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Show - any reservoir, embankment or dam t vertical height ol more than eight feet, and aUo for the inspection of the work while in progress, with authority to condemn the tame or ary part thereof, and for the penalties in the event of the failure of the owner to eon form to such requirements. It is con ceded that Utah is the pioner user of a ter forrrigatlon in the United States Let us so legislate that our taws on this subject will keep pace with our reputa ' . .. itiOr,. ' haring duty by mat patriotic devotion to the public welfare and that love of country which are" the heritage of every true American. Hever M. Wells, Governor, s ' hia defeat. THURMAN DENIES IT. Has Not Approached Church That if I am out ot the way he would (ir humiliated by defeat and our mutual enemies, without meritorious claims, would be enabled to v. trlunijih "Then sher THE TREATY IS SIGNED. WERE ALL He la Authorities. Filibuster. for - ii. AXi-ElA- k Tk Ustklsf laprsyfr sshwrrv. Arbritration Against War. New York, Jan. 8 The hearing of the charges against Police Captain Chapman, the outcome of the Seelyr dinner at Sherry's was continued to dsv. Commissioner Grant ordered all women spectators to leave the rcons. Theatrical Agent Phipps, who engaged the talent for the vaudeville, denied that he had Instructed any of the performer to appcar.nyde,Jor J. tlally nude. f Cora Routt testified thgt she gave M performance at the dinner the same as she had given at many music halls, She wore he usual stage costu ue, she salj, but while In the dressing her shoes Captain Chapman-burst Into the room and moulted hex. J, Ka'hleen Warren, anothert-perfoime- r gave Similar testimony. A largKp-rowcl men who were present at the trial were looking (or other kindly espresslons Thatcher, the Rdwllns letter continue ft you can probably see The Event of Hi slaelrealli Wilmington, Del., Jan. 12. The grand wry arrretarjr Olwey and Fn. jury in the United States court found a Aad Haa aot keen Approaehed Bjr succr ahead for Mr. Thatcher, let me true bill thl safternooq against Captain Theas-Brasu- da haaloi- rsuasefstr Attach Their duels Reports As know. in .ijat event my du'i and purEdmund Murphy. Heils charged with pose are actually clear. I a.ac this Kliasiare la Ihebraersl Arbltra- Being Hnllelouoljr. I'nloe A Mtroug matter in haying taken a filibustering party to 'he hands of Mr hatchers llaa-Ti-r- air BHwe Denial. Cuba on the.iM&ameT Leurada last summer. lirat Brit-wa- d friend and small cheerfully at Ide' their I TRANSPORTATION. the lilted ' Male Murphy was recently wrecked on judgment - to w hat is, best j do. , , Mr Raahns The "constitution of our state (article the steamer Commodore off the Florida still Isa i g a rep! that the leg! coast. 3, section 15,) provides to that letrr Mr. Monson h., not yet Senator Wolcott ol Colorado is in iature shall pass laws establishing rea Jan it. Secretary OlSalt Lake City, lanuary S. Since the told him w.eher or not he agreed with on sonable maximum ra'es of charges for England in the Interests of a possible entrance of Hon. J. L. Rawlins Into the Rawdn of she United States and t'el.a.f ney ii friends hr objecthe transportation of passengers and bimetallic agreement. Punnceforte, on the part of Senatorial contest matters political have tions the ra ed against hi whdrawal Sir J.iila-A flint glass manufactory was estab- been enlivened. freight, for correcting abuses and pre Some of those who Wih the most considera'M- - for Mr Grt-a- ' lirrain, today affixed their signature to a ins treaty by which for venting discrimination and extortion in lished at Sandwich, Mass , In 1825. have other preferences for the position, Thatcher Mr Rawlins left rates of freight amL passenger tariffs b f his (Mr a term of me years the two Ejjgltsh it is charged by his friends, have striven in the ' . d atrhers) 1' the different railroads and other com netr silence t n refuse to pe.,kiri; na'ions agree to abide In to make it appear that Mr. Rawlinss friend FUNDING BILL DEFEATED decide v mon carriers in the state and shall en w I'hout a resort to encour-agemewas church peae arms, all candidacy receiving Mr h force such laws Dy adequate penalties of controversy being letter wa (j if not activ e support, the sta'e-meArticle 1. section 26, of the cpnstitutio i a court of arbitration, with retirrc1 Moes T! even being pubHsi ed that Hon. S, a wit u!r -- pros Uins of r hi bi 1",; House Lays Out the Powers R Thurman of Provo, in Rawlins In an e' Me if provids that Ms, he, a viep'nm that neither nation constitution are mandators and prohi that Merman Barium Seely, who Prof ( had seen teres' the tumor and dignity to tiid church authorities Xurrcnir gave the 168 to 102. Bill, bitionary unless by express words the Mr Raw and had an understanding which was gan i t of the arbitra'lon. He tftld !n dinner, was also examined laite ;udgm if it I are declared to be otherssise f lb entirelv favorable to Mr. Rawlins, The tain the the da President Cleveland sent the of the arrangement lor hp entertaintherefore unquestionably the imperative The Defeat in tei-t- , ' Is t a repl f statement bv Mr. denied Thurman ment ol the guest and said that he and a nun-agtreat I l.ooUed as the pon earnestly rs a strong letter which is as follows the duty the legislature to pas laws on had authorized the engagement of pro .t to the Senate. of All e t Comiiro-uilsto FuiIiug forts and the code this important subject, that .e letter uor , "Little Eg pt" to do the courhee treatThe of 1897. consists 6, twelve Jan Xeptii, or t.xieuil the Debt of the commission, realising this, has prepared mad-- in. To the Editor vf the Herald - a but that tt was to be done ilir Kerr in and in print would tit I about ote of fixin a provision, though Railroad. Dear Sir In yesterdavs dailv Trlb Mr. Ths rr - m'nd a withdrawal from newspaper column. One of the last in costume. He emphatically denied the amount of the rates has not been at the race, f mini in Mr. Tt', Other une I noticed a statement which to be decided was that King that anything improper took place at dnts p terview tempted. It is not my view that any should have refuted .Salt Lake Trlh of it e Oscar II. of Sweden and Norway is to the dinner, by yesterday Washington, Jan 2 The Pacific rail mail, had it not been measure be adopted that will so attack bus- following S . av, November nth, fn act as the that In arbitrator case the pressing wav funding bl I went to Its doom transportation revenues as to cause iness In court rendered It imj osslble. which he ...i fall other to on final the memIn house the ag$e The Fair OTIssk today under an adverse I would not even now take the losses in operation or 'investment "Idovv ,.r pote to en'trlnto anv ber of the court. time and The of acceptance The four of 66. oclock Is a symbol ol punc- The construe the will friends of militate against majority the troubel to that reply were it not that the in scramble tor 'he place. I do r t wi,h to the King and the final agreement on The notion was undoubtedly Utility. tion of ne railroads now in contempla measure, who had predicted Its passage terests of others and of opposing Judge that detail was not cabled to Washingperhaps of th occupy the the remarkable regularity suggested by tion ; rather let the subject be approach up to the last moment, were surprised public are involved as well as Powers or J idge Henderson, or Mr ton until late Sunday myself. night, and even with which, during sunny weather, the ed In a spirit of moderation and with the by the decisive character of their I therefore avail of this op- Rawlin, or tin young friend, Mr Har- then one small detail remained to remyself flower opens at that jiour. In They had been led to hope from set purpose of first determining if any cloudy or portunity to sav that any declaration ris. The are all good men and better ceive the approval of the British the weather It time of opening la devotes on exist the discriminations substitutes rainy abuses or unjust that the bill hint or inuendo from I am to fitted than to office. At oclock this morning any person perform the duties of layed, but when the sun It shining and and if it be found that they do, of so had more than an equal chance of pas the effect that I have ever been at an the office of senator. a cablegram from Lord Salisbury rehe plant Is In a favo rable position t The evil Bell substitute provided that time sage. framing the law as to correct the would "It oe quite as consistent for moved this last question and left the approached or conversed with any Receive the light the time of and to secure the rights of both the cor if the Union Pacific and Central Pacific member of the first of the Mr. Rawlin to assume an abused atti- way clear for the formal execution of opening presidency will not vary ten minutes. would clear off the first 1 and porations and the public. mortgage church, or any apostle or any ecclesl tude and claim that he had been kept the instrument. Sir Julian Pauncefote, advance the government lien, the astlral anthoritv whatever In the OREGON SHORT LINE. Interest In the dark as regards the candidacy of accompanied by Lord Gough, first secIkvw kovlsl Fri. government would extend the Indebt of Hon. Joseph L. Rawlins candidacy for Mr. Thatcher, for In that same interI have referred elsewhere In this mes retary of the embassy, proceeded to the edness at 3 per cent. It was defeated the United States San. 8 The leading so, f Washington, senate, or any other view Mr. Thatcher saldr I have never Stte Department. They were met In sage to the fact that a reorganization of no to 158. The Harrison substitute, people of Washington ilsteuesff dety is false and mail been position, ambitious to hold political office; the Sccretsrys private office by Mr. unqualifiedly the Oregon Short Line Railway com providing for a committee to attentively for two hour this noon h negotiate clous. I say malicious because It Is to I prefer private to public life and the Olney. pany is in process. It is extremely de a settlement of the debt, was rejected the drawing room of the ea Secretary, I without am in foundation ol that utterly There were few formalities, as the peace the social circle to the strife of slrable from every standpoint that the by the house by a vote of and Mrs. John W. Foster, to Commas-- I 55 to 214 to It was deliberately 6tated politics. If I had not been dined think In were but a s'gnatures the culmination der and Mrs. placed company have its main offices and head Many of the members were as much with a view of the trader. : Injuring and making an position Involving a great principle, I of a negotiation covering many week, of quarters located in Utah, and to this end opposed to these substitutes as to the unfair point the Salvation In the Unltesl Army against Mr. Rawlins candi could not be tempted to accept even the during which a complete it is repiesented to me that the laws Powers bill. The California an! mid daev. understanding States, who described lo them the office ol had been United on States reached senator high every phrase of the world-wid- e governing railroad corporations requir die west members voted almost solidly purposes and achievement By wav of further emphasizing this But II Utah If Utah feels that subject. The diplomatic bureau had of the young some amplification, permitting such in against them. answer I will state piat I have not seen my election would be a Indication organization. Dr. Frederic N!ce prepared two copies of the document. private When the vote came on the main much less corporations to own and operate lines of aecretary of Commander Booth-Tuckof one tne conversed, any of that for which I have contended, and They were not In any sense ornate. The I recom railroad outside the state. and the famous violinist of the proposition the whole opposition swung first presidency, to the best of my know would aid In preventing the forging of articles of the agreement were engross- army, entertained them with hia mend that this enlargement of general nto line and crushed It bv an adverse tne last six months, and never at chains upon the piaylng-anledge, people of this state, I ed in a fair hand on tht simple the meeting closed with them alt powers of railroad corptvations be ex- vote of ro2 to 16S. any time concerning Mr. Rawlins or should accept he office of senator parchment paper ordinarily singing "Nearer My God to tended by the enactment of such proper The vote was not taken directi his candidacy. Thee, us-- t shouldlt be tendered roe. used for treaties by the State depart-men- t. der his as on the you may subject Is the first ' the passaged the bill, but on the pre This legislation leadership. Furthermore, I have never conferred f'The reply oi y nurvg to the The copies were laid upon The time deem for the best interest of the state liminary motion to has had a Sal- - s Washington or conversed with any one of the apos above has not society engross and read the yet been heard of by Mr. secretarys desk, and then occurred vation Army meeting, but In view of bill a third time. Bills which become ties or riSH AND GAMK. of the church any authority Raw 106 friends, and until it is heard very neccessar success It I probable It wilt . formality. - Th British meetf-vg- s The fish and game of the state are the subject of hard tests are usually upon the subject of Mr. Rawlins can the condldacy of Moses Thatcher will be Embassador a formidable not be the first time, for Mr. Lamont produced to a final test before the last dldacy, or the , brought distressThis of any other considered by us as a matter of as much looking document rapidly being slaughtered. candidacy signed by Lord Salis- Mr. Lelter, Mr. Brice and all the ing fact is not so much from the lack of parliamentary, stage Is reached. The man. doubt, though probably of less concern, certify Ing that he (the Embassudor) other social leaders were While I am answering I will also than the candidacy of Mr. Rawlins bury, greatly m- proper legislation as from (allure to en Reill v Pacific funding bill two years was authorized to sign for the British pressed with what they aaw and headforce the laws already had. In my opln ago was defeated in the same manner state without the fear of being sue seems to be to the supporter of his dis- Government 4 a treaty bearing on the ion, every pea-- e officer of the state on the same motion. This was the cessfully contradicted by any person tinguished opponent. respecified. subject Secretary Olney la Mat Oatlljr, should be specifically charged with the fourth funding bill killed In the house whatsoever, that any statement by any In conclusion, let it be said for the plied by showing a letter from Pres! Washington, . Jam 8. The steamer' newspaper, or person to the effect that express information of Mr. Monson and dent Cleveland duty of detecting and prosecuting viola in ten years. delegating to him Dauntless haa becN cleared of the sustions of this law, and such a strong - An analysis of the vote today show I have ever agreed to support 'any can- his friends that Mr. Rawlin is a candito the authority sign proposed conven picion that she was engaged In filibuspublic sentiment created against tte that 86 republicans and 16 democrats didate other than Mr. Rawlins for the date for the United States senatorshlp, tion. Having thus satisfied theqiselves tering operation for the bill and 99 republicans, 58 United States senate, or that I ever and that he will not withdraw, even at that her recent poacher and the giant powder fiend that voted during everything was being conducted In out from Jacksonville. She returneach will come to be regarded as a democrats, 6 populists and 5 Independ- stated that I could control any delega-io- the cost of again seeing his trip the penmanship regular order, the principals pro ed to sneak thief and a iilian. Many excel- ents against It. Jacksonville Wednesday mlgnlght. or vote for Mr. Rawlins, or that 1 caricatured and thrown open to ridicule ceededto the signature! of the duplicate and under the Mr. Powers, chairman of the Pacific ever Intimated to lent and timely suggestions on this sub Instruction from the any one that I would on the first page of a morning paper. treaties. Sir Julian Pauncefote had the secretary of the treasury, the collector ject wMI be found in the annual report railroad committee, presented a motion like to be supported for that position, or The letter Mr. Monson aent to Mr.' honor of first. signing Secretary 01 of customs there of the state fish and game warden, I to recommit the bill today after he had held out any intimation whatever that I Rawi'na Is today made a report regarded by Mr. Rawlins as ney handed him the pen and he signed by telegraph, stating In substance, am satisfied that if you will provide the recovered from the shock of his defeat, was a candidate of the dark horse va. confidential, that addejl Mr. Caine, "and he one copy, Secretary Olney signed sinews he will carry on such a vigorous saying that the members of the house riety, or otherwise, is also false and un- does not wish to give It to the public first hDauntless, had been occupied and Sir Julian Pauncefote signed warfare against fish and game marau- were all Indavor ofa settlement, but ev- true. legimate wrecking work.The "collect without Mr. - Munson's permission, after him. This Is the United States or also reported that application had. der that they will be glad to surrender. idently opposed to the principle of the It is true that I have received letters whlcn has not been given. Mr. Monson copy, and likewise will remain In the been made for clearance for the Daunt-les- s The warden has 6pent much time and measure his committee had brought in. from one or two of the candidates solic- was asked today for such permission, possession of our Government. After for the port of Neuvltaa, Cuba labor in attending to this Important He thought his committee should have iting my support. I am ready to giv and he said he would take the request The Senate had passed upon It a copy with a cargo of munition of war and1 under consideration. public interest, and I commend his rec- an opportunity to formulate another those to the public and call for my We await his vtllll be made of our original, and this requested instruction. ommendations to your serious consider- bill In the hope that it would prove acto be published also If those who pleasure in the matter. will be used tn the final exchange of Mr. Carlisle Immediately wired him, ation. ceptable. A point ef order was made have written me desire It. Otherwise I of ratifications later on. to send a full report on, which the de against Mr. Powers motion, but at the shall treat the correspondence as confiRi's-wr- d EXPOSITION. Batcher-leof Cubans. partment could take action. An exposition tit 11 the transmissis-sipp- i suggestion of the speaker the point dential. Fla , Jan. 10.- - Advices from Tampa, Mpprvnlo of Free aprrrh. as not ruled I will but cannot of conceive be In reason tlh upon today, any states Is to be held at the city of Havana, per steamer Olivette, tell of reSpringfield, 111., Jan. n, A sensation-a- l when the house convenes tomorrow. world for publishing these statesmen t newed A Baals Falla. Omaha In 1898. From the latest informascene marked the retirement from butcheries bv Cubans pf SpanMr. Powers said tonight .that he did except with a malicious Intent to preju-dition at hand it Is learned the capital iards. It Is asserted that on Thursday-nigh- t office today of Gov. Jonn P. Altgeld Colo, Durango, Jan. 8. T he- - officer know what would be done, but exthe chances of Mr. Raw line as a stoek of the enterprise is $1,000,000, for not at Guanabacoa, Spanish troops, When Altgetds successor, John P. of the San Juan county bank of Aztec,. which 405,000 is already subset ibed and pressed the opinion that another effort candidate. It remains to be sein nder Colonel Fondeviela, killed thirty-men- , Tanner, had spoken, an effort was N. M, have decided to close that Inatl-tutlthe first assessment paid. Congress has should be made to pass an acceptable whether such thimble rigging In LTih women and children and burned made by State Senator Mahoney of owing to poor business. Depositbill. The opponents of the bill on the politics will win with the or will be paid through the Smclte-Cit- y r Chicago to get the floor, but the represent many houses. appropriated $200,000 to assist the exposiSpeak bank In thl city. tion, and a bill, in which $300,000 more other hand are rejoicing and say the lives of the people. I predict it will no. In Pinar del Rio, Spanish troops are er refused to recognize him. He wanted ote today settles the fate of all the is asked, ts now pending. The atste of Respectfully, accused of ravishing many Cuban move to the that extend the girls. assembly S. R Thurman. Nebraska, it is expected, will give $250,-00- schemes to fund the debt at this ses-loFive rbl Id re Drewaed. courtesy of the floor to the retiring and city and county of Omaha $200,-00Nhakea St. Louis, Jan, 8. Mr. McKInneryV Governor. A , motion that the joint Before the house convened the floor Bla rAille. Pa., Jan. 12 What was Some of the states have made CAINE HAKE A BTATEHEXF. assembly dissolve, prevailed and the five children were drowned while trywas crowded with members standln vidently an earthware Caused alarm House then adjourned until tomorrow. Ing to ford a swollen prairie errek la . appropriations and others have about arguing. 'hi vicinity about 10 oclock this Goo. Altgeld had promised assistance. The legislature of wagon. The mother was saved. Ilvslvs Ar(aatloaa Hade by Thatchexpected to make last Its at a session, morning Utah, adopted joint er Friend. f Persons Indoors, heard doors speech and his name was 'put on the and windows rattle, felt the buildings resolution extending encouragement to They Dropped MS. John. programme by the committee on ar Regarding the charges of Thatchers shake as Are Held Far CualeaipS. the project and expressing the belief New York, Jan- - 12. At a meeting of Trier d though struck by a heavy rangement. The Republicans were Rawlinss letter to Monon Jan. S P. G. StensJand, tjiat Chicago, rf wind and beard a low rumbthat the Interests of Utah would be es- the stockholders of the Second National barred his opposed to letttng him talk, and it wa E. Caine gust avenue banker, and Georg candidacy, Joseph benefited ound as of a distant train. Those by such an exposition bank, held this ling pecially with the speaker that he A. S:hf!!lng were found morning, Mr. William makes the following reply. arranged guilty of reIf, after a careful examination Into our P. St.John, of silver tame, was fntsawfelt the ground rock .beneath should not recognlae any Democrats fusing to turn over the asset The point thif Mr.Monson arrd his dropped of It financial future, should be deemed ex- from the board of thefn, buildings sway from side to during the joint session. It has been International directors, Mr. Henry friends are apparently trying to make Loan and InBuilding, and side a suitable heard a sullen to roar like the pedient, appropriation pre- T. Carey was elected In hit place. Mr, It that to recognize retiring Gover- vestment company, which they held through the Rawlint-Monsoof distant thunder. The customary sent in a creditable manner our great St nors at the Inauguration ceremonie. Johns fotlure to be It fa letter and other concurrent events, Mr. muttering possession a receiver, to Thcwsa resources at this exposition would, In said, was due to his Rawlins was debarred from becoming rudely shaken, as were a number of Bradwell and Jame h pronounced position Burlong, other structures. Reports have come my opinion, be, a profitable advertise toward free silver were appolntad receiver by the court a candidate for the United States Nil vr. coinage. rains In covering ment. a radiua of u miles few days ago. At the annual meeting of the stockStensland wa fined because Mr. Thatcher announCONCLUSION. Washington, Jan. It. The republican north and south of here and all tell the holders of the Mercantile National bank ce? his candidacy 7,900 the amount he la alleged will hold a caucus to past upon senators I have thus rapidly aketched lor your only after being same stoiV. As yet no reports of dam Fv A. Connor was elected a direc- Informed of the Rawlins letter. After withheld, and Schilling wa ora bill proposed by Senator WolcOtt to Information such matters as will give today have teached here. age tor in of dered to turn over the keys to the da-o- sft Mr. place St John. and admiration expressing for respect caucua Idea for the an of a committee, providing the condition of you general Mr. Thatcher, the letter says: vault, which contain the asset of ' International sliver conference. the state, and If any foregoing recom" In the present situation I have alThe Oregon Short Line and Utah It prevailing In the the above company. Falling to comply Famine proving mendations or suggestions shall aid you of .Kherson, Russia. It ts estimated ready suggested to my friends (who Northern railway atttema were sold at with the court order, they were takes In any manner to reach satisfactory conAm . Rakkery are also the devoted friends of Mr. public sale at Sglt Lake city the 9th. A to the county jail, but were afterwavd-releaseroubles be will re750,000 for reqnlred clusions, I shall feel honored. Guthrie, O. T. Jan. it- - Masked lief of on their own recognizances Thatcher) my unqualified withdrawal committee representing the reorganiza- bandits held It Is my desire to cooperate with your The the sufferer. up Dr. Bartridge and hit til tomorrow. tion committeejb.d (7,185,000 and asMis Edith Lyman In his Interest To this proposal of marriage they clerks at hi general store 20 mile respective bodies and with yonr commit- Collins ol New York to Reichld Bey see objections. They urge that the op- sumed obligations bringing the amount east of tee and member In the interest of the here, robbed the 'safe of $1,000 (Count Czaykowtk!) attache of the ponents of Mr. Thatcher will make the to f 3o,ooejOool A coincidence was that Simon Cooper, the negro desyerado-whand then set fire to the store, burning atxpayer and the people generally, and Turkish n twenty-seveyearsY Utah at claims, first that killed five people at Charleston, S took should t not Rome, one place-abe embassy before, lacking to this end I cordially invite your conParis In the church St Germain LEr-rol- represented in Congress exclusively, by day, Brigham You rig drove the list up 6,ooo worth of good. was surrounded by a Sheris posse C, and sultation, Individually collectively. members of a single church; second, spike of the section built to connect conference In finally and killed. Cooper kept up Gold democrat at You are the chosen representative of Lske with the Pacific roads at Og-dethe balt of kMr. precariousness Thatchers their- or- futilade with hi Winchester as th decided The to continue Newfoundland the people. Utah has committed her legislature will at- health and the chance at almest the spot where the sale Chicago, that the to from Is tea posae, but a lucky shot finally dowsed secure place an to It tempt with ganization. Representative the affair, you. important tiusL reciprocity be took left filled to be place. might by United appointment States when It meets In Febru-uarI have full confidence In your Integtates were present. John P. Irish ot him. of a Republican Governor. That these Gov .Stone of MlasoufJ, n his me, E. S. Drejer & Co, Chicago baaitfsy, J The California la cabinet of nd now believe you will be auggested the name of Democratpurpose rity discussing considerations, sage, recommend the death penalty for ic-Republican together with other the original closed owing $1,400, ooo with but $305-- ' actuated In the performance of your tv e question. party, would almost certainly lead to train robbera, cash on hand. name of the Jeffersonian party. fcajr e Mr -- 1 -- a- 1 1 Wi-hino- n, i toons-removin- , 1 i nt d s nt 1 'the fa 'it, i ,1 l 11 i po-it- artl-cte- Pa-eli- , the-matt- In-t- .r '1 1 J po-iti- For-eig- n 1 1 1 Booth-Tucke- r, . er, v - in-sw- er a I ce on 0 l. th' n r e 1 u o s. - y. 1 f 1 A r J |