Show JUVENILES BEING 4 r DISPOSED OF Juvenile Judge Gunnell disposed of ofa ofa ofa a number of youthful cases yes ester esler esterday tor day which havo been attracting moro more or less loss attention from the officers of tho the Juvenile court of late Ralph Hall Mail I as been sent to lo Iowa where he will willbo wills s ibo bo under the tho supervision of his rela rein relatives j tives Bryan Boyle goes to a ranch I near Promontory PoInt whore his sis sister sister I ter will see that ho walks the straight and narrow path hence henceforth henceforth hence forth Floyd Flod fate rests with k his parents They were given Ivon until last night to decide whether they thoy could provide proper control for him other otherwise otherwise I wise ho lie mutt mu o go to the tho Industrial school sc Frank Williams who annexed a bicycle was given until today to lo pay 10 for same Percy Pore Tanner was given until today to return a wheel he lie had stolen Kessler and brother have hae been sent to Dakota where they the will bo be looked after by relatives I In this way wa Judge Gunnell has avoided sending a number of or alleged to lo the tho industrial school in hopes that kindness and another chance will succeed In iii tho the work of lin reformation and do it more effectively school than l were tho the boys to be sent to tho the |