Show HOMES FOR CHILDREN Editor hand ot an at aP Url taken from the Sunday Sundar Times oE oC Sult Lake City CHr and anel 1 request that roll yuu print the thc article I time and amI again told tho people of Ogden how Salt SaIL Luke Luko City and clUes cities provide e for the thc proper care caro of dnn In need and how Ogden has ro rc absolutely unprepared for that noble necessary work lr appeals als to the tho people of this city and county through the tho newspaper find otherwise for Cor the tho organization of ofa a childrens aid society as provided for by br law and aud for tor the raIsing or of money to build and equip an establishment I for the care lion tion otc etc of coming Into inti the bands or to the thc attentIon or of the ju venue court have hac not stirred n a soul or a hand to action that I know or orI o oI I repeat as heretofore stated private privately ly Iy and publicly public that it If a number of able and Influential men and women er women only were ero to take this mat matter ter in hand as has beon dono by the or of Salt Lake Oit City the tho money needed could bo be found That no man or woman In this city Oi o count county has Cn a word or tak taken on en n a stop or declared the Intention to do so along those lines consider considering ing the wealth and abundance of money owned here Is more marc than as Signed VOLNEY C GUN GUNNELL ELL The article referred to lo In the fore foregoing going follows Ii any more proof were wanting of Salt SaIl Lakes prosperous condition and of the generosity of her cill ens It ItIs Itis Is the outcome of the brave efforts on the tho part or of the tho charitable women ot of the city to raise ralso for lor the s need needy orphaned children a permanent homo home worthy of the tho condition and the size or such a city os as SnIt Salt Lao No more courageous hand band him ever oer undertaken th the lask of raisins raising mone money for n a worthy purpose and c certainly no nomore moro more generous response was ever eor made rundo V Unlike Y C A campaign ot of the past summer this has been wa 1 by the women alone It has boon beon car ned on quietly anti without ostentation lion tion and without the aIl aid or of that great body which engineered the former Carmer campaign And yet In the tho face ace of all odds the women have won and the tho OOOO needed for the erection of oC the Orphans home borne has been almost all raised When It was decided that some something thing must bo be done In the matter of providing a new home borne for the or the tho women or of the finance com committee w went nt to tho late Fisher Har Harris ris na and counseled with him as to how to go about It he bc was sore sorely ly Iy taxed after the G 0 A U n matter was settled 1318 Is mind was till rull rullo o of plans for tor th the g dd d work ork and ho he advised the women fo go ahead with the small sum suni on hand and begin the tho building Get the building up was his ad advice vice and then thon this club will lift the bur burden en from your our and will see that thIs noble ork Is paid fOr Meantime he though It well weil to begin begina a general c 1 the wealthier citizens of the own and this was done And so 60 been beon the tho reo re suits that the tho burden will wili not be placed on the shoulders or of the club for Cor whoso whose support he d after all The story of g the funds Is a most Inter Interesting one and like all such efforts has hns tended to show to the tho good women who have labored day dar and night In the cause the red heart of oC humanity woman of oC means b has 6 ref refused her aid to the cause Generous donations of at 25 50 and HUO have hao como come un and have hac been sometimes unsigned Gifts In greater amounts have bave come rom the tho wealthier men of the tho city from ocr every 8 have come practical helpful words of oC encourage encouragement ment and good cheer All ot of the tho clubs have hao donated of their slender means the lodges have ox n a to help holp and the clubs either through individuals or have hao given glon gon gell lr Meantime the tho handsome new build buildIng lag Ing Is up rapidly under the tho dl or of the architect J A Head Headlund lund The Tho cornerstone wilt be laid ou flu Tuesday next and appropriate ceremonies will dedicate the place to the cause of a better botter childhood |