Show J The best protection against the minor an I t of travel chief I among which are wind II dust and extremely hard water is a half cake of I Ivory soap in your t ilet case For a long trip by rail railor or of boat it is in indispensable indispensable dispensable Used fre frei i and liberally it k wilI go far towards mit mitigating 1 iga ting the discomfort f of the journey Ivory Soap 99 Per Cent Pure I 1 k 1 THE GILBERT TIRE CASES STYLES FOR SEASON OF 1910 Absolutely ly the tho Best Buttoned Tire Case CaRe on the Water Waterproof Waterproof proof and extremely handsome In appearance oas easy t tO put on or take off orr Black Binck enameled n lUck duck sizes to lo 36 37 to 42 12 Black Fabric Leather sizes 28 to 6 4 GO 37 17 to 42 THE GILBERT MANUFACTURING CO NEW HAVEN CONN r 1 p The proper r 0 per shoes for men 4 shoes that look fit jil fed and Wear right Made of that is best by every test Correct in style Made by the finest shoe makers in the best equipped factory in existence 1 arc built on for and service built or satisfaction and lasting comfort BIggest values II you can over hope to for the money There is an style that will suit you and fit you Ask your shoe if he it write ua Look for forI I the Wayer Trade on the I will send us the dealer who doi Dot S SI I tayer Sheo we wili you free a hand handI I Come pIcture Wc also make Leading Lady Shoes Comfort Shoes Cushion Med School Shoes and Work Shoe u F BOOT S SHOE CO KEENES GLAD PEET I I NEW TREATMENT FOR Corns Bunions MONEY BACK COUPON ENCLOSED NO CURE NO PAY 4 READ THESE UNSOLICITED PRAISES Cortland St Atlanta Gal GaI cant find and where 1 In to ill my gratitude for or the tho results obtained from rom your our Corn Com Homed Being I a trained am on 05 ill my cot most mOtt or of the time limo De Be Detore Before tore fore using I tried numerous with no 3 at all In I fact my mr corns worse and I had just about made up lip m my mind to have hato my mv toes amputated regardless of oC for tho thi pain was unbearable o on without shoes on and ns as Il a last resort I gave gio a trial and the relief Is wortha hundred times the tho price Yours with witha a heart full or of gratitude ESTLLE ESTELLE ROWLAND I I hare ban had wonderful success In J I cannot speak too hIghly of My I wile V was troubled with Ith old I removing but after aCtor three tIn days I houses 8 which hind baffled the skill there n a sign We have havo I of two or doctors Ono One spec boomed In I wanted 20 MRS El E D ED E philmont I PERKINS Springfield Mass N Y Sheet 01 Plaster Tripe and box of Salve J e Size I I RUBBER GLOVES PER PAm PAIR PAmi i CARRS DRUG STORE SOLE AGENT COlt GRANT AVE AND AD ST STin in V I V Is an ordeal which all women Ii 0 ll m rw rl I G approach wilh ith dread for nothing compares to the rain pain m of childbirth The thought ri JI of the suffering in store for A Jl 01 HER her robs the expectant mother I of pleasant anticipatIOns t Thousands of women have found the use of Mothers Friend robs confinement of much pain and insures safety to life of mother and hild This liniment is a Godsend to women at the critical time Not does docs Mothers Friend Friand carr carry women safely through the perils of hut but it prepares 1 I he system for tI the coming tO r HIE j 1 j r relieves morning t J I and other dis p I geld by at I I Hook or A J rr rrt I D I 1 t I r REGULATOR r CO I fiance TONI GilT at Royal t Academy L hulL i 4 I t n v 1 4 ft I tte Q W L il V Y f 4 4 1 Women Will Vote V V V t says SS c JUSTICE DAVID j 0 BREVER V OF THE V UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT V VV VV VV V V i j jIN V B IN VV 1 l THE LADIES WORLD VI k for DECEMBER V C NOW s SALE 5 C Cit cc it s a Great Number 1 Yi Nice little pleasant gentle easy safe cafe and sure pills arc RIngs Liver Lher Pius Pills soothes pain In any emergency bruises cuts sores burns is best Sold lI by Ceo Geo F Cave Dru Drug Stores I V VI V V I I I I It 2 y I II 1 I I t I N I V No Chemicals for Anty Drudge tITS Mrs Anty Drudge Im sure you must uS V chemicals in your wash Ive boiled my clothe clother and rubbed them till my fingers are blistered by bu they look yellow beside yours IJ I use chemicals nor i boil them nor rub them hard I used aptha in lukewarm water took the dirt out of 1 my clothes while you were rubbing dirt into yours V That makes the difference I I What soap ill you use to V If you insist on weakening your clothes f I i iby them them out by by boiling wearing I drubbing putting up all the Z i inconveniences of hot h o t fi res r e s nauseous I steaming suds and yellow clothes it V matter which you use But Bu t if you want van t to do your washing I comfortably in cold or lukewarm water vater V without hard work and in half the time V then there is only one soap for V V i Ii that soap is aptha I 1 V The reason why v hy is i in the different t way vay I V aptha is made The results speak for the themselves selves Get fro m 1 V your grocer and try It But be e sure and V V I use it the wayno hot water vater Follow directions on the red and green V i i r V I 1 I V 1 I j jt t |