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Show ANY NEW FACES IN THE SENATE Largest Representatisn in History of the County, Being Composed of NiiwtjMwo Mcmrwr. Nearly One Hundred Naw Mambara 0 the House, While Seventeen Man from Variant farts af Country Coun-try inort Toflas far Flrat Time. Washington Tba anU will bo in largeal In the Malory nf the country, coun-try, aa It wMI be eompneed of ninety-two ninety-two mambara, lha Increaae being made hy the admlaslon of Oklahoma, wuoao lo senators will be Hubert U Owen and T I. (lore Wllh tba twrt awnalors from Okla boma there will l aeteotaan new members of the senate, which In elude successors to Hens lore Morgan and Pettue Tho new men Include William Horah who recently oaroa mil victorious In land fraud cases In Idaho, and Jonathan I lour lie, Jr. of Oregon, whoa advocacy of a "aecond elective term" for Ihe president brought him Into national prominence some time ago Prank C llrtgga of New Jersey auccecda Senator Iry dan, and Morris llrown, formerly at-Utrney at-Utrney general of Nnbraaka. cornea with a record for anil railroad prosecutions prose-cutions In hla state Jefferson I)avla nf Arkansas haa a reputation aa a Bery orator that may cans Senaloi Tillman lo look lo hla Inrela Simon (luggi'iihelm of Colorado Colo-rado bai gained a great mpiilailon In tbe business world through hla connection con-nection wllh the Amoricnn Smidllng Refining company Joseph K John-atyn, John-atyn, IJio auccaakor -nf Senator l"et luv, la a confedojratn veteran. IU)rry Y lllcbardiuin of Delaware- la a mil llonaliv, aa also la laaao Stephenson of Wisconsin, thy laat nninml iMdng the successor of Senator Bpnoner, and known a Ihe pioneer lumberman of the northwest Hubert I. Taylor nf Tennessee haa a (treat reputation na n humorist, and during hU recent Miuiwlgn for lha scnatorehlp carried a violin through hla atata niul niiened til meetings liy llililllng fur Ihe iimusament of hi consllluenla John II ltanktienil, suo-ceaaor suo-ceaaor to Senator Morgan and Joseph M Dlion of Montana coma to Ilia .sennta direct from Ihe lionso of rep-tesVilallies, rep-tesVilallies, uml T II. I'aynter of ) ) in I II ,. i. In.ill., 1 onw, na also did Senator Stephen koii Hinatiir Owen, who will represent repre-sent Oklahoma, la oiie-thlnl Cherokee Indian, and Senator (lore boa lui blind alnoa chlldbwHl The senate will have n majority of more than two-tMrda Ilepubllran The liouao of representatives also baa a largo llepubllcan majority, there Mug nt llnpubllcaiia and 308 Demorrala Thorn will lie many Interesting In-teresting and plcturieiuo rharactera In the house There are ninety nine new members In the house, but of that number twelvn have served In that body prior to the laat congreaa Of thn new men alityon nru Democrala |