Show COOIiEPLUCKINC IN MESTEH Th lnrflt It In the Bate of II > Irallirtl ae TMf liml lnoolug through Nester street a few evening ago 1 pauaed before a sleep flight of itrp leading down Into a cellar cel-lar room beneath a tall overcrowded tenement says thn New York Herald The door was partly open and through the crack I saw a pecn lar fog dimly lighted up by an oil lamp that toot on I able It was this fog that attracted my attention for at tint glance It appeared ap-peared In be amoka and I thought the pine ogre That It waa not afire however how-ever I at one perceived for the atmosphere atmos-phere seemed full of feathery floating particle and there was no odor ot molt I determined learn what the myaterloua appearance waa however and quietly descended steps puihed the door further open and looked In A very eiirloni spectacle greeted me It wal a small aquare room with an apartment partitioned off In the rear Into whlrh opened n window tome six feel or more above the floor The only furniture was the rough pine table by the door on which stoat the tamp There were four occupant a man woman rlrl and boy all Uuulan Hc brew and tenntlly dremod The woman and children were sealed upon Iho floor nmld a mail of geese which they were busily engaged In plucking The man was gilhcrlng up the feath Ire and with the nnl tinco of n wooden box lo stand upon puihlnc them through a high window into the rear apartment Tho atmoiphero wai ao choked with floating particles ot feathers that It 1 was aitonlihlng they breathed at nil They did not notice my appearance and I stood nt the door for lomo minutes nnd watched them curl I mushy The iooiepluckcra would grasp n bird by the leg and In a atirprltlngly abort time completely atrip It of feather feath-er So expert waa the woman that It took len I than two inlnutea to clean n large bird perfectly Hut would throw tho carcass In n corner wbero crone were already heaped mid grasp another an-other Gao eplueklng la ono of Iho many nirloui occupations of the big cast fide Kitabllthmenti inch ai thin are numerous rho gooicpluckera buy the blrda In wholeano Iota pluck them nnd well the carcaiaM lo nnrkctmcn at tho tame figure sometime oven nt light 10M under Iho spur of competl lon Tho profit la I In the solo of the feathers There are Rnoiopltickrri In I toiler houw street who own tenement |