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Show BANDIT MurtOCK CAtHIIR. f.rv M" Ouar1! Fum ' "", .1 Coat f Ml Life. A hriM .ivl'h raw by bandit" from ti m.mnlaln reclon waa madn ii l n ih. I r itiimat t'k at Ondy W i .i ,i . iiimn Caahler t 0 Mf, , In'tatitly killed n, IM - '-ii lth'nil wcurlng n i in i rl.i of htilWa Iron Hi' " i 'l ' l'', wh" w"m alir.etrl i.. r i... hv !e abonl lug nf VIlK i ii ""'' "" "hai t alHita I' i Mil rnlilii-rn and tba bank oiik i Two r.l "ii lud I"h '' about tn.lv ! ' l mimi'ii wlHi nut ma. I i- ,r '" rhr aclec. n '" "be Imnk ami with all about' r in .ach baml ordered everron- aitiiio to throw tip their band lnH''l of complying with tba ilamamlo of tin imilaw, lb bank of-flclala of-flclala giabbnl '-apon from Iwnealh ! etmnt -ra an4 opened a fnallada neon th.- Inlradera, who bi-al a baaly raireai Into the ulrwi futkiwed by Caahler Mlddaarb. wlm impUrd hla gun at then at abort range Whew Mlddangb bad reaaed "rtag tie attialkT "f lb " rubbura knmIinI and. taking dellueratH aim at lh bank olflrlal t a btillH thnmgh Mlildanah' breant, wbi ft tlwttl In bl track Clllten an. lined by the tiring atdaed every weapon In rah and gnan were training upon the flying robin r from ovary dnl The tailtawr awapt the alrttela with their aUaltotilera, digging 1 heir tura frantically Into the able of IIimIt lutrae A "e la In piiranlt ami It la thought Ike men will Iw captured If taken alive thty will undoubtedly be lynched |