Show J 1 NKVH Ill E 100 MVRK i ADEZ CIIAIMAN NINSTYNINB YEARS OLD 11I1 flan 10 Urlot taanly 1eneyt tons 1usd 1 in Nes 11051 Cal J 1enimeee I eorn and dill 11110 nod toed Vaal INitTY NINit ears so Oct 9 In the town of Laocs fM ter New Ionlvi county Conn WM fINltTYNIXU i J the women talk ot n the lllsgo Mid would notIlvc r I twentyfour hour llul the wee tulle of liimmntty fooll i the people of Lancaster and recently he I celebrated the ninety ninth nnnl ersary of hie birth label Chapman hat li his name Ia I the oldest man 1110 l In Krle count and without doubt the moat active man or till years III the whole itate of Ieiinaylvnnla For ont of hit advanced rags ho Is In I emarkably good health and the chances are he will lilt to bo more han 100 tears old Mr Chapman en I Joys the illttlnctlon of lining liol I James Konlmoro Cooper II horte while Americas treat novelist kept off the flies Sluing In an old orm chair In front of a glowing grate Mr Chapman told the story of hit life U wa n simple tier devoid of thrilling adventure but Interesting nevertheless 11 wn born Mid the old gentleman at Lincaiter Conn leI 9 1791 PIP I mother mod lo tell me Hint the womenfolk women-folk of Hit vlllago hook their head gravely and laid 1 would I not lira twen tyfour hour I wn n very moll child nnd nhnt lie women folk oiled punt Hut I hate thod to bury every man woman and rhlld who lived t at that limo In Lancaster When I wa 1 Pears old my father moved to Cooptralown N Y and I renumber the trip very well M h grandfather went with ill Ho was a blacksmith and ro wan hit mm my father When I crew old enough I learned the bUekmnllhlnr trade and worked nt It for more than fitly 3eorn Irandfslher and father put their tool aboard of a ship and It won six month before the vessel reached Albany 1 hi family traveled Imp wagon Wo were n week going from Albany to Coopers town on account of the bad roods Mother trudged along behind lhu wagon carrying n baby In her armi Although It la I ninety six years ilneo Wnihlngton died I have n distinct recollection of hearing my father M Tho country la I now undone Waili IniUcn li I dead I well remember the war of 1812 While a regiment na being orgnnlieil l at Coopcnlown father got roe an old tnarfc drum which I learned to beau I used to march round town abend of the aaldlens and 1 taught them to keep 1 atep Urandtatbir went to Ibo war but before the com IMny sot to Albany tho enptlan foiwd out that lie could make gum and rr > pair them He won kept In Albany ro rr while t Iho nnr tailed repairing n IrearuiA t When 10 I canto homo ho and I used Id work together In tho blarlumllh shop making con bell There was ao much forest around Coopemtown that the oat tin ured lo stray away and get lot Judge Cooper was n regular customer at my father blackimlth shop lie UMd to wear knlckcrbookera and fancy Illy allk stccking that camo up to hip linen Whoa limo men who worked li h h f 1 i tv a A 1 1 I iI 1 1 II r 1ft < y > t1ififf JADKZ CHAPMAN the mop would > eo limo Judge 1011I Into In-to have hit I hone shod they would pat barrel hoop In tho flea and then nam mer them on tho anvils 10 that tho iparka would I fly all over the Judgea fancy atocklnga Tho gentleman shook with laughter laugh-ter a > ho recalled the prank played upon thin author of Tho Last of the Mohlcani Many a time hu Judge Cooper kept 1 Iho Idea oft hla I hone while I shah the animal continued Mr Chapman And ho often told mo that many Ideas came to him while ho won thus employed Mr Chapman bAl lived with Mi daughter Mra 1hlllp Northrup for the last fifteen years He ipllta all the nond and cords U up for winter On hla ninetieth birthday Mr Chapman made a horichoo that would l do credit to any blickimlth |