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Show Quality - x J Never . , . . experiment It t the high r, . quality of Royal Willi SO fhafls" important lished its great afl article and world-wide reputation. 3S TUe WifcVkLJsUshc human can rely upon fOOd 5t; that it makes the bread and biscuit more delicious and wholesomealways whole-somealways the finest that can be baked. It is economy and every way. better to use the Royal, whose 'work is always certain, never experimental. -..-' There arc many Imitation ImUnK (Hmdrrs, made frnm alum. They - may cost ItM r laniml, but .-, i) i'r uc is nt the cost ol health. a. act okino rewpta co too wiiIum it., ncw vobk. It's a Short Road from a cough to consumption. Don't nqjlect a cough take. Shiloh's Consumption Cure when your cold appears. Tht " ounce of prevention " is better than )ears of illness. ' I. .,.. I.. ,.(, . t.Mh,tttb;4 "J i 'ml, ffEZi Ml 'al tioir.uiKa.ii.tiiM" nbr"i' tu uiiK,P A It- Wll" ' jj.tjr w.i"' j ,V.,u.t it tk g.i.toi " "riu!ls;,-.,'.iKw.Nv frt.t.4 tMlaWeS wl'b ..tr bwlll. anj..riCIJr"J.;k. Many abrlgbtaiidliappy houieholdhai been thrown Into tadoci and torrow became be-came ol the death nla toted one Iroiu a negltcttdcold. UALI.AItD'B HOltK-IIOUNIlHYHUl'li HOltK-IIOUNIlHYHUl'li the great cure (or cough, coldtand all pulmonary allmeat. l'rlce, 25 and 50 cent. John Hoyden A Son. Send us your orders for all kinds of Job Work. ?. o. e-V-a.:ts, ATTOHNKY-AT-I.AW. Itoom KI-e(V I) K. Walker Hulldlng, SALT LAKi: CITY, UTAH. J. H. LAMB, BLACKSMITH. All Kinds of Work Neatly Done, nt Reasonable Prices. HORSESHOING A SPECIALITY Shop Id CtDlrj'i Bonding, Nortb rUIn SI. Look Here! If you wnttt your HARNESS or Shoes Repaired Go to WILL :-: TOONE, Corner Second Korib and First East Sts. Men's Shots Half Soled. . 65c Ladies " " " . ..50c Children's " " .. 40c Men's Shoes Sewed Soles $1.00 Ladies ;' " " .75c Come and get your ork done (litick and cheap. O. W. FREjNCH, M D'. rbjtlcian und hnrzron, OFFICE AT KIIII:NCF. CoaUllle. Uttice l.ouri Irom 2 13 p. ra. jtll w hocan alioulJ olwereo tbcae houn aa nearaa m1U. Dr. W VISICK RESIDENT Dentist. Coalville, Utah iOflice at iwtdencc, comer Main and Second North sttccts. liiin COALVILLE OPERA HOUSE, I Friday, Jan. 18th. I Tickets, 50 cents. . Everybody Should Attend. I GRASS CREEK I COAL. I Grass Creek Mines. DOniCStiC, HP and Stove Mixed, $175 WrE-LID SO3liT3D. ? Jg Special Chute for Loading Teams. 9m No Shoveling. No 'Waiting. V a ? Grass Creek Coal Co. k , JOHN BOYDEN & SON. r DEAMSKS IN Books, Pencils, ' School Supplies t MEDICINES, etc. Main Street, Coalville, Utah. I CHO ROLLER MiLL JONES BROTHERS, Props. DUALURS IN . Flour, Bran, Shorts, Chop Feed 1 and all Mill Products. ill Bring Us Your Grists and get GOOD FLODRaJK When you want Dry Goods and Groceries I Go to H CASH BARGAIN STQReJ COALVILLE, UTAH M -jr |