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Show 1 I Irr.jae of : t be erected on g I B t A.1 SALVATOR SQUARE I I An Immenso nnd most artistic mon- nj iimcnt ot Christ Is to bo erected on B Mount Vesuvius, tho exact place te ll Icctcd being tho Sahator square, on B tho Calderonl Hill, this being tho Bj placo where a chapel stood In old days. BL Pending the erection ot tho monument, which will bo or marble, a wooden BL cross will bo placed on this lofty peak, ,Vr" lJ " Ulmcnilona will bo so great that jiStifml" 'low ' " can l"3 obtained from "Naples, Tho monument will bo constructed con-structed by soma famous sculptor, and "by tho orders of I'opo Ix-o tho following follow-ing Inscription will be engraved on It: "Jcsu Chrlito Deo Hcstltutao per lp-sum lp-sum Salutus. Anno M. C. M. Leo I. P. "XIII." Tor generations those persons -whoso home hnvo "been near Mount Vesuvius hao piously believed that the fury of an eruption could bo much mitigated by tho prayers to tho Almighty, Al-mighty, and that thoso would bo In the least danger -who could congregato In soma consecrated spot When tho terrible eruption began In 1C31 Cardinal Car-dinal Iluonlcampagno went In stato to tho chapel near tho .mountain and offered of-fered up prayers, In the hope of ap peasing Clod's wrath, A, great religious procession was held nt the samn time, and when It was over thousand gathered gath-ered In all tho chapels within lov ot tho mountain, declaring their determination deter-mination to dlo there If death wero Inevitable. Tho governor of tho district dis-trict and COO persons bail fled for safety safe-ty to a, large building opposlto tho Franciscan chapel. In tho llttla town of Torro del flreco, whllo others had poured Into tho chapel until It was packed to tho very door. Hardly had they entered when burning lata pour-1 ed down tho street nnd awept to destruction de-struction tho governor and his companions. com-panions. A terrible tlmo It wns, but tho fact remains that those who sought shelter In tho Franciscan chapel chap-el wero saved, whllo hundreds of others oth-ers lost their lives; nnd this fact has mada a deep Impression on thoso who dwell near Mount Vcsutlus, and hss convinced them of tho necessity ot placing their trust In nod durlrig every ev-ery such awful emergency. It Is the exlstcnco of this deep faith which Is tho reason why n splendid Imago ot Christ Is now to bo erected on the Cat-dcronl Cat-dcronl Hill |