Show too roo MUCH MONEY GOES OUT OF OGDEN One or of our local merchants a aJa alay Ja lay last week trow drow ts amount tv to lo to pa pay for goods shIp from Ne New York and other othor eastern This Js Is a reminder enid the mer merchant merchant chant that Ogden Is drained of oC Its cash to an U extent little dream dreamed ed by br tho This Is n a further reminder that Og Ob dpn should do nil all In Its power to toro ro luco that which Is consumed here The Tho stores send awn away for thousands Dr dollars worth of goods could ho bo In Olden Ogden There I Ott Bomb BOInO things which cannot bo be manufactured locally but the which cart call be successfully produced am ar man many and the tho for these ar total thousand of oC dollars I There should bo be IL a constant on the tho part Vart or of our men Inca or of mono money to hund up tho of oC thIs city with the Ull aim alm I in view lo of I I making Ogden 1 lace dop dependent nd nt on oa east ast em C J t I |