Show THE COUNTY NEWS OATHCriED BY OUR ALERT CORRESPONDENTS COR-RESPONDENTS The 5 10 of ll vv cub I Yearly s 7 Tw0 In I mmill CcuiilyUlit Th Tian 1I e late runt h titthul rl It 111 Uikt Utah Jnn 11I ISlKt KMTUII hair Mlf Jein Phllllix returnnl 1 to salt 1 Ixll > c IAllmlay Alex Kviini and Samuel Huniuckcr went In Irovo on till 12lh tunnel Hunriickerand famllv arrlxcd Inn week from WhitlowMlwtnrl Laura tfrll nn 0 rnirerlng wltlin etelu toll and > oru threat last week Jnmei nut Auitln Neel 1 vnt UU tfui duty In Park City with their bet girt Alex Evan way riubioeiiaeil In attend vaster 10 In Treys 011 the lltli Inn JIIII BvulI and wife 1 riturneJ from Coih Ille on the lllllt ntieri he hal In en to itttind to rome biltincta Il win reported Inn Monday that diphtheria wa > hi town but the report ups ulihnut foundation Mlm Kmma and lithe ItaimuiHn haw bleu tonilne1 to the houiu with nildi and tore throat lately I Rant Slexenn returned home from the UuUernlty tunday hub rye being III tenet so IL hindered Inhliitudln and lili phlilcian advlictl hint not to read any for about tlx week Lout Kanudien It I just touching thu hlgliplaces on the ground now Well I believe he aid It wain girl born January 1 ISi All partlei intereiied doing well even to Lou There would hay e been a lawsuit In tow nil there had been a Juillcu of the Pence here It would + axe been about t tlieirmiTrjg ofiome pig I that party traded them oil and another party claim tJ them A complete furprlm was made on i I Lenin Jemen taut Saturday Thli li I thellritiupriie of the reason In fact the 011 complete aurprltu that I oUf knew of lit tint town h hOI been the style to let HID hurtles know by mine i mennelv Uforotliuilmoarrlxed S IllH PKIIA Utah Jan 11 Ihu7 Etmnvn Tint II The ticket of Task City Inn teen doing biifineii Bern for Otis pail few day A wielding will take place hero to mxriuw the nccuunt of which will In I flu u next wiwL Thu hlllcr11 over tlui rut alt of Hen riettn Wllllimi 111I1 Iw lieldon TrlJay r January llilh Ill 2 oclocl pm liico writing my item on the weather the mion hai begun 10 all und ll now look like winter hud net In suit that In dead euriiott Jut district echnol lilnn I ilourlthlng condition tho wall of thin nohool houiv hae been decorated with picture nblcligho trio room a muih neater up peunilico I Midi Ida Mlle returned home from Star Valley Wyoming on Monday after amt alelllu 01 six inonthi Tho young lady returned iiome In thou to attend the wedding of her youngest sitter and l to dance In the hog trough About two Incite of mow fell on Tueiduy tho weather hat cleared npto day and the prospecti are that the mow will be gone In a day or two The light fall olinow 10 far tiilt season It causing muoh uneailnen among the farmer who fear II scarcity of water unlcta wo bate heavy itornli from this onO on-O II Leonard and Marlon Corbett oIKamat were In town on Wednesday arranging a theatrical performance for Saturday evening and while here gave your corrctpondcnt pleaiant call Mr Leonard was the leader of the orchestra or-chestra and your correi > ondent one of the acton In tho Theiplun theatre In Salt Lake In 1N12 and 18113 Many In I tereitlng Incident were recalled of 11100 day of totes ago when wo onng fellow 1IIlrt < 1 10 honor > many nnd fun 1t31nlll = pu I 1 II iVVidiirnla morning lien i tt 1 Basle < i aiiid 14 yeer 2 mouth ami I iny The young lady hat been I Ir the 11110t eighteen weekn and Jo t p i b i > i fI cuveey were unterMlnid up i M i tut umiiiiiig i when elo began to lail IIn1 I it i soren Ihot then yaa fJ u vie little chance of her recovery Hint tint her death wat near The ninitliv of the entire eommunlly ii extended ex-tended to Mr illiaini I lu thin the altw second tenth In the family the mother of the dttcen el having died burn iliprt lime IIn llentietlu was u gee oral fiuorltc here wlih the young and old i nnd her Iou will be fellnhd mourned I by one und nil H 1 It KViin IIIIIKIIIUT Itot MtiHr Clahlan13lb07 Kblrourtuse Alwul too inehr + ol mow fell Monday night Mi Trunk Wright ot Oalvlllo woe I hclelflt week on bntlnetr Mr John Sinker of < rden I time gent ol I hit brother Mr W IL Stoker lIu Sadie Hldreilgo otuhlll < hat be h n lflllug relative here I the smut week Mr f1 lloiton left here on salur day to lnlt the Trlmiry toelutlon ul bummlt fluke A iiirprlru juiily teas gotten up Monday Mon-day night on Irn Clam llorton About Unity joiing 1 > 4011 t were prvient Mr McPhcurron from tho Ilnckct II onPirk Cliylt i in lock > orttorn lew dar withu lino ol dry goals mid notion Ho leas hit gmMt ut Mri llblwn1 retldelue The iiblwnt fnmlllei from Oakley stud ockporl wenl Over to Hoinert ranch last Saturday In i end thu daywill II Mr nndMrt llyrum Homer KH vlaaun WtvMiir Utah Jan 13 IHJ7 1IIITOIl TUKO There ll to bo bask ball here en Iheh Horn to Mr and Mri A hate a 101101 the 8th A concert It to bcnniioumed loon by the Y L M I T A Ml i Kate Lee returnedlioma on tlie lUlh from Park City Mr and l Mrt J Anderton returned from bait Lake on the 12th Peter Anderwn hot returned home again from Idaho Hu arrhcdon tho ILlhA A lurpriM party n an gotten upon I If h haute on the evening of the llih and II nice tlmo was hail The ball held Ittt Friday van not over crowds but there were enough to that nil enjoyed thomieltct Mtuchletoui boyi have not all left the town yet Two young men from neighboring towns whllo miking II pleasant cull on Sunday < > > eiiliu on their bout girl had their hone taken which they could not llnd when they got rowdy lo go homo Thu horiei were found next morning In another part 01 the tOil 11 hcro they bud Inc II tint all night In the cold wlthoiiKucKlorihellcr Thli ruse btnuUin a jokeon the young men but not tu with the hone mil comet under the head of cruelly to nniuiuli Thlt kind of umui nient should Iw I toppvl Y 11111 avtltr IIHT Mii Utah Jan H I8I7 I KixrunTiMiii > t Mr Jo eph Itv gave blrlli to a child on the lath Init Mr LiulaiiCrlttendeil caino up Irom Morgan Thnriday on n lilt to Mrs I lidwCrlttcndeii Time funeral of Klliebh McMlchael wn > well nttende < KUor AlmaKldredgo dellmlng nn able dUraurn1 Mr McUucennnd wife of liuiiiitou ralllo down Sunday to attend tho funeral tenkci of Mrt H C McMlchael t It doe one eyes good lu behold this span ol marct that Mr Urorge A tpcr hat lint niirehaied Thou weld 1800 each coiling lM 0 T HIUi agent for the Summit County Marble Works left Monday for Ilandolp and intermediate point being accompanied by lilt w lie at turn I > vans ton Mill Mary K Janet of West Virginia arrUod here last Thursday She will make thli her future home The lady lea cOlllerL 01 Elder E Hrown a millenary mill-enary three yean ago moaiuiincAi ntjloytitilln January 7th Kllia bthMcMichaet widow 01 the hate Itolterl McMlclmel MIL wet born In Ireland March il 0 IRllI olne l thu Mormon Church In 1841 came to Utah In IMS1 mowlon the Water 1KUO Wai the mother of twelve children eight of whom are living two ion and tlx > daughter Time are thlrtynlx grand cllldr all1 thirtytwo gmnlgrawlchlld i I ren lllng she wit H kind mid aI feetlonala mother mill dial I es slit had lived A Inlthful Utter Day Saint CW |