Show COPPER COER GO BINA II ON Tho dental denIal j th president or of the J Amalgamated Copper Co or of a pro proposed posed copper merger In the United I States Is not In sufficient to dis dissIpate the tho belief among pro that a deal of somo kInd has been heen on for sonic some time They Tile st say that If the denial Is to Lo ho he taken for its face Coeo value it means that the tho of ef fort Cort to brIng about a com combInation has again failed but ut that negotiations have been on there thero Is no doubt How over copper inca who prefer to be belIeve behove hove lIeve that a deal Is on sa It would bo be consistent policy polie to d deny n tIme Ule reo re reports ports until the Is actually formed Some very ery eminent men In Inthe inthe the copper producing business in time tho United States Stales have hao said that negotiations have been going on among the tho group o of large producers and that bar moo mon exists to such a degree among thorn that a 11 thorough agreement Is postponed only b by the dela delay necessary and Incidental to the formation of such stick a gigantic undertakIng t Is generally believed that thal the tho Standard Oil and United States Steel people are aro nt at the head bead or of orthe the movement and the copper public can not understand nn any reason reagon or 01 ox cuso cuse for failure It Is said saih h by van arl OUR Otis authorIties that these interests will not nol only he able to lo bring Into the combination such Important sell sellIng sellIng Ing agencIes as the UnIted Metals Selling Co i the AmerIcan Metal Co Phelps Dod Dodge o Co and the tho Vogel I stems hut time the as 05 well If there over was any destructive lios hos between the Guggenheim and Amal Interests It Is a of the tho past and It Is stated on au an that the tho are ready to unite at any time with a corn com bino to place the tho copper industry on ona ona a This has been marIe possible It Is believed through h the firm ot of J P Morgan Co which hn has business connections and Is frIendly with both the and ci Oil copper There been beon much mitch disappoint m meat nt throughout the world over the UIO of the lie proper business to re respond spond to the tho in the tho Iron and stOol iron Iroll and 1 f I steel Is back acle to where It was during the tho booth copper has recovered vory little from Crom the panic level leol These facts can ho bo duo only to the difference in the methods of oC handling the steel Iron and copper business and copper cnn can never be placed on a solid busI busIness ness floss basis until It Is governed u by better methods This and the th fact that men like J P Morgan the Rockefellers Ryan anti and others of oC that class are now at the head of oC the copper industry should bo be pretty good justification foi COl the persIstent belief belio that negotiations are on for Cor tho ho or organization of a capper monger morer either of producers or sellers or both and I that It will successfully |