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Show No other aid so great to the housewife, no other agent so useful and certain in making delicious pure and wholesome foods, has ever been devised. d0$OMHVPlffif There re Imitation baking ponders, sold cheap, by manypocirg. Thc arc mailc from alum, a polton-oujSi polton-oujSi which renders the food Injurious to health. ROYAL WKINO tCh'M CO., ICO WILLIAM IT., NEW YORK. CI.iiil..lUU' Couxli ll innty a llrral I r.itll.. The soothing and healing properties of this remedy.lta picas, ut tastoaud prompt nnd permanent cures have made it a great favorite with peoplo everjwhere. It la ctueclallv prized by mothers ol mairchlldrcn for roldt, croup and whooping cough, as It iinayt affordi quick relief, and at Itcoutalnsiioopiutn or other harmful drug, It may he given as conllilently to a baby in to an adult. Per tale by John Hoyden A Bon. Scud us your orders for nil kinds of Job Work. I OR A Goo. Piiotograpn SEE DREWERY, At Rear ol the ClttlT Residence, Coalville. Tueslay, the 18lli lint.it potlilvely thelattday I talo sittings. If jou lmvo b vcr had a high irudo photo, try m and lie encouraged, Pliotoggslilt All work strictly Orst-class and guranteed. O. W. FRENCH, M D., I'hytlrlau uud Suri'uu, OKFICF. VT HEoIDENCE Coalville. OIUco hours from . tD 4 1 m. All whoenn should ob.-rvotheieluan as nearai posslbK Coalville Lodge No. 28 1. 0.F. Meetscver) Thti'tday evening at 7. SO at Court lloute. Sojourning brcthern cordially Invito!. Samuel Clark, .t. O. Kit w ard Sawley, Secy, Dr. W VISICK RESIDENT Dentist. Coalvillo, Utah TOffice at residence, corner Main and Second ortli street.. u."sPM ' ' I People's Me r. Co, I I t jfTxfull A Radical Chango In Marketing Methods i M ln k as Applied to Sewing Machines. H lyAA 1 Kuril n oglr"1 Pi11 under which you can obtain f M f. 9 MISTSA-? II eatler terms and better value In tho purchase of t vSskJBJ- the w or Ul lumoul '-Ulnic ' &clng Machine than J H f -J ij ever before offered. r jH 2 Write for our elegant II T catalogue and detailed partlculan. How S M i we can aave you money In the purcb-te of a high grade Hewing niachliie s and the caay terms of payment we can offer, cither direct from i M factory or through our regular authorized agents. This Is an onpor- p M ? tunlty you cinuot affonl to pass. Voir know the "White," you know r H J Ita manufacturer. Therefore, n detailed dncripiiuu of the machine and M iu coniiruciion it unnecessary. If you have an old machine to exchange M J we can offer most liberal terms. Write to-day. Address In full. J M 5 WHITE sewing MACiiL company. (Dep't a i Cleveland, OEilo. For sale by L. E Hall. M GRASS CR-EK I COAL. I c- JL IH Grass Greek Mines. I Stove Coal well screened - - $1.25 H Lump Coal " - $2.0O H Domestic (Lump and Stove Mixed) $1.50 H Special Chute for Loading Teams. No Shoveling. No 'Waiting. H Stable and Bunk Room at Mine and H Mouth of Canyon FREE. H Grass Creek Coal Co. M Get Your M MERCHANDISE I AT THE H CASH BARGAIN STORe I COALVILLE, UTAH H |