Show I 0 D E a eol 0 G 0 U APPETIZING WAYS OF SERVING WINTER FOOD one o i fl PREPARING AND DRESSING J P POULTRY UL TRY AND GAME liv th It J Seasonings Favored by Epicures lh Ji term poultry includes all J THE domestic birds used as food f J excepting pigeons and squabs which arc e cla classed sed as same samer ame amer r r The term game IS is applied to animals r and birds which are arc pursued and taken in field and forest orest such as quail part partridge partridge ridge wild duck deer etc In choosing poultry age ge is given the first consideratIon A young oung fowl has soft feet feeL smooth skin ikin and soft cartilage 1 1 at the end of the breastbone After the c jowl fowl is about a year old the cartilage i hardens into bone and the feet become hard and dry with coarse scaly cover covering covering I ing and strong spurs Pin feathers in indicate a young fowl hairs an older one Routine BoastIng Poultry J In n roasting poultry of every kind there are three very import nt points which must be carefully observed First al always always ways h have ve tile the Oven oen very hot at first then finish the cooking at a moderate temperature the intense heat sears scars tile the 3 surface and closes the pores so that the i nutritive juices arc all sealed scaled within Second never neer submerge in much water f or the water will vill draw drav out the juices for this reason the fowl should rest on ona a 1 rack in m the baking pan The rack smaller than the pm pan to admit the free use of the spoon in basting Third never stick a fork into the fleshy part of the fowl in turning as this makes an opening for the thc juices to escape f Chickens ducks and geese arc roasted in in the same way as turkeys the time required varying according to the age ge of fowl Spring chickens and ducks re require reI I quire about an hour When about a ai i year old from two to three hours A Agreen green goose which is is about four months old is choicest for roasting If about a year old the goose should be braised or steamed until almost tender allowing from two to three hours then browned in the oven basting frequently A Seasoning Fowl To season ducks and geese gees r rub b well ell n with salt sail pepper and ginger inger And out If liked they may also be rubbed before other seasoning is added the cut side of a clove of half an onion A clove of may mayl mayal l al o be added to the liquid ill the pan during roasting to flavor both meat and gravy grav Ducks and geese are arc sometimes W stuffed with sliced apples or several et onions and a head of celery but as such iI i tuffing is supposed to absorb the 12 nIl strong flavor of these owls fowls it is r not intended for serving Serve apple or gooseberry sauce with ducks and geese A rich apple stuffing much esteemed for both ducks and geese is made as follows Melt cupful butter or clarified poultry fat add one tea or more of finely minced onion cook one minute add heart hearl and I liver of the fowl finely chopped and cook stirring CO n I several min minutes mm nt utes then add a quart of sl sliced ced apples I Cover and cook until apples are arc soft oft ri Ihen add one cupful raisins one and a half cupful currants one cupful soft iC breadcrumbs cupful cupul ugar li one teaspoonful salt tea teaspoon teaspoonful poon ful cinnamon and teaspoon teaspoonful c Itil ful pepper Take from rom fire mix mix thor cool and add one b beaten aten egg Season more if needed according to taste Wild Duck Roast wild duck should be cleaned tL and trussed te same sam as domestic duck Rub with salt and pepper Before j roasting tie tic ver very thin slices of bacon k vcr cr the breast Bake in in a vcr very hot hoten aven en every five fie minutes with hi the he fat at in the pan The tune time required In hi cooking is from rom twenty minutes for jor eJ rue rare to fort forty minutes for birds Bread stuffing seasoned with sage Jage onion or both is used if tuffing is desired Small squares of fried mush li or r fried hominy garn garnished with currant a Icily are arc nice to serve sene with ducks Quails should be carefully drawn and cleaned After a thorough washing rub with salt and pepper Leave Leae whole for roasting and roast as other owl fowl allowing from fort forty min minutes nun tiles utes to an hour for cooking FIll with either bread oyster oster or peanut stuffing and serve sene on slices of toast moistened with the gra gravy in the pan Rice cro croquettes with currant jelly arc nice with quail Stuffing To make oyster oster season two cupfuls fresh bre breadcrumbs with salt and p pepper add cupful melted butter butler and oile oie cupful o oysters cleaned and from rom their liquor Or fill the birds with oysters dipped in in crumbs then in melted butter and again in crumbs allowing about three oysters to a bird To make peanut stuffing remove skin covering and finely chop sufficient roasted or salted peanuts to measure half a cupful add one cupful cracker crumbs salt pepper and cayenne to season two tablespoonfuls melted butter antI ami cupful rich cream A few drops onion juice may be added if l liked ked Quail Quail to be broiled or smothered should be split down the back then laid open To broil them rub with salt and pepper brush all over with melted butter Cuts of venison correspond to tho those e of mutton Roast leg of venison the same as leg of lamb Roast saddle of oC venison enison the same as saddle of mutton Venison Tenison steaks and cutlets are arc prepared as beefsteak Serve venison rare with currant jelly Sweat Swoot Potatoes and Pork ForI Boil peel and a sufficient of sweet potatoes and with butter and egg them cover the thic bottom of a deep dish then put on a layer laver of slices of fresh pork sprinkled with minced sage or marjoram Next another layer of oC mashed sweet potatoes then another of the pork and so on until the dish is full ull Finish with a layer of sweet potato and bake brown on the tIte surface A New Island For this delicious dessert have a round sponge cake or a pound cake that will weigh about one and pound Slice this down almost to the thc bottom bollom but do not take the slices apart Stand the cake upright in in the center of a glass bowl or a deep dish Sweeten and whip a pint of rich cream tinted green with the juice of spinach boiled strained and ami sweetened Whip to a stiff froths froth an another another other pint of sweet cream flavor to taste and pour around the cake md and pile over all the whipped cream Cream Pu Puffs II This formula which has been tested again and again makes two dozen cream puffs anI ancl if directions arc care carefully tully fully observed there can be no such thing as failure Mix together to a smooth consistency one cupful of sifted flour and one cupful of water then ad add cupful of butter butler Place over the tire and boil one minute stirring 5 i S r c i p t KIDNEYS AND PEAS and place in a broiler Broil about ten minutes over ocr a clear fire watching carefully to prevent burning and turning broiler so that all parts mt issay be equally equall brown done remove to a hot platter and serve sere on toast Birds being ver very apt to burn before the cooking is finished a better way per perhaps perhaps haps is to season and brush with butter as directed put into a dripping pan pail skin side up and bake about fifteen minutes in n a hot oven then if not sufficiently brown finish tIle the cooking in a broiler or under tinder the oven oen light ht in a gas ran range e eTo To smother quail season with salt and ancl pepper put into a dripping pan slin side up tp brush with ith melted butter Lutler dredge with flour add a little boiling water and put into a very hot oven After Ater aho about t ten minutes reduce the heM heat baste every five minutes until done which will re require require quire about fort orty minutes Turn as needed to brown all over ocr Serve on toast moistened with the liquid in the pan Potted Squab Squabs are arc procurable at any season o of the year and they may be roasted broiled or smothered as directed for quail Another favorite way ay is potted The birds arc left whole stuffed and then browned in a little butter turning as needed Then add a little water cover closel closely and simmer until done I done which will require about an hour thicken liquid pour over toast and I serve sene a bird on each cach slice constant constantly I Stand aside until perfectly cold then stir into the mixture one oneat oneat at a tulle time three eggs Drop ly hy large spoonfuls on a buttered pan palm leaving plenty of room between them for spreading Bake C minutes in a stead steady oven I If f the oven is is too hot the puffs will brown before the they have sufficiently risen When cold cut a round from the top of each puff fill with sweet sweetened ened whipped cream or a thick nicely flavored custard then replace the top toe TIle The may be kept for several days davs Ii if filled as needed One of my choicest recipes with which r I have hae surprised and pleased many friends is boneless birds Take pork tenderloins and have them that is cut in round slices Make a bread dressing as for poultry and placing a portion between two slices of the tenderloin hold them together with wooden toothpicks Season with salt and pepper fixing as many as are arc needed for or the family amily La Lay a piece o of salt pork over each side and nd bake a rich brown bron They will look very much like squabs and have hae the flavor of s game me After each is is served the toothpicks can be re rc removed moved This is is a n novel and pleasing dish Stuffed Onion These make a ious and substantial dish for luncheon Select large onions and slightly parboil then I remove time the heart of each onion and fill the vacancy with equal parts of moi moist t cited and chopped cold beef bed or chick n Season well and 1111 as full as possible Arrange in a bakin dish and jour stock over oer them cover time the dish and bake in 11 a mod modI I crate oven one hour I If f you lack stock place a piece of oC butter on Oil top of each onion and baste frequently with hot water When Madame ra ame of time the Twentieth Century wishes to serve novel at a company luncheon or breakfast she orders that something planked 1 It t mt be bc a steak or fish of oC some sort broilers chops or if time thc function be a Lenten one perhaps eggs will be used Time The hit hitter ter lend themselves to this timis method of cooking most niost graciously and they make a tempting appearance Somehow a planked dish breathes of time the wild life that brings muei near to Natures heart it speaks of a primitive I existence when game was killed and fish were caught not for pastime but to sup supply I ply lifes necessities and it is this very I pr primitiveness of the scorched board that satisfies desire for novelty with which to surprise her guests and appeal to their gustatory sense For there is something ver ery zest zestful ful if almost ludicrous in the appear appearance ance of the scorched plank so accentuated in in its contradistinction to lo lothe time the laid table aglitter with table furnishings An Indian Practice no to know positive positively ly I just where or by whom this method o of cooking was first practised it is gen crall ascribed to the Indians In an aim old hist history r of Virginia allusion is made to time the custom as followed hy by the thc ab aborigines aborigines origines Probably the hunter time the fish fisherman erman the camper living liing in time the wilder wilderness ness copied the method from Crom their In Indian hams dian guides and handed it t down domi from rom generation to generation until today it itis itis is recognized s the most notably per perfect method f r cooking fish and certain tairi tain cuts of meat Success Successive e generations of Southern colored always cooked their cornbread on a plank before the fire and it is reasonable to suppose they got time the idea front from time the red man A writer on things domes domestIC tIC a Virginian by birth has this to say anent her johnnycake There never neer was and there never will ill be this side of time the millennium such johnnycake as as old her dear white to bake in front of her open openwood wood fire She measured a generous quart of meal into her wooden tray arid and sifted with it a teaspoonful each of salt and soda Then she wet it with a cupful of buttermilk and one of sweet milk went ill in a tablespoonful of melted butter TIme The dough was rolled out half an inch thick and spread smoothly upon a sweet clean board which stood in the sun most of the time when it was not in use This was sas propped up tip in front of I time the red coals at such an angle that it got the glow of time the fire yet could not sl slide de i ofT off anti basted with buller cery other oilier min te until it was brown and crisp and I fragrant and amI fit for the gods Such a recipe a amid description makes one feel feci that hereafter her johnnycake shall shah be made after recipe and like hers baked on a board It is not alone time the entertainer to whom this ocl 01 o of cookery commends itself time thc housewife can Cin give to the daily steak or chop a most ing appearance hy by serving it plin ed it will ill be found far preferable to the thc broiled meats cooked in time thc gas as r range preserving to the full flavor and nutrition To lo possess a 1 perfect flavor broiled ought to be cooked over ocr a low clear fire of hard who in the cities these days burns wood aud gas broiled arc a poor substitute but butin butin in planking the thc housewife has an easy i method of oC cooking and that will g give e to meat time thc sweet flavor of meat cooked over ocr a wood fire Tho Plank I These planks arc to be bc found at all I stores at a very rca rea I I price They are arc made maele of hard hardI hardwood i I wood about aboul twO in thickness amid anel i to retain the juice or gravy they are arc 4 p R I fY C f w r r c c i z tt S fIO tj P 1 7 I d 1 r ol olA b A t J JAN h d f J s 1 y t t 11 1 r I l 6 t 1 J t H i I Ij j I rr fJ l L F Jd W I t tk SM AN APPETIZING WAY VAY oi OF SERVING BOILED TONGUE either grooved or slightly hollowed in inthe inthe the center tIme the latter being preferable They can he bought with clips or wires with which to fasten time the fish or steak otherwise tacks can be used Tile The plank be through h before the fish or meat is placed upon it and alid until it has been used three or four times it will have to be brushed with oil s 4 4 d 1 7 S SI 1 I 1 r t ATTRACTIVE MEAT AND VEGETABLE BALLS or melted hitter butter before using each time Of course it is needless to say time the food must lie served Oil on the plank which can rest on omi a large larg tra tray or platter To slip time the fish or steak to a serving dish or to hide time the edges of the plank by an aim ornamental silver hand band as advised by chefs is to destroy destro time the whole cachet o of time the dish An edible garnish that partly hides time the I edges o of the plank is in harmony and can be bc used with wilh fine effect Plinked cd Shad When one speaks o of planked fish tish shad immediately suggests itself as tIme the omme fish but white fish blue l sh PLANKED FOOD The Old Virginia Fashion of Cooking Beloved Beloyed by All Who Vho Know Inow It lake trout halibut or any large larg white fleshed fish are arc equally equall good For our demonstration lesson we will take a lake Scale and cut it open time the entire length down the middle with a very sharp Inife loo loosen en the backbone until you OU can take hold of It at time the nCIk a amid draw it omit ipe pc time the fish with a damp cloth and amid then pat it with a dry one brush it on both sides with th melted butter sea sOiling with pepper salt alt and lemon juice Set time the plank in time the oven until it is heated through then fasten tIme the fish to it skin side liP up with whim the clips or tacks Place time the plank on the upper tipper grate in in ina a very er hot arid and |