Show J a BIG BlO fUN FESTIVAL i IN OGDEN CLOSES 1 1 Last evening marked the close Ios of or us big fun festival held under i tho the auspices of tho the Ogden Retail Mer J j Jl 1 f chants association and never before 4 l I in tho history of or the th city has so sot soI I t I much wholesome mirth and amuse I I mont ment been crowded into six days and andI I nights with tho the objectionable features I I which are so apt to characterize such j J events cents so wholly absent Il II The gods of fraternity have lent 1 their presence while the fun lover and the fun Cun maker makOl united their efforts In Ina li a true truo carnival spirit with the result lit that tho the big fun festival has been an unqualified success Tho Tilo gentlemen connected with the C W V Parker I shows arc all aU pleased with the volume I I of business done and tho the treatment j accorded them generally The gentle i men Then who direct the destinies of the I Retail Merchants association will re rc I allro alizo enough to defray all expenses In l to the tho event and thanks to toL toI L I their Joint efforts a gala week has been provided for local amusement lov by At t ers t The C W Parker shows shown have ho boon been II P ic i liberally patronized on their merits me 1 and the constantly increasing attend I anc has hils been a substantial nial to the character of tho the attractions lions offered They The have havo verified v tho the claims of the publicity department r ably sustained the reputation they thoy b brought ought to Ogden with them and sup it by many runny commendable I I features that TV wilt will HI leave a asUn Im Ira t They The aie aro handsomely equip Ii L ped well operated clean meritorious 1 a II credit to 0 the profession of entertain entertainment l mont ment and a substantial testimonial to the sound business judgment of or the enterprising gentlemen of or tho the Retail Moi chants association It IL IB Is ea jo understand why the Parker shows as asan asan 1 an amusement organization stand at nl atthe atthe the head of their class when they ther have connected with ith them so many man men p It who arc both capable and likable men mentho who tho are aro wedded to their work and look l upon 11 it i as ns a a n profession and not as a no amere 1 mere means of livelihood During Diring i their short sojourn in Ogden they thc have I made many runny friends and a cleaner more likeable lot of showmen never neer visited S tho the city I i Last evening the various attractions were all open to the public until a abate 1 late bate hour There were vere hand concerts 1 free attractions and pei performances refinances tho the I same as usual for iOl one feature about the thc Parker shows as commendable as asIt asI asit 1 I It is unusual is that every cerr attraction i I II is so constructed that Jt it can be he dis disS dismantled j I I mantled and loaded on Oil the tile train with wIlh j S S in the tue time lime limit of four foul hours Fol Following Following I lowing the concluding act of the last laRt performance there was none nono of the dis disagreeable I I agreeable sounds of hammers Every Everywhere I Everywhere ory I where there Utere was evidence of i and discipline and capable hands bands I 1 speedily carried out the instruction 1 of master mailer minds with the result that Tabernacle Tab square the scene of tho tim thoI I recent festivities was soon denuded If hf f the show paraphernalIa which was WilS 1 speedily entrained and today tod y the big special train of double J IK Is its to Idaho I t length cars on way i i Tails Falls followed by b the hest best wishes of 1 well pleased pI CD sed amusement lov by I erL cri erLA erLI I Ao A was expected an unusually largo large o 1 crowd participated In the closing fes fcc festivities I 1 and tho the Parker shows snows special police force cooperated with the local I police and exorcised moro more than the or ordinary orI ordinary I amount of or care caro to prevent rough tactics on tho part of tho the over oer boisterous who wore were In Inclined dined to exhibit more life lifo and free freedom freedom dom than ilian would ordinarily prevail Should It ever evor happen that the C CW CT W T Parker shows need endorsement at the bands hands of or tho the Ogden public tho same will 1111 be bo most enthusiastically be bestowed bestowed bestowed stowed To say ay that they are deserving lug ing In of the liberal support of all aU right thinking people Is i merely to emphasize emphasize size tho the beUc that thal there Is a It large and legitimate h field for organizations of their caliber that align themselves squarely on the side of respectability and decency |