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Show LETTERS FROM I i CORRESPONDENTS.; - I Around tbe County in Seven Days. Tbe Hapfennlngjol tbt Fist Wttki Told Id Detail bj Efficient ! Correspondents. j MAUIflV I Maiuok, Utah, Jan. V, 1101. i:inca Tuici . Mrr. Charlotte HeddolOgden Itvlilt-j ft log with her tlilrr, Mir. Maty Wool- J ttenhulrne. The mall man hat juil arrived and it lomplalnlng about tlio cold weather and jKior tlelghlng. j lteubenWoolttcnhulme returned home t from Hhtr City Dec. Slit, where lie !liJ been (or two rnoiilbt. Mix Ililma LundlergMnd David Ntel ame out from Hall Lakcon Dec. 2.1th to trend the holiday vacation. Milt I'.llcn Woolitrnhulme returned , -.. s home Iroin Halt Lnko City on Dec. 27lh, '" where ihuhaj been lortwoweek. ..'' Mrt. Mar)' K. Lewiiltablttn bt about ' again alter being contlred to her bed for j tin' ptt twowccki with a tevere can-of la grippe. L. T Farr ii aiming to ortitnlivan elocutionary tlaie. From all epieap unci i Marion will not be the moil baik- ward town III tneiounty. Nathan Virnon and Xllti Helta Lemon Lem-on marred to l'ruvo on tbe 7th alter pending their holiday vacation with relatlui and frlendi here. They both ' attend the U. Y. Academy. , ThtMaritu Home Dramatic Comj an) hfitimliJlbt play "Jedldah Juilklnt" ij., t Kamai Dec. 27lb. It Piyed tc.be, a J jSSfctfC" tuccett In every rripecU Thty are prV-JStgSfj, prV-JStgSfj, luring another play to le prtieiiltd on J JSjJ or about Jun, Will. |