ronvlcilon thai rhlneae la Ihe reini difficult langnai" in acquire If he ever diH-a Klti II a thought It la more than probable ihnt he haa agtlnrted hlmii'lf that Klvm Ih. brief apace of I mm )..ar and a romfnrtahle real denee on a deaert lalanil ao thai hla attention would not lie dlatrarted, he might learn Io count up to Inn In the language In which la i-nahrlnod the analeiia of Conlm-lim and other mna lerpleri-H of Kaatern Hli ratur To he lold that III. r.. I a wat l. winch - Chlneav l mail. n- In III y 10 prnve tie. mm li lor hi cnilulitt Whle 11ml. nloi.lv ili.r. m u'. li. a faarlnatlon in I -Iiik ml 1 in. whm jBe5eR " 'jfr .. "r"S - Jl -taeWI-e:" JW' 'j ' ,' - QmiC5 pts J Jfei LEARN etMjJ period llioin atrnngu rouiliiiuiilon of airokea 311 ft Chi iii-iw lAiiudr) in 1 . 1 menu, )et no one la IIKil) to Ink. up the aludy of 11 language to gratlf) a aallafncllnii to unfrultlul That then- la a genuine value In a hnowleilgi of tin Chinee InnguiiKe la touched for I.) I)r Wul tr HriHtka llriiuner or rolmnliln mil teralt), ami Kung uei Mow I'hliioae mlaalounr) In New otk I'll) In their volume, Jimt publlalicd b) Uu Muc-mlllAii Muc-mlllAii comiuiii), iiillil.il 'Cliluveu Made Kj) " In iixplaunllnn nf the comiuiriitlte eM) wllh which kihiKi 11 Chlnvae mil) bo amiulreil, fur II mum bi uu.leraiiHnl that there la n illfferenci IhIwimh the riaiken and the written laugunKea, take, for viniple. Iho word hand In (terman we mint remember whether the word hand be of maarullne. funil nine or neuter g. nder, In 1'ri-iuli. Hjianlli or llnllan wu miut recall whether the word bo 01 tnaacullne or feminine gender, w henna In rhlneae, aa In Ilngllah, all we nets) burden our memory wllh Is tho word hand, which. In (,'antoneeu Chlneae, la aow Dnco learnixl, the word aow la Irretocably fixed In our mimur). The vlmiillrlly of eucli a lanKUage la at onro aelfevl dent when wu are told thai wordt havs neither gtndcr nor .In tcnilon. that ierba hava lib ennJUKatlon (and inn) l(o either actlte, Iraiivlllte muter or veil ca.unl): that tho languagn la ifompoaed mainly of mononyllahlc -ionln. which nro really root Idoaa, rind that n word may be uel cither iin a noun, erb, adtvrb or conjunction, conjunc-tion, depending almply on the contott ir aa tho eilgenclea ot the aurround-IJir aurround-IJir word demand I Tho Chlneao hate ncter conatructeil a gramtuar for their languaro aa we ifmlcr.tnnil a Kramniar, but thn Ian-(lugij Ian-(lugij docs tdhen to ctrtaln forma In ! the 11 f imi. h whi. I. are iic-ary lo eak ami write the language cor rictl) The Chlneae language la with- I out an alphabet, but for Ihe purpneea nf grading, the number nf airokea In I a algn. whli h la a word. In aotne e lent fi Ita place In Ihe leaanna, which 1 begin with yot ' which meana "-one." and the algn for which la a alngle hnrhtimtal alroke When It la conald- I er.-il thai aome Kngllnh wnrtla con lain a large nunil-er of leilera, there j are few Chlneae wonl algna with nver I twenty airokea although the word algn "Jam," meaning "Io pralae " contain" con-tain" tw.-nl) al Lot If It a ui.e.1 aa aeldom by Ihn I hineae aa II la by the llnutli-h upeaklnn peopb-a 11 In no hard ahln io write 11 To etproaa th naona and yearn It will lie fniiiiil H11 (hlniie are iwetl 1 a! Nut ). art 1 rliht year New ranged aciordlng to the number of B I airokea retpilred lo make Ibcm which M la In a aonae i-qulvalent In being nl- phabelleally arranged In Kngllah M Thete are lx atylea of Chlneae writ I Ing Pirn the fanciful aun ahu," n B form found In limine tahlela im imr- 1 'elaina eli tecond. Ihe die ahu." or Ihe plain atyle Thla aquare form 1 I of writing waa formerly uaed tor of I I flclal putpoaea Thlnt the 'gii) ahu." 1 or pattern atvle the model of good H writing I'onrih the 'ham aim," a 0 I atlff "running ' hand, uaed In hualneea I Mllh Hie 'cho ahu." or free running hand, nn abbreviation of Iho "ham i ahu ' or n kind of ahoiihand, which la not alwnya Inlelllglldn lo an mill-caled mill-caled Chlneae nnd alxth. Ihe 'eooug ahu ' Ihe eh-Kant form, the churuo-li churuo-li ra imed III printing Chlnme chararlera are nleo divided rSBaN9'aWf HALLOF CU55IC5 I Yoara da) la er) pnierly. If not ele-I ele-I ganlly llogln day." the four aeaaotia, aeiao." la Hour Tlmea; Inal tndntli la "up month " and In thla word will lie found what la known na n "etaaal-fler" "etaaal-fler" The aoumla fur up month are "aa) ung ko )itt," Iho ' ko" la n email-her. email-her. which la uaed In n inatiner alml-lar alml-lar 10 our ' n length of roie," n "piece of -bualneaa," etc., nnd haa nlao Ita plmiietlo value rr Ihe word "not" there are aevernl THrlktluna "ung liluli" oo,unla not la: "ung" eiiuala not, "mo" e(iinla not and "but" efViala pot. The word "high" la iiao.1 aceorillng to the context for either "la," "It la" or "are." The word liutu" ia aomutlmna Inferred In n aen-teuco aen-teuco und not expreaaed, na ' I not wine cup," meaning "I hate no wine glnae;" but to expreai "I Imto wine" or "I hate" any thing eleo. Iho word "yow," mennlng "hate," la uaed If "I Itnte not" anylhlng Ihe "hate" li omitted. . "I," ' me" and "my" nro all repre-en repre-en tin! by one word, "uenw;" to any ' mlnii" Iho Kiaaeaalvu ' kny" la milled lo the "imnw," nnd It bernmea "iignw-ko)." "iignw-ko)." Tho word "tery" la awkwardly eapruaaed h) "aup fun" tir leu part, al though there I) thn miultntvnt "Jon" Man are "mate peraona," the plural la thowu by Iho number nf men ami not . by any iiddltlon excepting tho claaal-Her claaal-Her Women arc "feinalo peraoti." Tho ' lenaea nre repreaenled b) 11 algn, "lie haa gone nwny" being rtnderoil "He go" mid algn of paat lenae, lima 'ko-o hiHje Iiihhi I pant tonne algtiul lar" The quer) la repreaenliHl Iiy act era) different algna, "rait)" nnd "nn)" being be-ing the moat common onoi V Mrthtla) Iu riilneao la n "llto U) " or earn )ot. Whin Ihu nnnia of 1 forelgiur la lo bo expreaaed. It la I done phouutlrnll). Thua Waahlng-I Waahlng-I Ion, wluine tiumu la mnro fcinlllur To I Chlucie th. 1 11 la generally credited, la expriaae.1 ti ihe aountU tthar ami iii, which Ih fairly c-loae Tho char-nciera char-nciera uavil to wrilo lliuae Hounds moMti lienuty proaptr and tho crb dun which meiina to bow Iho head WnnhlnMuu'a lilrllulay becomea In Chi ueae literally "Ilenuly prniper to bow Ihu head lltu day," which doee not Bound ter) Impreealte, but tho Ctil-ncjp Ctil-ncjp appreiiaiii tho real meaning. Ihe woi.l Ihla la nlwas oxpreaacd aa no Iu Clilnuao. For Inatance, thla ' morning It ' now morning,," or, In Chlneae. Chl-neae. ' kum chuo-oo." Once thorough ly grnaped Ihu uto of the Chlnceo verb la not nearly no difficult aa la tho erh In other languages Tho Chluete vcrln oxprea (ho Idea only and undergo un-dergo 110 change of lullectlun un account ac-count of lenao or mood Contcqticntly. there la nuthliig like a conjugation to be reniemheruil To cxproaa tho tlmo ot action other worda aru added to the verb, which by their preaince giro an Indication of the exact mood or tentc. Thorn are tho verba ending In the algn equivalent to "gee." which meant In dwell, to livo In, tn reel or to ttop. Thua tn lt In a carriage la "chow gee mar chay " meaning "Kit to rett homo car." tho In being underatood. In writing Chlneao one baa flrtt to understand there are SU radical!, ar- Into the hlerogl)phle, alciilflontlve. Ideographic, antithetic metaphorical and phoiiotlc. The names tery aptly describe these forma, nil being the atirecrlbe of ancient forma which hatn been modern Iteil, and l-r only a alight resemblance to their originals. Philadelphia l.edger. |