Show rh dew Wnn Toll a ath lory Miss Nellie Jones a Philadelphia girl while visiting friend In llrlstol on Tuesday had a rather remarkable fishIng fish-Ing adventure The Delaware at lhls point Is fairly alive wllh German carp lomo ot which have grown to enormous enor-mous site A fishing party Will organIzed organ-ized In honor of lIla Jones lnlt oath Ialng wharf was selected ai the spot on which to luro tho wary fish MlM Jones bad no sooner cast her line than Iho hook uaa seized by a greedy carp In tho itruggio which followed tbo fair angler lost her balance and wai actually actu-ally pulled Into the river Fortunately the water was not over three feet deep and Khe plucklly hold fast to her line eventually landing her fish It proved to bo a beauty and weighed trlllo over ten and a hilt pounds Mlia Jones wn very proud of her capture nnd will have Ibo fish stuffed and mounted t uhlladopblu Itocord |