Show II STANDARD OIL DECISION IS Tho Standard Oil company compan or of Now Jersey th the parent of oC the mighty combination which almost controls the tho destiny of oC the tho American people and which La Follette has said Is powerful enough to rob the American AmerI n citizen or of his lIbert liberty has hag been declared an illegal combination and ordered dissolved Can It be pox pos sible After ACter all are the rights of the tho American people to be preserved by bythe bythe the courts anti ancl are arc the tho courts to provo prove In incorruptible In this struggle against the tho power of wealth The Tho final test will bo be before the tho court of OC last resort the tho court of the tho UnIted States The con conflict Is 15 of effect and most important The ho adverse Standard all decision in 1007 ron tiered b by J Landis is supposed to have brought on the tho panIc of that year which carried this country to the very 00 brink or of HUll Will the tho StAndard Oil once moro more touch the hl heartstrings of a helpless people and force torce the strongest down dOn dOnon on their kJ knees acs In supplication or will the great monopoly In n spirit or of ro re respect for the law accept the tho decree without thought or of Some Som da day this Issue must bo be fought out It not nol now then In the future and tho longer the contest Is deferred line ho more difficult bo the adjust mont meat ot of business to the requirement I I of oC the law which declares against combination or conspiracy in restraint I of trade |