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Show Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets RELIEVE INDIGESTION AND STOMACH TROUBLES .Sold by John Uoyden & Bon. 1 fatMVS "''T! I an3 get my pnees (Established May lOthYlKK.) " Capital, $25,000 1 , ( I 3 on Holly WreathesJXmas 5 We pay 4 per cent interest on Time 5 r--s: - M 1 ri Depo.iU-.A'e solicit you, patronage. g UeCOratlOnS, Novelties, LtC. i MriNOBIC.rtilDHT ALPRZDBLONaUlir.VlCIPsls s K ADAH rATTCntON Vict Pais rRANK PINOBXE Cashiik S . . MRS. SARAH RICHINS, The Florist Books! Books! j All the Church Works and other Books by KB the best authors. H Also a splendid line of H Pictures, Hdkfs, Teddy " H Bears, Dolls, and many H other beautiful articles H '1 4- H suitable for presents. ' H Margaret R. Salmon. . I mmmmammmammmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmtmmmmmmimm H How Much, ' I Please? . . . IM m ' ' ' f V. JZli' ""J"1; i'l"SIMi.lSISIJUIiSjlPtJIIS)JypigMV.B V Want a choice cut;of 'prime toasJ5eefviri H tender, juicy lamb?' Maybe it?sporIc ycSf" ( rB want or a nice, delicious steak? Ham, i sausage, bacon, or chops, may be yoias I H preference. Whatever it is, we have it i H and at right prices. H X I iCalderwoorJ Bros. Meat Corppany ; LoalVllle CO-OP Hercules v" I I J (l)k Has a large aud uew assortment of J i? P COt7CtS I A Qlcmen's and Ladies' Watches...Elgins, Walthams and 9M? rh Z7. Q, fit I j ;2J Hamiltons, in Solid Gold and Filled CaseUngersoll W'$ JAmK rOrJDOtJS 0 Watches for your boy's Xmas present. vjc fhki u y0,,r boy is nu,Mn,,y srcrc I I " D! -.. . J -! t' iL l C'-n. 1 T"! 1 '" Jv-Jr MM-m2a with his clothes. ou should cet him a M I ,, Kings or every description that are rirsl-class. 1 he designs -' L $9&Sff nucules suit. m I ate new and beautiful. See our large flock of Wedding Rings that are gtiaran- WsSfcii?'i2?' ,. ', JP teed 18 karat. , lo-Atr You will find that he will have 62 ' r 1 1 ! r I " ySsy ,?m8 some trouble in breaking through on mk I Gentlemen and Ladies Chains in every style. - (yJ&SW' E7 of our suits' 9 i f Ladies', Misses' and Children's Necklaces. WTi n'cf "e rd,e n strrBly "!, ,U , " 1 ; ' NwfEi M' i wills! w) possible to make clothes, l.very thrcul n ' WSK A Very beautiful line of Lace and Collar Pins. fxMsW eom beln8 cnrefully exainlneil for f) i . . TV7 klrfim XTS slightest defect. v i ' v In buying your Xmas Presents don't fail to see our line. jfW uS Trousers arc ail Uncn Lined. j fw t V jS jKiV Bring your Boy in and fit him out f ' Sjlf tfli J; ' y with a herculean Suit, and one of our A ? J I Coalville f a" ""- 1 1 Coop 1 Coaville Co-op ! i jl f K I |