Show Schillings Best teagro I ecr gives your money back If you dont like it Its one thing to say money back and another thing to do money back We say it and your grocer gro-cer docs it and we pay him A c lcWlllof sN I I earue 50101 Ito Cured I by loast ppllrallool a they cannot retch the diseased portion 01 the ear There I I only one way 10 cure desfues and that II by ennstltutlonsl rolnedl Deahes II eaued by an Inflamed oolldilloo 01 the mil colts lining 01 the EutaehlanTube White this tnbeget Inflamed youhevarumbling ouudoe Imprl1 hearing and when Ills nllrly Ioood deafness h I the result anJ holes the 11I1Immlloli eat be token out and lbla tube 10101110 III normal tvndl toe berlnr a Ill be dtrood torerer I nln ease out of In are cancel byolonbhIh isunlhingtint an Inflamed MIIlll1ol1 the mueonsurface We wilt give One Ilundrt Dollar for any ease 01 Denfneee earned hy Iorrbl that cannot lie cure hr Hall Catarrh Cur Fend of circular free 71 CIIINEt A Co Toledo Ohio I Sold br Druggist no Hall Famllr fills are the best rioliillim tir Sates I A natural historian writing front llolden Meto a New York paper re c ntly made the accretion that llolde ones at lead had to changed their habit 01 living by contract with clv Illiatlon that their legs are now much shorter and their bodlet thicker that there U less ol aglllt1 and quallll that accompany crafty carnltora bout them and more ol the solid Indifference boldness and strength ol other flesh eating animal = Use Three Crown Baking Powder PUIUGST YOUR ANn OUOOICU 1j JEST snrlJs IT Hewlett Bros Salt Lake City Utah GRAND OPERA HOUSE J II IIIMJrllM Jliir ofeille k WEEK OF JANUARY 18th The Powerful Play PlayMASTER MASTER AND MAN 11 HIMM nod irrrir AI produced by Mr Richard Manitdd Irlro air lt3e 1 Olin Inline Hultirilsj 31c NOTB8 I Kipert In the make branch ot natural nat-ural history say that the largest rattlesnake rattle-snake never tttlke above the knee ol a landing man The west Coast 01 France h I occasionally occasion-ally vlilted by that rare methologlcal phenomenon known al the perfumed mlitThe The salary 01 the president for one year II paid In gold would weigh almost al-most etactly too pound The Dutch the Dane and the 1rui clans each hive a mile that U I 18440 I feet long or three and one hall time the length of our It take the planet Uranus about 04 ol our years to make one complete rev olutlon around the sun he oldest active volcano U Strom toll llltor I does not go back to the time when Slromboll was not active The largest tree in the United State I li In Tulare county Cal ltd 177 lee high and loG eet In diameter at the baseThe The mot extenilte cemetery In the world h I that at Rome In which over 6000000 human being hate been In lerred THE E S DEAN COMPANY lurorporalrt Caplll louuuoo fatly raid DlvlJendi paid on 100 reinvested Augut 151 1896 to bait Lake City cuitomeri on their pyramiding plant September utdlrlilend paid f 990 September 15th dlrldnd paid 1500 October ittdlrldend paid Boo October 15thdividend paid 560 November lit dividend paid 1160 November Ijlli dividend paid 178 December lit dividend paid al57 Iroflt tot lot dar > U3 Arent you Interested l you are not you must be dead to your own Interest or else you are broke Call or write far nloimatlon and printed matter No al6 Atlas block bait Lake City Clar Young agent Itt i wsh liftedp ie totUw In limo K11 hr Anfr 1 Date Uurneri Hotel Ranges KoU Top Deikt Fire Extension Table Fine Side Doardt one worth l50ou price 6a Fancy parlor Suits for one hall prlc 1 X L SecondHand Store Tel 3 48 E Second SlIIall P A SORENSEN inrN u 2 18j I Shopping by Mail Tin minimi facilities inaugurated hr tn I in our mnil order ylem Im mae chopping In mull an emy and satisfactory matter enabling Indict Hung al a distance from Suit Lake City to drc < with taste anti elegance and enjoy the advantages offered liy our great Mock without foitlng town In this department many clerk aro constantly employed In cutting yards of new goods into vunptci matching goods arranging and filling orders and sending them to customer all over the country So much pain arc taken to fill orders at if the customer was present in person rtTtiocai 7iAirrii iini TO AS UHHI1 rio AIIiILATIOS WALKER BIOS DRY GOODS COX I CO-X n lon XhU Pp Zions Savings Bank TrustCo the oldeet a itlaith < Isrgrst l as loot llUnki In Utah having bn mubllhlj oveelwent tattoo el three plank rent 17374 Rise movie lh S hots hewn op nM with tit We par Bv par cmot r annum Inarwt on uvt Inct wr compnuoillnff Kalit lnt rt qu > rtrlr W r r drputfu tram not unlrlh pnpi < olUun but also from r ealt dent or aesrly evry > iatln thoUtlon all a-ll a furel lrn roiinlrliw Wm lent inert deps lit and tali any Imo term Its trine toe tMrtletil lo No 171 ash 9 Mala treat Silt Lk > City Utah I DniCTOUl WllforJ Woodruff 1rldom 3t 0 1 Ctnnon Tlelrml < tn rare M Canaan CxhUr Si STEILSTAMPEaES gLS I Blh ts ST 3r M RC96fSbt PS w ttrtaeaatt 33 YLZ2aSt SAiTUKECITruTAH ttatehnlnhrr Jeweler 1 sad uptlelae ALEX I WYATT Salt Lake City Eye examined Iran 111100 paid 00 HTlnt 1 ° Itpnlt 5010 I lum7lme Ullnr wrlj by Utah ComniorcliU null BavliiRH Hank u and 14 EI First South Street Colt Lake CUy Uh Wadnsgoerslbankln l luilni > M anlr cot lt eoerountent urporsttInnmFlrmsella illtliliuU upon the eons favoenhle trm ronilionl with arrant mMrvtllw bank Inc Writ for lnforsestloa Presets Armitronc kei rot V 1 BJ W Reds Jr Vntlr Cathltr WiH Ilvo Stock Conlinienianorr It you wooU loon potmt write for igroratloi ffomplitflui quick nuts F11KI A SEMIS Icctc lUocit HALT LAKY CITY A R DEl OE 8 CO iNco po ATit > HALT IAlt 1C CIV V llooki soil l < r lol l li 1 iir p < U o dxllui Ilona IublhArs trle3D1 oat or ems sssasa o et Wr frora7 5VS Tack r t DR G W SHORES The oldest gpedtl e I b w IMENI ONE NOT DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL YOU CURED Dit o w Biionica always seehisf N hdp tuRMlw mankind always UTt e r101 to convlnc I poS that bt HTM T lM rv cadre I feeee v 7 dollar prod him haR diddmt t Rtee oUMk ry fraud sal to t1 r Ira denim blew and precast M taattoL at avow and barlataaw 1 very LOST A1AN HOOD i I Btmtnil Weakaus VeinoelItydrroes OTpUUUk OooarrtOM HUlM or tirunku orcuw pnauXura U ge h tratbr sad all iuw Drsvear d + aeast otu 4 br l i rane k u K seta owned story bsa Klun no roatur tow MVT r u conult UIL V w SIIOnEA UM obTrt dad wit I > = given II p Ur J s chronto dlMO and ha ad vlMd treated and curnt wlUMut VWlf hka MI dollar until lit cute U ttiotiC To dftctor every the eight h ito r i-to rtrM any Inounbu MM It tour r to-ur 7011 DJ eunt want yeYr 1aq J = Bush an etler wa Myer beef m1 a reponunie ph team = Jar 4 y oaf ba poltlrdy t 2 Ioa waste another tent s ao5Aaabt der tan but tIONUIt tho Old Dent sad bo cured 11Uu1NEnR BAcnllDLT CON IDIONTLU Or Q WSHORES WRITE orLock Box 1808 Bait Uk City Utah I ro ti worr gAe OLKNIUNNINO u R nuumu fCIITTJ 4AAI ImlJtut VlcrraM > nt niiTr Iotreta Geo M Scott Co INCORPORATED nLALLRS IMPORTER IS AND H a rdvx rQ jO BAR AND SHEET IRON STEEL PIPE AGENTS FOR IlufTilo Scale Company Detroit Slot CoAtI Co-AtI Engine Work John Van tt Home Steel Range Iod e Wooden Pullet Coir AirTight I Healer California I Powder Worki Worthlnzton I Steam Pump Celebrated Anchor Ilrand Cylinder and Revere Rubber Co Ilowe engine Ilrowrs Oil Co UrlllandTooIStI Leviathan DoJijc Injector Melting Minors Tools Stovus Tinware etc And a General Assortment of Mill Findings STORK IrA MAIN STREET WAREIIOUSE 115 W SECOND SALT LAKE CITY e UTAH Lt rhl w3 e r zt tyttlIIy m WORLDFAMOUS UAJL IV HALHBII TUICB AS ABOVE CLT A6SS0 l 1 tf1 i 6 MtlMMRBnijI fZMEJiJZMixka a silk pun ou yOU CArNTSofttow ou Lry UIJt r can make everyone inn In-n oars happy ay buying IIi II-i MAJESTIC RANGE 1 It will cook aJlniier At lor a king and It neverfgeta out ol order The only fault we have to find with Ills that It lasts too long It Mill outlive two generation For further particular pplyito our igentti i Irllk Altdu Irk cur I OoolrIpr Co Npb IV fl Ab A t g Yt tIIOOI4I1 n 1 Itll ItTerlll A Il Henn S L Illm A rdt t 51 E Ilb rJse r horo osesa AII t ant f lIpbrllh IISY Cur lilukloot OR a Lake Hardware Co 42 AND44 WEST SECOND 30UTHST I SALT LAKE CITY UTAH |