Show i I I I I I I I I I I I MAR ARNS NES ON MOVE United States to Compel Respect in Republic of 01 Nicaragua r Nov No 31 nt Taft Toft will luke lake up tip at the tho m of his L toda the problem that confronts the government Nicaragua As a result of the several conferences between the secretary of and his assistants In addition to I IIII I II Mr III lengthy call at the White WhiteHouse House Sunday ll nIght It Is expected there thero will be something definite to discuss In the way of a program or of action to ue be adopted Sn In handling the tho thoI government While It always has heon 1001 tho practice for fOI the admin to leave the handling of stick questions to the state department the lie gravity of the situation Inevitably will willI lead to Its consideration by the meni mem memI bors of Mr lr Tafts official family The matter has reached the stage whore where are aro beIng made to com coni respect for the United States and Its citizens on the ilie part o of the fiery for little Central American cipher messages were re rc from Henry Caldern Caldera rico Ico consul at Managua early earh thIs morning or from Crom the of the American war vessels now off of he Nicaraguan coast neither Secretary Knox nor Secretary Meyer Ie er will have havo much new data to offer the President Late last night It was denied at both lie state and navy departments that an any word vord had been received from Nic iCo aragua lit In the he meantime work worl Is h being rushed In preparing the Prairie at the League Loague Island nay navy yard ard Philadel Philadelphia phia to transport four hundred ma iiii vines now ilow at that ard to Panama The These e will reinforce the tho ma marinos on dut v In th the canal zone zono ani ania a reliable force force of trIed fighters ho be chose to Nicaragua In case I he United States decides that vigorous StOja are aro necessary Reports from the tho commander or of the theDos Dos Des In regard to 10 the tho effective effectiveness ness lIess of the lie blockade of the at Nicaragua lIn aol front from the commander o of the burg as to I the ho situation at aL Corinto were at the lie na navy department today were tr to tue tho thoI I state department ment without being made I public by br the tho navy nar officials i I Now New Orleans Nov No dispatch from Port Limon Costa RIca that lint passengers c gers arriving at al Punta Arenas report a great movement of troops In It Is saul Prudencio Alforo Is at atthe atthe the head hond of 1000 This Is Hald to olio ho ell armed armell armelli arid i iThe The arrival of Don 1111 Alonzo Ha Ba Barahona the c for the tho pres Idem C of oC Salvador Is momentarily expected anti and h ho will wIli join with Alfaro anti Figueron Us as ono of the chIefs Tue ho revolutionists aro said to be In o of 10 Viejo In It t San Jose paper It Is thin tha invasion of b by Nb Io nm precIpitate a general In Central AmerIca Follow Following In ing is the tho In Salvador If is IR beaten thi Ih troops of ane anh will march t through to a attack Zelaya elaI If Alfaro a r revolution In Iii will In be assured from Amen Ameri Americana Scie 6 of cana for service In the arin In un are being rN received I d by hI hIs to C on en sus an thi pro J In w I I I Nn IlP of f tIp Ih of lil it b I i I 1 I Ion Ion on pC et 11 ftC la ha hac c I I Most or of the applications are from the Gulf stat states |