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Show ill 1 Send US y0Ut orderS f0r a11 I kinds of Job Work. Il HaHflH-HH NKCrtALOIA rAlHI, Rheumatlim, lumbago and ilatlcpalm yield tothepenetratiuglnfluencoof Ual-lard'eBnow Ual-lard'eBnow Liniment. It penetratei to the nervei and bone and being abiorbed Into tbe blood, Hi healing propertlei are conveyed to every part of the body, and effect tome wonderful curei. loo, 00c, fl.OO. Sold by Jobu Doydtn & Bon, N'ntlco to Tnxpn)cri, I will receive county taxei at my office In tbo Caih Ilargaln Blore.ACoalvllle, Jt!?PtoandJnefudlbTOllJjl Fraxk Caorr, deputy treaiurer. COrtKIt COMaUIU'TlON Mil. II W, Event, Clearwater, Kan., wrlten "My huiband lay ilck tor three inonthi The doctor laid that he bad quick coniumption. We procured a bottle bot-tle of Ilallard'i Hore hound Syrup, and It cured him. That wai ilx yean ago. Slnco then we havo alwayi kept a hott'o In the home We cannotdo without it. For coogbi and coldi It bai no equal." S6o,Wc, fl.OO. bold by John Boydenifc Son. Iltllowe'n Parly The Mlnei Hannah Ilbead and Blanche Young gave a very luccciitul Hallow o'n party Monday night at the home ol tbe (inner. The ludlci barred ho young men (torn attending, but before be-fore tho party wai over and the girli got home they were lorry they had not Invited In-vited the boy i. They had a glorloui tlrao, to they lay, playing all klndiol tpookey games that could to thought of. They .tero all dieued In while with their facet painted ipeclilly (or thli oc-lailon. oc-lailon. After the gimei had been played daluty relrcihmenti were tenednnd they returned home. Thoie preent weie tbe Mlnei Clara Allen, Clara Sim-liter, Sim-liter, Edith Wright, Grace Young, Blanche Young, Mamie Ithead, Margaret Mar-garet Young, Margaret and Caailo Fad-dlet, Fad-dlet, Hannah Ithead, A Itunimuy Ulrjilc, Terminated with an ugly eut on the leg ol J, B Orner, Fraualin drove, III. It developed a ttubborn ulcer unyielding unyield-ing to doctor! and rtmedlei for four yenri. Then Bucklen'i Arulca Salve cured III Just ai good tor burnt, icaldr, kin eruption! and pilei. ic, at Boy-den'idrugitore. Boy-den'idrugitore. Wnted MEN AM) WOMEN in thli county In adjoining territoilei, to represent and a Ivertiiean old eitabllihed liouio ol lot Id financial itundlng, Salary to mm l.'l weekly, to women 112 to $1H weekly with expeniei advanced each Mom ay by check direct from heAdquirtert. Ilorre and buggy furuliml when necei' ary, poiltluii jiennaneut. Addren, Blew Broi. & Co , Dent. A, Monon Bldg., Chicago, 1II.-10-H Dotcn'l Ilupcit OlclAcc It's ihameful when youth falli to ihow proper reeftcl foi old age, but Juit the contrary In tbe caie ol br. Klng'i New Lite I'llli. They cut off rneladlei no matter how tevere and Irrespective ol old age. Uyipepita, Jaundice, fever, comtlpatlon all yield to thli petfeit pill, 25c, at Boydon'i drug itore. No IoUan In CtU"nbrala'l tu;ti Jtmd. From Napier New Zealand, Herald i Two yean ago tbe Pharmacy Iloaid ol New booth Walei, Auitralli, had an an-alyiit an-alyiit made of all the cougb mediclnei that were ioIJ In that market. Ootol the entlro Hit they found only one that they declared wai entirely free from all polsoni. This exception was Cbamber-laln'i Cbamber-laln'i Cough Remedy, made by the Chamberlain Medicine company, Dei Molnet, Iowa, U, S A. The absence ol all narcotic! tnakei this remedy the iafi si and best thst can be bad, and It Is wltha feeling ot security that any mother mo-ther can give It to her little one. Chamberlain's Cham-berlain's Cough Kemtdy li etpcclall) recommended by Iti makers for cuugbr, colds, croup and whooping cough. This remedy Is for talu byJohuBoyden Abou Illtiiitcriiiis Wrt-cUs. Carcttsmeii Is reiponiiblu for many a railway wreck und the same cauiesare making human wrecks ol tulTerert from Throat and Lung troubles But since the advent ol Dr. King's New Ditcvvery for Coniumption, cougb i and coldi, even tbe worn caits can be cured, and hope-leu hope-leu resignation li no longer ntceitary. Mrt LoliCrsggof Dorchener, Mm , la oneut many who lite was caved by Dr. King's New Diioovery. This great remedy rem-edy Is guaranteed (or all throat and lung diseases by John Boyden & Son, drug-gtitt. drug-gtitt. Price COc, and SI. Trial bottles Ire. Wc can do your job work. m .nutici:. BejlJoids will U received by Frank Rlpponfqtr recorder, on or belore No-vember" No-vember" Wli, 1W, lor the erection ol a brldgeotrlis Chalk Creek on Second Northitrrit, Coalville City, Utah. Fori'lTi anil iPKltlcatlomieeJ.il, Balmarv. U. lUdden. Prosperity I Is only obtained by constantly rustling and v M reaching out for 1 5-,- -. W THE BEST. Ill OUR LINK OP FiMii.ii.e, Garnets and Ranges H Are inviting and RELIABLE. You are sure of LOW PRICES when you buy Irom Us. BIG SALES EVERY DAY H The Goods are Pojiulnr. As tbe small boy says, "Git in de swim, fellers, de water's fine." SUMMIT IMPLEMENT 60. H W. L. HANSEN, Manager. H f" H BARGAIN STORE, Coalville, Utah. e submit the following price quotations of U necessary home goods with the belief that any. - y-i one Buying same goods from Eastecp pfil(uffiwTWFM :Sig8SJSh-lS5t would be very little the gainer, if any. iH One or Our Many Shoe Bargains- ! no wholesale Pmo , A Ladies I'iue Geuuiue Dougola Shoe. Pat- of Tabfo Oil Clotfl t?MS3 ,H cut tip, most popular toe, all solid Sizes 3 107. jg has advanced lately an additional 35 eta per H I? roll of 12 yards, but we still tell best grades M ?SIOIEJ, 1.25 l ranoyPixtiorna, lOeispryd . , . , , I Mtxrblcn (Q. Woods, 20 lf Nothtut equal to it ever sold iu the county be- g , -M fore at the price. jj Mens L;ned Qomi Qfafj flfe 'fl " ti iH Wc are showing a nice Hue of Street and House J5 Very warm and serviceable. Will not absorb ! , JJ water or snow Scams rip-proof. ill Lined Shoes and Shppors. g Mon sizes 3G t0 40t . . $f35 , SM Ladies lined street Shoe, patent tip, very sty- fJ Youths, SIZOS 32 to 34 . 1.25 'ifl lish. Would be cheap at 52 00. ft - - - - 90 I OurPrIoo,$!.65 per pnlr 1 ' ' ' JB Elderly Ladies LincdshcTcom- (Nj" oc a Lace Curtains (elegant patterns) S billing comfort aud service, only wpi.OU pr J Threo yd8 long, good width 76o apaix Sj lis Throo'jydB" " " 07oapair (H Ladies Lined HOUSE SMPPKR, 65 cts a pair Sft v-l Ladksand Gentsllned HolllDers and Slippers, 8 WllitO Enameled GUrtalQ Pole. 75C, $1.00, $1.15, $1.30 5j Complete with Trimmings, 30 cents a pair S ' All good value ond very cheap. 0 (""' P'SOetsa pair for thim.) jH Honoysuoklo Cache Valley unsweetened TO nf n I fllirfiQ RvAQ .TflTTlQ 13 Pr can B Cream.( Largest can on markot, por can, 10 UlO 1 VJUIUO U1UD. 0aUlD,2oans, 25o fiffl Clear Glass Gold Band Mugt good size, Wc Fancy Salt and Popper Shakers, 15o pr Wj& Etched B ind Clear Glass Table Tumblers, 6 lor 23c. Rich Engraved Tumblers, 6 for 40 c ' Jr Fuji Tea, fullflrfla?orand 20c pkg. Best Imported Macaroni, ftjyg, l ' STAR I'pBSTERS, 10 oz cans, 26o eoh. Deep Elier Oysters, One, medium size, 10c; large 20c V "ri1SS Good Wasi Boards, 38b to 4flc , 1 ill - v3l Oasfi Bargain Store, Coalville: m Mfi rMaMBr M M |