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Show ? s. cori:itt1i'i:. qL jib- '"'WllliiS ScliMiTJni Id sntiir !lij aiiiijjsuiiiiiiy I "yWilBlakj9unN3av tcheio r u lerei rM,MlfTOtt Tabemn 1. ..n s ''" gonil3fclie atlen I ii n wae WHgm'JSigbouv tl , iitilircme 'SVflK - moruiiig Haioli nil Kby ainglng from pnge 21, "ft'tiJ'""' 1'rayer waa olTi red b'f Sjtffir1' ''","' "'.IlileOlillilrfii IJI ljjloi naa rung and the roll oljTBalleil, thlng flvo repre-enMtiMK repre-enMtiMK t&Ttrrnarkt were made-by Supt. laBIVlt aorry that them waa aurli CmieniUnc. Sold that tlie virftotgroia in the Stake were In oWM4jjUKin Una vear than they wero 9K,I' t'happell ri'iwrteil the IfrftgSSffiUe achool. A?3tBripe naa rendered by tlie dJriUKillati i ! d the lloytavllle Nn3bl, I ifr of Jmeph Huilth." Wajjjtperniiiaiiiliiienta were reclleil "HKW'JP''' l(xl '' M,M J Harber. 'ngjatehool a reported by "upl fZBMSfnon on the Mount" waa tbUfflUtSlia daaa ti u le by the in t'MUjBfM of the (IraM treek wtjtgCTJolin Kuttull rpoke font 'VHtiH'''' ,,mt repreaentative eiEjffirjAR In the Dtake ihonld be litBEBatall the eeedoiia ol the iKfeKlSf ""l w'lllt,fl('r Inilruo I t'gjEsMtlJi l,ie lehoolt would re-fyEIESf11' re-fyEIESf11' Urged the auperin-'ijitfuirglolcqiiiineiicu auperin-'ijitfuirglolcqiiiineiicu their clic"jla .jBrQnjfRJjrjjncJoted by alnglng ''In fiCTPfflpSiiyjhaiid benediction' fcalroay afternoon aer!onwa com-Bienced com-Bienced with the regular opening excr- Ciaei. Holl called, al owing fit e teboola ! riprraented I.lder Thomas Copley aald he had labored for ioiiio tlmo paat aa a Sunday ehuol mlatloiiary, and had found the irhoolatn fairly good condition. Supt. W. I., Ilnntin reported the 0'raaa Crick achnol, n exercl.e wa rendered by the co-end co-end Intermediale claaa of the Kamaa irhoat, subject, "1 he rourth Command-meat." Command-meat." The Article- of 1'altli were recited in concert by the eclioola, led by Vinnle Copliy. Tho lloytatillo wliool una rrportnl by bupt. J. J. ltoHtn. A claaa exercise waa renderrd by (be ecoml Iiitermedlatu clmi of thul'ica school, aubject, "1'lnt of the Tn I'Ugun," I The first Intermediate class of the Halt Coalville nhool irndereil un ex-eriletf ex-eriletf on the aubject," Word of Imloin " Kldor Henry lVlirsou iioko on tlie Word ol Wisdom, and urged Ihe ofllcera uml teachera tu tee that the children re taught this Ian. Klder Nuttall next rpoke of theiiu-protementi theiiu-protementi being made In tho school ol tho Stake, and waa gratified ut tho remits. Hinging should be taught ill tlil: action!, and the ihlldiiu should bu taught to pray, llmli school should pay Its por cento! the nlckki fund. Afternoon tenlou doted hy tinging "Wilcoinu to Our Union Meeting" and benediction by Kldir W. I, Ilantcn. M MIAt UIIIIMMI The morning tetslou waacoinmenred by alnglng from ago 107. l'raytrhy by Kldcr Oscar Wllklna, Contlnueil by tinging from pago 135. Hopreienlatlicaof tcvcu schools responded re-sponded to roll tall. Assistant Supt, Knoch ISronn madoa few remarks. Said he had visited nearly all the schools in thu Htake and found that they commence atlOo'clock. Music and alngiug greatly Improved, Good order muilfeated during the administration administra-tion of the sacrament. An exeniae waa rendired by the Oral Mutarmadlate class ol the Coalville school "V J h" I 'rTn the ' Life of Jowph Htnllh." I Ihe Kama school waa reported by "upt Kdward Thonaa. 8upl Oore W. Young reo'iHed tho '. nnalilp trbool. 'The I.lahona" wat the tuliject of an exen le by the first Intermediate elaM S . V of the l'ark City aeliool. ( uni ert recitation by the schools of He ".etllinony of the Three Willi. Wil-li. ifi," let) by Jannle C'aldorw Kl. Hupt. Thomas Deanlen reported the lli-neler aehool, Klder Nuttall ipoke on the mattirof hating nit tho chlldien in the rchool otir 8 years old baptlxed, and Hint this onllnaiire bo irfiirmnl on their 6th birthday, Tittlmeny bearing should bt had III etery department nf the school on fast day. Klili-r Henry I'clrrsou made n few elo.lng lenmrks mi punctuality, and the scmIou waa cloeeil by elnsrlng "Kre the bun nrtaottn" fleneillcilou by Khtr Kdward Tlioiimt, At the rhwiinf the inornlug srMloil a teachers' and ofncvra' meeting naa held, nml Inslrurllnns given by Kldei a Nuttall nud l'elereon. The afternoon feaelon was commenned by singing from page M. I'rayec by I'.liler William Ure. Contlnueil byalug Ing "! Is the Work." 1 Hull calleil, aliening nine aJiools rep-reeentwl. rep-reeentwl. Klder Nuttall made n few remark p rtolulng to the aaeruinent, which waa ndinlnlttered by Klders J J. Honcnaud Orson Arnold, anlilid by four other r.kler. Itemarkawere made by Klder Titer-sou Titer-sou on thu mailer nf resenting the genimil ehiirvh ollicers, nfur width the authorities were preMnted and sustained, A selection wu remleitd on the large nrgauby I, M.Shaw. l'rcsl. Alma Kldredgo made a few en conraglug remarks to the young people. l'reit.Clnff aald he was pleased to meet their youth and when they grow old Ihey will not depart from it. A number of qucstlorii pirlalnlngto school work wero answered by Ulder Henry IVtcrtou, In his rloslug remarks re-marks he uigrd the balnts lo teach thilr children looboy the lairs of God, I'.hlrr Nuttall was pliaard to see so many ixirenla present, nnd uiliiibiilahed tlism to attend the school In their ward so thai they oouldeeti lion their children are being taught, bald that the Ar licit of 1'altli, tne Ten Commandment, the Testimony of tho Three W Uncases and the presentation of thochurrh authoil ties should bo taught III tho claseee, Thu Juvtnllo Instructor should lie In every school. Was pleased with IhesurccMof , the confirime and congratulated those liolmd tialmd the ilillJren to tuku .part. After singing "Welcome Happy Sunday," Sun-day," and benediction by Kldcr T. I.. Mien, coulcrcnce was adjourned. |