Show i HER INFATUATION CAUSED SUICIDE London June Tuno 13 Infatuation for tor forA torA forA A G caused Mary Agnes Ruiz Rub to kill herself Thus declares Lloyds Weekly Week In dis discussing cussing the mysterious m case ca of the t American woman who committed sui suit suicide cide cillo In this city 16 Other pa papers pore pers also devote deoto much m ch space to lo tho ho case They Ther lay la particular stress on the suppression of ot the th news of or the Iho Inquest and her With an American Lloyds I Weekly Ye ekl In Insists slats that the Iho English reporters ers at nt the Iho Inquest were bribed to refrain from mentioning the to 10 case Reynolds newspapers say sa that cx ex extraordinary efforts v ro made to pre pro prevent vent ent the tho stiff staff St at tho the private hospital whore Mrs rs died tour four hours after the thO shooting froni n e case nou rul tho servants ov or tho Uto Grosvenor I street t house wore were to Paris Parts Alfred G C can not Tint bo ho found In London He Ho has not ap appeared appeared at the horse show snow since the pa po papers papers pers mentioned the suicide on Thin Tho The verdict of tho ho coroners jury jur was sas while of unsound mind Charles F J Williamson of Paris who settled the affairs a and anti paid a large staff at Mrs Irs establishment was the first witness at tho lie Inquest Ho He identified ed the Iho body and testified that ho acted as her agent She was the tho lie wife of a a l wealthy we alth Cuban from whom she Aho had separated Lately I ho he said sho had d been In III ill health and depressed nod mid had declared that she was tired of life lire Miss lIs Elizabeth Caner Caney Cane the he compan ion of Mrs rs Ruiz since last January testified ed that bat Mrs IrM Ruiz Rula Rul hiM had been very depressed at times and took look tablets for insomnia She kept kepl a revolver according to the witness who further stated staled that her mistress was looking very er ory ill HI on the tho evening of May lla 1 Miss lIss Canny declared that she had no idea that hat Mrs Ruiz had shot herself until tho the doctor arrived Dr J B Sutton Button testified that ho io had found Mrs Ruiz had been shot In the breast A revolver with one empty empt chamber was lying on the bed bcd Sor Ser Servants SorI ants testified that they the heard no shot I There Thero was no doubt whatever that the case caso was Vas one of suicide |