Show I CLOSING QUOTATIONS Of i WORLDS I WALL STREET DISTURBED BY STANDARD OIL DECISION I New York No Nov disturb alice ance In speculative sentiment lime to limo tho decision a against the Standard Oil In the suit caused causer a feverish and move mont In prices on the stock market markot opening today Vigorous mea measures caused great advances In a few stocks hut tho th majority or of issues were lower under free offerings g Losses ran In American Cotton Oil and mers iners to lo 1 12 and Amalgamated Cop pM and American Telephone 1 Amalgamated ted Copper rallied a 1 poInt Imme tile opening limit the gl general continued to bo bovery b very feverish t to hold hoM the tho market during lie lust first half hour on Read Reading in ing which was wag run up to lo a point over ocr Saturdays close Tho general list Hat responded on only and prices crumbled be before before fore 11 General Union Pacific and United States Stool from 2 12 3 Utah Cop Copper pc per 3 J Southern Pacific Chesapeake Ohio St SI Louis Southwestern stern pro pre erred forred and Colorado Fuel 2 and the tho generally 1 to 2 points There wore vore fractional rallies as the tho hour ex cx Thero Thera were numerous o of a point and upward Induced b by tIme UIO hu buy big which developed on tho break Reading was as lifted three points over Saturdays close and Consoli Consolidated Consolidated dated Gas 2 14 Utah Ulah Copper rallied a anti ancI Amalgamated Copper I 1 31 The tone was unsteady again at I noon I Bonds were weak won I I |