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Show ' HENEFER. The family of Robert Steplieoi U atlll quarenttned for Diphtheria, the third one In the faml.y batlno come down with It Wm F. Cromar, K. A, Jones, S Klllnxford, and Uyruta Dcardeo were all dolcg ,builoii Jn Sail take City during the week. Mr. William Andtrton li r,i alck at tbla writing, wlihcoLsump tlon. Kind hands are doing ail that can be done for blra. Mrs. Jeannette, Harris, wbo bat been visiting her father Alex Fife for several weeks left this moro log for Park Clly. After a brie! visit with relatives there aha will return to berboma In NvrlbYaklua, Wash. Mils Sophia Ilrewer, returned from Logan on the Stb. County Comralulooj, Wm. Arcbl. bald and Geo. Smith wrro here Nov JOtb. |