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Show ' m , . THE BINGHAM NEWS "iff parents realize their failure in their responsibility, they realize they left too much on the school and church which are unable to be very far reaching . without the aid of the home. Parents, now is the time to help build up your boys or your girl's future, make them realize that Father and Mother too are interested in their welfare and their every be-ing. prosecuting attorneys declare that "more than ninety per cent of the boys and girls charged with crimes have been permit-ted to follow their wild life to jail." It is certainly time for the thoughtful pile to sit up and take notice. When we look over the files of even the Salt Lake City jail, one is surprised at the number of juvenile cases that are turned over weekly to the Juvenile Court. In most of the cases it is said a third per cent failed to have proper home or religious training. It has been given out that young men and women from the overwhelming proportion of active criminals to-day, are due to bad home condit-ions and religious restraint. There seems to be no longer any question that juvenile delinquen-cy is merely another phrase for paternal neglect. Their time monopolized by their own pleas-ures, parents leave their child-ren to find their own, in many cases. Naturally children are at-tracted by the "jazz" life of the time, we might term it, and seek adventure in one form or an-other in like conditions. Step by step they are led from indiscre-tion to crime, which lands them in jail. Then there are some EDITORIAL JUVENILE DELINQUENCY Juvenile Delinquency is today under serious consideration. The fact that delinquent age9 are, in a majority of cases, in the "teens," has emphasized the nec-essity for consideration. When THE BINGHAM NEWS Entered as second-clas- s mat-ter at the Postofflce at Bing-ham Canyon, Utah, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. .... V' Price $2.00 per year, in advance ' Single Copies, 10 Cents f A Weekly Newspaper devoted exclusively to the interests of the Bingham District and its people. Published every Saturday at Bingham Canyon, Utah Make all checks payable to , George Reynolds ' Editor and Publisher Bourgard Building, Main St. Bingham Phone 91 YOU SHOULD CARRY A policy' IN THE NATIONAL CASUALTY CO. of DETROIT, MICHIGAN BECAUSE ... They provide Indemnity for loss of time due to Accident or Sick-ness. Confining and Non-Confini-and BECAUSE We issue the most liberal and broadest policies on the market and pay our claims promptly, as the following list shows. Bingham Claims Paid in March C. A. Kelley $18.66 J. Feraco $15.00 J. G. Murray : $16.66 W. E. Crandall $46.00 J. Dimas $20.00 L. James $10.00 A. K. Hugoboom $15.00 C. L. Willener $ 5.33 N. Bolic $171.42 J. R. Ford $14.00 W. Meyers $ 6.66 T. Bernardo $16.00 C. L. Willener $ 6.66 II. L. Pickering $13.33 J. Borcich .$800.00 For further information Call or Write TONY RINO Phone 260 , P. O. Box 131 Bingham Canyon Utah LADIES ' If you want your HAIR taken care of Right Call at EDITH and ELAINE'S BEAUTY PARLORS 289 Main Street Phone 2S4M DAYLIGHT ' KITCHEN. m INSTALLED itZr COMPLETE 15 Days Free Trial Without obliftlo. to buy, w. will ln.t.11 thl. re. whU. B,ht ta your horn, o 13 days' Ire. trial. It coata you nothing to Me what a diilerence it will make to your work in the kitchen. This Offer Ends April 30 Th. time h ttig abort. Telephone u. today to prt tMa wonder the relief front eyestrain that ao light ta your home-a- nd eperience often produce nerve britation leading to aerioua .0iaeo.uencea lor worn, UTAH POWER GTIGIIT CO. (Efficient Tublic Service " ' BRON -CHO - LINE The Greatest Remedy for Colds, Pneumonia, Croup, and Throat Troubles. Invaluable for Insect Bites, Hay Fever and other Spring and Summer Ailments. KEEP IT ALWAYS IN YOUR HOME Manufactured Exclusively By CAMPBELL DRUG CO. Phone 190 Royal Building, Main Street FOR SALE Thirty Rooms of Furniture in the CALIFORNIA HOTEL Will also rent or lease the build-ing after the furniture has been disposed of. A chance of a life-time for someone desirious of making money. Apply Jim ROLANDO 590 Main St. Bingham, Utah PHOTOS ART POSES BY BEAUTIFUL AND SHAPELY MODELS For Art Schools, etc. Photos 3 Vi by 5 Vi Sample 25c $2.00 per dozen Large Sizes in Colors $1.00 PICTURES FRAMED Moab Navajo Novelty Co. 135-- 7 Regent Street Salt Lake City, Utah CANYON LIVERY and TRANSFER FREIGHT And HAULING of ALL KINDS SADDLE HORSES Jim Leva, Proprietor Phone 186 BINGHAM 77247, I "The Sportsman's Headquarters" LUNCHES PUT UP POOL TABLES Cigars and Soft Drinks Where You Can Always Find a Binghamite G. GREGORY, Prop. 24 West Broadway Salt Lake City, Utah i -- - . ' ;' Mii. ... X-'H- -: . ; -;.-- ;; i v" .,:-..y- , W , 4 f;H rS - Jack is still in the Ring SAY IT WITH FLOWERS Give us your olders for all Kinds ot FLOWERS Potted Plants and Ferns E. O'DONNELL Phone 17 J. P. ARNOLDS SWISS WATCHMAKER Fine Watches, Clocks and Jew-elr- y skillfully repaired 520 Main Street Bingham, Utah J Bingham Furniture Co. 1 Main Street 461 Phone 99 S Three Round Solid Oak Extension Tables from $10.00 up. S Two Chiffioners, Solid Oak, from $10.00 up. ffi Two Monarch and two Majestic Ranges. One-thir- d original cost. , S Twenty-seve- n Rocking Chairs from $2.50 up. J Full and three-quart- er size slightly used Beds with good springs HJ and new mattresses. Cheap. j Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs. ' Jfi I Two Sanitary Couches with mattresses, $12.50 for the two. j?j SIMMONS BEDS, SPRINGS, and MATTRESSES, S DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY S DISHES OF ALL KINDS S Some of the above Goods have been slightly used, but they Jfi are of the best Quality. If you want a Bargain, come and see them. Rj GEORGE SMITH I Proprietor. g TRY A GENUINE HAND MADE HAVANA CIGAR THE ALBERTA Manufactured by THEO MARX 112 East Second South Street Salt Lake City Utah NOTICE TO WATER USERS State Engineer's Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 1, 1925. Notice is herebygiven that the Dry Fork Water Company, whose post office address is Bingham, Utah, made applica-tion in accordance with Section 8, Chapter 67, Session Laws of Utah, 1919, to change the nature of use of one (1) c. f. s. of water appropriated from under ground (low of Dry Fork Canyon in Salt Lake County, Utah. Said water is diverted from said creek at a point which bears N. 36 deg. 58 min. West, 5418.9 feet from the SE cor. of NEtyi of Sec.. 14, T. 3 S R. 3 W., S. L. B. M. and Jan. 1st to Dec. 31st of each year for domestic purposes in the town of Bingham. It i3 now desired to divert the water and use during same period as here-tofore for maintaining a pond for fish culture purposes. This application is designated in the State Engineer's Office as File No. a835. All protests against the grant ing of said application, stating the reasons therefor, must be by affidavit in duplicate, accom-panied with a fee o $1.00 and filed in this office within thirty (30) days after the completion of the publication of this notice. GEORGE M. BACON, State Engineer. Date of first publication April 4,1925. Date of completion of publication May 2, 1925. BINGHAM STAGE LINE Schedile Now Effectirt Cars leave Bingham 8, 9, and 11 a. m. and 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 p.m. Cars leave Salt Lake City 7, 9, and 11 a. m. and 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 p. m. Main Street Phone 41 FARES Round Trip S2.60 One Way : fl.50 Salt Lake City Office Semloh Hotel 107 E. 2nd So. St Phone Was. 1069 |